有讀者問「馬後炮」的英文是甚麼?我們知道 「馬後炮」 是 「後見之明、事後想來」的意思,與報章上的 Hindsight相似。例子:In hindsight, it would have been better to wait是「事後想來,等待一下會更好」,With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to say it was the wrong decision是「現在說它當時是錯誤的決定是不難的,這全是事後聰明」,With hindsight, I should have gone there 是「事後想來,我本來應該去那裡」,At the time it seemed like the best thing to do, but with hindsight I guess we should have done it differently是「在當時的情況下,那似乎是最好的方法,但事後想來,我們該換一種方法來做」。它的相反詞
是Foresight,即「先見之明」:He had the foresight to invest his money carefully是「他有先見之明,懂得謹慎投資」。