日前,醫務委員會指醫療保險公司與醫生簽訂的合約危害病人權益,該公司說合約內容設計的目的是在保持公平的同時,維持醫生間的協調。The design of the package is not focusing on individual entitlement but to maintain harmony amongst doctor groups while keeping fairness。書展上,特首向30名小朋友說了一個故事,描繪社會和家庭和諧的重要性。 Tsang told the children that while it was a simple story, it depicted the importance of social and family harmony。Harmony 是「和諧、協調」之意,屬名詞,其他例子:We must
ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment是「我們必須確保旅遊業與環境發展協調」。
它的形容詞是Harmonious,例如:國家主席說The party meeting will focus on building a "Harmonious country" 是「黨大會將會集中建立一個 "和諧的國家"」。