有讀者問「用粗口罵人」的英文是甚麼?我們知道「粗口」即「粗言穢語,粗話,髒話」,亦即 Swear words, rude words。「咒罵」的簡單說法是 Swear。例如:When the taxi driver began to swear at her, she walked away 是「的士司機開始咒罵她時,她走開了」。
咒罵人的粗話如果涉及性或身體某部分,那是 Foul language,例如:He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday 是「在上星期天的比賽,他因為說粗話被逐離場」,Why are so many films full of foul language these days? 是「如今怎麼會有這麼多的電影充滿髒話?」
注意: He has a foul mouth 是「他滿口粗話」,Two noisy foul-mouthed women were shouting 是「兩個滿口粗言穢語的女人叫嚷起來」。而 Four-letter words 是涉及性和排泄物的下流話。