有讀者問「過分」的英文是甚麼?我們知道「過分」是 Go beyond the normal or proper limits 的意思。在日常生活,說一個人說或做得過分,簡單的英文是 Go too far 。例如「非法入境者漠視香港法紀,實在過分」 They have gone too far。 They disregarded the law and discipline in Hong Kong。「不要太過分」是 Don't go too far。
其他例子:I think your rudeness went too far 是「我認為你粗魯得過分」,I am afraid you have gone too far是「我恐怕你太過分了」,Sometimes you go too far and say hurtful things是「有時候你做得過分,而且說一些傷人的話」,「他的惡作劇總是太過分」是His practical jokes always go too far。注意:「過火」是 Cross a boundary/line或Carry something too far,例如:「你那個玩笑過火了」是You are carrying that joke too far。