
削弱 (Undermine)

國際貨幣基金會警告,香港和珠三角地區空氣質素太差,不但是地區問題,而且是全球關注的問題,它將會削弱香港的競爭力。The poor air quality in Hong Kong and around the Pearl River Delta is not only a regional problem, but a global concern that could undermine the SAR's competitiveness。對於有團體說劉千石議員
的出席和投票率偏低,他說不介意別人的批評。他有信心這不會損害他數十年來對草根階層的貢獻。He was confident this would not undermine his decades-long contributions to grassroots society。

Undermine 是「削弱、損害」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:Public confidence in the government had now been completely undermined 是「公眾對政府的信心已完全喪失」,Criticism undermines their confidence 是「批評削弱了他們的自信心」,A fall in interest rates might undermine sterling 是「利率的降低可能會削弱英鎊」。

