上星期四,天文台一直懸掛三號風球,台長說他們必須遵守既定的規則和制度,但懸掛八號風球的準則將在年底前檢討,He said, however, that the criteria for raising a No 8 signal - the likelihood of sustained wind speeds of 63 to 117 km/h in Victoria Harbour - would be reviewed by the end of the year。他說該準則不是不可以變更的,The criteria are not sacred。Criteria 是「準則、標準」的意思,它是複數名詞。其他例子:They had to meet three criteria是「他們需要符合三個準則」,What criteria do you use to judge a good school? 是「你用甚麼標準判斷學校的好壞?」,What are the criteria for deciding who win the prize?是「決定誰得獎的標準是甚麼?」。
注意:它的單數是 Criterion,例如:By this criterion, very few people are suitable是「根據這準則,適合的人甚少」。