
坦率 (Outspoken)

對於自己不再獲委任為醫院管理局成員,坦率的立法會醫學界議員郭家麒說,大概是政府最高層的首長決定醫管局成員的人選。Outspoken medical sector legislator Kwok Ka-ki said it was probably the“top person at the highest level of the government”who decided the selection of Hospital Authority board members。

前俄羅斯間諜特維年科的太太相信英國政府會查明丈夫死亡的真相。她說丈夫以為作為一個敢言地抨擊俄羅斯的評論家,他在英國會很安全。She said her husband thought he would be safe in England as an outspoken critic of Moscow。

Outspoken 是「坦率、敢言」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:He is an outspoken critic of the education reforms 是「他是個坦率抨擊教育改革的評論家」,She's so outspoken that she's hurt the feelings of all her friends 是「她太坦率了,以致傷害了所有朋友的感情」。

