特首在施政報告提出替換舊的商用柴油車,並向購買環保汽車的人提供減稅優惠,但他說短期內明顯的進展仍然不大可能。Environment officials have said the initiatives would result in double-digit improvements to pollutant levels, but Mr. Tsang said significant progress remained unlikely in the near term。關於過去兩個月來發生倒車意外導致有人死亡,有官員說這些意外只佔所有意外的1.2%,而且上升不明顯。Such accidents represented only about 1.2 percent of all traffic accidents and the rise was not significant。Significant 是「明顯、顯著」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:The sales department has made a significant contribution to the company's performance this year 是「今年營業部對公司的業績有顯著的
貢獻」,The increase in enrolment this year is significant 是「今年學生報讀的人數顯著增加」,There is a significant decrease in crime 是「罪案顯著減少」。