日前,北韓再次試射導彈,聯合國可能投票草擬新的決議案對付北韓,威脅加以製裁The UN Security Council may vote on a new draft of a resolution against North Korea that retains the threat of sanctions。有關政府建議的公平競爭法,有專業人士說政府不宜操之過急,並說新加坡花了五年時間,才可以對違反公平競爭法有罪的公司施加刑事製裁Singapore took five years to impose criminal sanctions for those guilty of breaking its competition law。
Sanctions是「製裁」的意思,它是名詞。其他例子:Economic/trade sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops是「只有當侵略國撤出它的部隊,經濟/貿易製裁才會撤銷」, He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions 是「他表示反對撤銷製裁」,「戴卓爾夫人不肯對南非施加製裁」是 Margaret Thatcher refused to impose sanctions against South Africa。