一個本地動物權利組織準備與政府辯論怎樣處理無家可歸的牛隻。但政府繼續充耳不聞,不肯把這些牛搬遷,導致最近牛和人的衝突增加。The government continues to turn a deaf ear and refuses to relocate the animals, so there has been a rise in conflicts between cows and humans recently。較早時,輕鐵把天水圍兩條路線合併,聲稱這會容許公司更有效率地運用資源和人手。但民主黨指責該公司對區內居民的要求充耳不聞。
The party accused the corporation of turning a deaf ear to residents in the area。
Turn a deaf ear 是「充耳不聞」的意思。其他例子:He criticised the government for turning a deaf ear to public views 是「他批評政府對公眾人士的意見充耳不聞」,She turned a deaf ear to my request for money 是「我向她要錢,但她充耳不聞」。