
大驚小怪 (Make a fuss)

北韓在數月前試射導彈,南韓批評日本的反應,認為日本沒有理由特別大驚小怪。South Korea's presidential Blue House has criticized Japan's response to the missile launch, saying there was "no reason to particularly make a fuss".

Make a fuss 是「大驚小怪、小題大作、吵鬧」的意思。例子:Stop making such a fuss 是「不要大驚小怪」,It's all a fuss over nothing 是「完全是不必要的小題大作」,I don't know why everybody makes such a fuss about a few mosquitoes是「我不知道為甚麼大家對幾隻蚊子這樣小題大作」,She made a big fuss about not having a window seat on the plane是「由於她沒有被安排坐在飛機的窗口位置,她大吵大鬧一番」。

注意:Kick up a fuss 也是「吵鬧一番」的意思。例如:She kicked up a fuss because the soup was too hot 是「因為湯太熱,她吵鬧一番」。

