

電盈在出售部分股份後,主席李澤楷答應私人支付港幣13.8億元現金給小股東,以表示「對他們過去六年來支持電盈」的謝意PCCW chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai has promised to pay HK$1.38 billion privately in a special cash payment to minority shareholders as an expression of gratitude "for their support over the past six years" 。當最後十一名在世貿部長級會議衝突被捕的南韓人回國時,他們對在香港受到的熱烈歡迎表示謝意。The last 11 of the South Koreans rounded up in the wake of last month's WTO clashes have returned home to Seoul after expressing their gratitude for the warm welcome they received in Hong Kong。Gratitude 是「謝意、感激之情」的意思,它是名詞。其他例子:We must express my gratitude to the BBC是「我們必須向英國廣播公司表示謝意」,The committee expressed its gratitude for the contribution he had made是「委員會對他作出的貢獻表示謝意」。

