
幹擾 (Tamper with)

上星期,食物及環境衛生署署長說有二百個誘蚊產卵器曾經被人幹擾。Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Eddy Chan Yuk-tak said yesterday that 200 of the 2000 ovitraps placed this month had been tampered with。他說受幹擾的誘蚊產卵器將會更換,並會考慮重新設計,以防止將來再受幹擾。Mr. Chan said traps that had been interfered with would be replaced and the department would consider redesigning the devices to prevent future tampering。

Tamper with 是「幹擾、改動、翻動」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:You should not tamper with electric wiring 是「你不要幹擾電線」,Someone tampered with the register 是「有人改動了登記冊」,He claimed that his briefcase had been tampered with on the flight 是「他聲稱有人在飛行途中翻動過他的公事包」。其他經常可能被人幹擾的東西有「咪錶、電腦及證據」。例如: Don't tamper with the meter/computer/evidence。

