Donald Tsang Yamkuen proclaimed that a high life expectancy proved Hong Kong had a healthy environment — but his remarks immediately drew criticism。可持續發展委員會副主席說,如果政府不採取任何行動改善空氣質素,香港人的預期壽命將會下降。Life expectancy would drop if nothing was done to address air quality。香港大學的教授說,預期壽命高是由於職業、收入和高本地生產總值所致。High life expectancy was attributable to
employment, income and high GDP。
Life expectancy 是「預期壽命、平均壽命」的意思。其他例子:Women have a longer life expectancy than men 是「女人的預期壽命比男人長」,Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century 是「歐洲的人均預期壽命在20世紀有了很大的提高」。