
倡議 (Initiative)

特首的施政報告有很多倡議,一些措施主要與汽車有關,以改善空氣質素。政府也可能會設立基金,培養電影業年輕的人才。Other policy address initiatives include measures, mainly relating to vehicles, to improve air quality, and the potential establishment of a fund to groom young talent in the film industry。其他倡議包括啟德在2012年將有郵輪碼頭,設立幼兒教育基金及改善家庭支援。These initiatives are to include
projects such as cruise terminal at Kai Tak by 2012, setting up a fund for early childhood education and improved family support。
Initiative 是「倡議」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides 是「雙方都歡迎這項和平倡議」。注意:Have initiative 是「有主動性、進取心」的意思。例如:If you show that you have initiative, you will sooner or later be promoted 是「如果表明你有進取心,你遲早會晉升」。

