特首曾蔭權不願通過立法製定最低工資,並且堅決認為自願工資保障運動仍是現階段最佳的選擇。But Donald Tsang Yam-kuen is adamant that a voluntary wage protection campaign remains the best option at this stage。日本首相安倍晉三最近對國會說,日本的非核子政策原則不會改變。擁有核武不是日本的選擇,日本沒有打算改變這政策。“We have no intention of changing our policy that possessing nuclear weapons is not our option, ” Abe told Japan's parliament 。
Option 是「選擇」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:You will have to leave; you have no option 是「你必須離開,別無選擇餘地」,I haven't much option in the matter 是「在這事情上,我無可選擇」,We've discussed all the marketing options and decided to go for television advertising 是「我們討論了所有市場推廣的選擇,並決定在電視上賣廣告」。