幾個月來,內地孕婦湧入香港公立醫院生孩子,對前線醫護人員造成了很沉重的壓力。The influx of mainland women had put a heavy burden on frontline staff。
香港母嬰健康院的前線人員也由於內地孕婦大量湧進,而受到愈來愈大的壓力。Frontline staff at maternity and child health centres are under mounting pressure from theinflux of mainland pregnant women。
Influx 是「湧入、大量湧進」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:Curbing the influx of pregnant mainland women into Hong Kong will be high on the agenda when Chief Executive meets tops officials during his duty visit to Beijing是「特首前往北京與高層官員會晤述職時,遏止內地孕婦湧入香港將會是重要的議題」,We expecta great influx of tourists into the city in summer months 是「我們預期大批遊客在夏天月份湧入那個城市」,An influx of hot money 是「熱錢大量湧進」。