
Connected transactions 名鑄買家有異象 關連交易要釐清

THE MASTERPIECE was built by New World Development (NWD) in cooperation with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). When itsflats were first offered to the public late last August,their per-square-foot price reached one record high after the other. All eyes were on it then. However, ourinvestigative reporters have discovered that, of the 200 and more Masterpiece flats that have been sold, sevenare linked to NWD managing director Henry Cheng orhis uncles, cousins or children. Judging from what wehave gathered, they may have been involved inconnected transactions. However, according to whathas so far been made public, those people have yet todisclose those transactions. In our view, NWD, Henry Cheng and the others should make clarifications.Moreover, HKEx should find out what has happenedand follow the case up to ensure that the market is fair.

In replying to our enquiries, NWD group director -corporate affairs Kwan Chuk-fai said Adrian Cheng(Henry Cheng's eldest son and an NWD executive director) was bullish about the property market in HongKong and particularly fond of the Masterpiece. He saidAdrian Cheng was a connected person when hepurchased the flat in question but it was not necessaryto disclose the transaction because no listing rules hadbeen violated. As for Henry Cheng, Brian Cheng(Henry Cheng's second son and an executive directorof NWS Holdings Ltd, an NMD company) and Sonia Cheng (Henry Cheng's daughter and an executive director of New World China, an NMD company), Mr Kwan said the flats in question had been purchased not by any of them but by some companies.

NWD has a 78% stake in the Masterpiece, andHenry Cheng, Brian Cheng and Sonia Cheng hold high positions in the group. They have bought the flats inquestion through some off-shore companies. Do the transactions between them and the seller of those flatscount as connected transactions? In our view, HKEx ought to clarify this in the light of its listing rules. MrKwan's argument sounds strained to us. Were his argument correct, a director or important official of alisted company could evade the rule that connectedtransactions must be disclosed simply by having anagent act on his behalf. HKEx must urgently clarify this issue.

Furthermore, the URA has laid it down that no URA employee or any member of his family may buy any flats in any of its developments without itsmanaging director's prior written consent. Does the URA require its partners to put in place similar mechanisms to ensure that citizens have equalchances of acquiring flats in redevelopments? TheURA has failed to give a clear answer to this question.

In our view, the URA, being a partner in theMasterpiece project, ought to examine how its flatshave been sold to see if any breaches of contract havebeen committed. It needs to do so especially becauseit has said it has not found Henry Cheng's or his son'sname in the records in respect of the first batch ofMasterpiece flats put onto the market. NMD has atleast confirmed that Adrian Cheng has taken aMasterpiece flat. Therefore, the URA should makepublic a more detailed account to satisfy citizens thatthe sales were fairly effected.

A citizen's home is the biggest and most importantinvestment he makes in his life. The government has aduty to protect citizens' interests by ensuring thatmarket participants have equal chances. There havelong been problems with property sales in Hong Kong.So far the government have left it to developers topolice themselves. However, it is clear from the manyproblems that it is unrealistic to expect them tomaintain a level playing field. We believe it is time thegovernment considered regulating property sales bystatute with a view to protecting citizens' interests.

名鑄買家有異象 關連交易要釐清


發展商新世界發展與市建局合作興建的「名鑄」,去年8 月底開售之時,呎價迭創新高,全城矚目,本報進行偵查報道,深入追查部分「名鑄」買家,發現已售出的200 多個單位之中,有7 個單位涉及新世界發展董事總經理鄭家純、其叔父、堂兄弟和子女等多位人士。就本報所掌握資料,此事有涉及關連交易之嫌,但是迄今所見公開資料,相關人等並未披露有關交易。我們認為,新世界發展和鄭家純等人應該澄清,港交所亦要了解和跟進此事,以確保市場的公平。







make (somebody) certain (that something istrue or has been done).

level playing field

a situation in which everyone has the sameopportunities.

statute /'statju:t/

written law passed by a legislative body.

