
阻嚇 (Deterrent)

對於又有市民被不小心的司機倒後車輛時撞死,有立法會議員認為目前的法例及最近的個案顯示,危險駕駛引致他人死亡的懲罰只是一兩年的監禁,是沒有足夠的阻嚇力的。He said current legislation and recent cases where drivers received one to two years' jail for dangerous driving causing death were an insufficient deterrent。對於不雅刊物的懲罰,有議員認為目前的罰則缺乏阻嚇力。The current penalties lacked deterrent power。

Deterrent 是「阻嚇」的意思,它是形容詞,也是名詞。其他例子:They believe that capital punishment is a deterrent 是「他們相信死刑有阻嚇力」,Severe punishment is the only true deterrent 是「嚴厲的懲罰是唯一有效的阻嚇」,It is hoped that the longer prison sentences will act/serve as a deterrent to other possible criminals是「希望較長的徒刑能對其他可能的罪犯起阻嚇作用」。

