
going away for CNY

Chinese New Year, the mostimportant traditional festival in Chineseculture, is only a little more than a weekaway. Every year, I would prepare thereunion dinner ( 團年飯) with mymother. And after the dinner, we wouldalways have the glutinous rice balls (ortangyuan, 湯圓), which symbolisereunion and togetherness. During theholidays, we would make rounds ofnew-year visits and enjoy my all-timefavourite-turnip pudding (蘿蔔糕).

Both fortunately and unfortunately,this year I will not able to spend theholidays with my beloved family, as Iwill be visiting Japan with my secondfamily-bma. I am invited to supportour very own Hong Kong football teamat the East Asian Football Championship( 東亞足球錦標賽) in Japan. I amprepared to scream my heart out in thestadium to support our team andhopefully they will be able to establishyet another record after their victoriouswin at the East Asian Games last year.

Though I won't be here with my familythis Chinese New Year, my heart will bewith them. I'm sure the Year of the Tigerwill be another memorable year and willbring many precious moments that I'lltreasure for a lifetime. Apart from cheeringfor the Hong Kong team, I am also hoping tovisit the temples there since I've heardmany of them have long histories. I wouldlike to be able to visit and send my blessingsto my lovely friends and family from Japan.Of course, there is one other thing that ison my to-do list-shopping!

