特首剛發表的施政報告的主題「務實進取、以民為本」是:Proactive, Pragmatic and Always People First。目前的任期只剩下八個月,他決心集中以務實方法辦事。 With just eight months to go of his current term, Mr. Tsang said he had decided to focus on what he could achieve in a pragmatic way。民建聯主席認為施政報告務實,但有所不足。Ma Lik, Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, said the policy address was pragmatic, but inadequate。
Pragmatic 是「務實、講求實效」的意思,其他例子:We need someone who is pragmatic rather than ideological是「我們需要講求實效而非講求思想意識的人」。它的名詞是 Pragmatism,例如:Pragmatism was a central theme of Mr. Tsang's address. He focused on down-to-earth measures to deal with specific problems 是「務實是曾蔭權施政報告的中心主題,他集中在實際措施來處理具體問題」。