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Did a large catfish ( 鯰魚) attack ateenager in a German lake? Did aschool of piranha (水虎魚) devour (吞沒) a busload of passengers thatcrashed in an Amazonian river? Overthe ages, yarns (奇談) have been spunthat fish have actually preyed on man.These legends have found their wayinto literature, tales, folklore and nowtelevision. In River Monsters, biologistand extreme angler ( 垂釣者) JeremyWade travels across the world tosolve these freshwater mysteries anddebunk ( 揭穿) myths. Follow Jeremyin his face-to-face encounters withmysterious flesh-eating predators,gargantuan ( 龐大的) fish and otherriver monsters.River Monsters Every Sunday at 10pm, starting Feb 21