大家也許記得,天文台台長堅持,不懸掛八號風球的決定是正確和公正的,The Observatory director insisted that the decision not to raise typhoon signal No. 8 was "correct and impartial"。前副廣播處長在離任前,表達了對香港電台在前景不明朗中,以公平、公開和公正的態度處理敏感政治問題的能力憂慮。The former deputy director of RTHK has expressed concern about the ability of the public broadcaster to handle
sensitive political issues in a fair, open and impartial manner amid the uncertainty about its future。
Impartial 是「公正、不偏不倚」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:Judges must be impartial是「法官必須公正」,Impartial news coverage is quite hard to find 是「不偏不倚的新聞報道是很難見到的」。它的名詞是Impartiality,例如:It must ensure that due impartiality is preserved in its news programmes 是「它必須確保新聞節目維持適當的公正」。