

最近,有團體指責九巴雖然去年賺錢超過四億元,但對外判工人薪金低微的苦況視若無睹。KMB, which earned well over HK$400 million last year, has chosen to turn a blind eye to the plight of its outsourced cleaners。過去十年,香港家庭暴力、婦女貧窮和歧視婦女的情況仍然顯著,有團體說政府對婦女的苦況關懷不足。Over the past 10 years, domestic violence, poverty among women and discrimination towards women in Hong Kong have still been notable. The government has not cared enough about the plight of women。

Plight 是「苦況、困境」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:The plight of the poor/homeless/unemployed是「窮人/無家可歸的人/失業的人的困境」,I was in a dreadful plight - I had lost all my money是「我身陷困境 - 我丟掉了所有錢」,The five-day week will make their plight even worse是「五天工作周將會令他們的苦況變差」。

