
棘手 (Thorny)

較早前,有法官建議設立性罪犯登記冊,但這做法引起很棘手的問題。英文報章的標題是 "Sex-offender register raises thorny issues"。中國繼續向貪污問題作戰,內地傳媒極為重視,他們報道的內容集中於政府認為最難處理的問題。China's ongoing battle against corruption has loomed large in mainland media reports this
summer. Coverage has focused on what the government says is the struggle's most thorny problem。

Thorny 是「棘手、難處理」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:Now we come to the thorny question of cost 是「我們現在要處理棘手的成本問題」,It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem 是「我們必須對付這個難處理的問題」。日本新任首相獲邀訪問中國,分析家說:"Abe's Beijing trip unlikely to result in solution to thorny issues" 是「安倍北京之行不大可能導致棘手的問題的解決」。

