
獨立自主 (Autonomy)

較早前,最高法院判決醫務委員會不准醫生賣廣告違反基本法。由於律政司決定不會為醫務委員會提出上訴,代表醫療衛生界的議員計劃提出動議辯論,檢討醫務委員會的結構,以確保專業獨立自主。A lawmaker representing the medical sector plans to initiate a motion debate in the Legislative Council to review the structure of the Medical Council to ensure professional autonomy。

Autonomy 是「獨立自主」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:Some parents see autonomy in their youngsters as a threat 是「一些父母把年輕子女的獨立自主看作是一種威脅」,Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area 是「每一個地區經理在管理本區時,享有很大的獨立自主權」。New regulations have severely restricted the autonomy of doctors 是「新規例嚴重限制了醫生的獨立自主」。

