
團結 (Solidarity)

較早時,在東南亞國家聯盟的高峰會議上,菲律賓總統阿羅若夫人說,會議除了討論經濟和保安問題,也有助東南亞地區國家結合在一起,並在遇到危機時加強團結。It helps bind the region together and strengthens solidarity in times of crisis。為了顯示團結,六個環保團體聯合反對中電選擇在大鴉洲興建天然氣接收站。In a show of solidarity , six groups - WWF, Green Power, Conservancy Association, Green Lantau Association, Living Islands Movement and Friends of the Earth - jointly opposed the choice of the South Soko site。

Solidarity 是「團結」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:There is a need to create solidarity among the CEO's top economic advisers 是「有需要使行政總裁的高級經濟顧問團結一致」,Students want to march tomorrow to show solidarity with their teachers 是「學生想在明天遊行,以顯示他們與老師團結一致」。

