
出賣 (Betray)

對於北京最高人民法院駁回《海峽時報》記者程翔的上訴,他重申沒有作出任何出賣人民對他的信任和信心的事。Ching reiterated recently he had not done anything that had betrayed the trust and faith that people had placed in him。

據報道,某專業進修學院的兼讀中醫課程學生在苦讀5年後,被政府禁止參加執業資格考試,那些學生感到被政府出賣了。Students of the institute's part-time Chinese medicine course feel betrayed by the government after being banned from taking their qualification exam。Betray 是「出賣」的意思。

它是動詞,其他例子:She had betrayed her parents' trust 是「她出賣了父母對她的信任」,For years they betrayed Britain's secrets to Russia 是「幾年來,他們把英國的秘密出賣給俄羅斯」,She realized that one of her friends had betrayed her是「她知道一個朋友已經把她出賣了」。

