

根據報章報道,新的天星碼頭已經建成,天星小輪女發言人說在新碼頭啟用時,將會有宣傳計劃吸引乘客,但她不肯詳細說明,只說詳情很快公佈。A Star Ferry spokeswoman said there would be promotional packages to attract passengers when the new pier went into operation. But she declined to elaborate, saying details would be announced soon。日前,李嘉誠說將會把三分一的財富捐給慈善基金,但他沒有詳述最終的數目。Mr. Li did not elaborate on the final amount of money he would commit to the Li Ka Shing foundation he has set up for charity。Elaborate是「詳述、詳細說明」之意,屬動詞,其他例子:She said she was
resigning but refused to elaborate是「她說將會辭職,但不肯詳細說明」,Please elaborate your proposal 是「請詳述你的建議」,The reporters asked him to elaborate on his statement是「記者請他詳述他的聲明」。

