對於出售剩餘的居屋單位,政府官員說居屋大廈一般而言維修良好,不應構成任何安全威脅。Generally speaking, HOS buildings are well-maintained, and should not pose any safety threat。較早時,當內地進口雞蛋被驗出有蘇丹紅後,根據這些雞蛋所含的致癌化學物質的水平,正常食用不應構成任何顯著的健康風險。Based on the reported levels of the cancer-causing chemical found in mainland eggs, normal consumption of eggs should not pose any significant health risk。
Pose 是「構成」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:It would not pose any direct competition to Hong Kong 是「它不會對香港構成任何直接競爭」,His ill health poses serious problems for the future 是「他的身體健康欠佳,對他將來構成嚴重問題」,The increase in student numbers poses many problems for the universities 是「學生人數的增加對各間大學構成很多問題」。