
死硬派 (Diehard)

有關公眾地方禁止吸煙的法例,政府官員說即使三大政黨的議員支持禁煙,但由於有一些死硬派反對者,政府對於是否繼續推行一直遲疑不決。Even though the ban could have gone through with support from the legislators of three major political parties, officials have been hesitant about pushing ahead because of a few die-hard opponents。負責執行禁煙的前線人員已經要求警方協助他們,應付頑固的吸煙人士的暴力行為。Frontlines officers responsible for enforcing the smoking ban have asked for police assistance to help them prepare for possible violence from diehard smokers。

Diehard 是「死硬派、頑固分子」的意思。其他例子:He would not join the union, he's a real diehard 是「他不會參加工會,他是個真正死硬分子」,With the exception of a few diehards, the committee welcomed the proposals for reform 是「除了幾個死硬分子,委員會很歡迎那些改革的建議」。

