
回佣 (Kickback)

上星期,廉政公署人員拘捕多名地產經紀。消息人士透露,它是一宗十分複雜的案件,涉及一些地產交易和非法回佣。It's a very complicated case that involves some property transactions and illegal kickbacks。根據中原地產創辦人施永青所言,行內有幾種收回佣方法。According to Shih, who founded Centaline, there are several ways of taking kickbacks。地產建設商會會長說,商會有禁止回佣的指引。Real Estate Developers'
Association chairman Stanley Ho Hung-sun said association guidelines do not permit payments of kickbacks。

Kickback 是「回佣、回扣」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:For arranging the contract, he got a kickback of $30,000 是「他因為促成這個合同而得到三萬元的回佣」,The organization was accused of trying to get big client orders by using kickbacks, gifts and free holidays 是「那機構被控試圖使用回扣、送禮和免費假期 ,獲取大宗客戶訂單」。

