對於警方拘捕五名涉嫌襲擊何俊仁的兇徒,民主黨副主席說如果襲擊的主謀仍然逍遙法外,該案尚未了結。But the Democratic Party vice-chairman said the case was far from settled if the mastermind was still at large。何俊仁認為,說該調查將會導致襲擊者成功被定罪,以及主謀成功被捕和定罪,時間未免太早。But it is too early to say that the investigation will lead to a successful conviction of the attackers and the arrest and conviction of the mastermind。
Mastermind 是「主謀、幕後策劃者」的意思。其他例子:The mastermind of the robbery was a Frenchman 是「該搶劫案的主謀是個法國人」。它也是動詞,是「策劃」的意思,例如:The police refused to say if any of the five was suspected of masterminding the August 20th attack 是「警方不肯透露該五人中,是否有人被懷疑策劃八月二十日的襲擊」。