
一巴掌 (Slap)


我們知道「一巴掌」即「一記耳光」,例子:She gave her son a quick slap for behaving badly 是「她因為兒子行為惡劣而猛地給了他一巴掌」,The mother slapped her son for pulling her daughter's hair 是「她因為兒子拉女兒的頭髮而打他一巴掌」。

此外,A slap in the face 很常用。例如:當北韓宣布試射核彈,對那些參與六方會談希望防止核試的亞太區和世界強國是一記耳光。The announcement... was a slap in the face for major regional and world powers engaged in six-party talks intended to prevent just such a test。It was a real slap in the face for him when she refused to go out to dinner with him 是「她拒絕和他出外吃晚飯,真是對他的一記耳光」,The news comes as a slap in the face 是「那消息來得猶如一記耳光」。

