

陳太參加「七一」遊行,有人說她是想競選下一屆行政長官。但她在遊行前夕強調不想用遊行來測試民望,She stressed she did not aim to hijack the July 1 protest with her appearance or use it to test her popularity。她說不想借遊行來提高民望或把曾蔭權置於不利的位置, I am not in this to boost my popularity or put Donald in a bad light。英國首相貝里雅也首次失去民望Blair loses popularity stake for the first time。Popularity是「聲望、民望」」的意思。

它的形容詞是 Popular ,即「受歡迎」,例如:He is less popular than his main rival for the first time in 12 years是「他的民望十二年來第一次比主要對手低」,We would only back the most popular candidate with a platform most acceptable to the sector是「我們只會支持政綱最為業界接受和最受歡迎的候選人」。

