

對於一些銀行在過去四年半關閉超過二百間分行,立法會議員及社工指責銀行界逃避社會責任Legislators and social workers have accused the banking industry of shirking its community responsibility following the closure of more than 200 branches in the past 4.5 years。有關去年的歧視法案,有人認為政府想逃避責任,而不想維持一個公平和平等的社會The government would prefer to shirk its responsibilities rather than maintain a fair and equal society。

Shirk 是「逃避義務或責任」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:The president has said that the country will not shirk the use of military force, should it be necessary是「總統說如果必要的話,國家將不會避免使用武力」,We have our role to play, and we can't shirk our responsibility是「我們有我們要扮演的角色,我們不可逃避責任」,1880年 L. STEPHEN在Pope 126 記載This trick..was intended..to shirk responsibility。

