
反對者 (Opponent)

調查顯示,銷售稅一半的反對者接受提高最高薪俸稅的稅率,以作為擴闊稅基的替代措施。Half of the opponents of the controversial goods and services tax (GST) would accept an increase in the top salaries tax rate as an alternative measure to broaden the tax base。一些反對者也接受增加其他稅項,例如引入累進利
得稅、提高利得稅和資產增值稅。Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises, such as the introduction of progressive profits tax, increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax。

Opponent 是「反對者、對手」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:He is a leading opponent of the budget cuts 是 「他是削減財政預算的主要反對者」,He is facing a much more experienced opponent in tomorrow's match 是「他在明天的比賽將會面對一個更富經驗的對手」,She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform 是「她是稅務改革一個最強的反對者」。

