特首在宣布施政報告前夕,說將會再確認維持一個小政府的承諾,強調政府支出只佔本港生產總值16.4%。The chief executive will also reaffirm the administration's commitment to keep government small,stressing that government spending accounted for only 16.4 per cent of the city's gross domestic product。一些體育教練精英要求政府增加對培訓精英運動員的承諾,以備戰即將來臨的主要比賽。Hong Kong's top sports coaches have appealed for an increased commitment in tomorrow's policy address to the training of elite athletes to prepare them for forthcoming major events。
Commitment 是「承諾」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:He has repeated his commitment to holding elections as soon as possible 是「他重申了對盡快舉行選舉的承諾」。它也可解作「約定、應承的事情」。例如:I couldn't go to the meeting because I had other commitments 是「我沒法去開會,因為我另有約定的事情」。