
線報 (Tip-off)

有關一宗的士撞死人不顧而去的案件,警方說有線報導致新界北交通部的人員拘捕疑犯。Police said a tip-off led officers from the New Territories North traffic unit to the suspect's arrest。通風報信的人發現疑犯嚮一間車房購買新車牌後嚮警方告密。The tip-off came from a caller who alerted police on Saturday after discovering that the suspect had bought a new number plate from a garage。
Tip-off 是「線報」的意思,是名詞,其他例子:Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug smugglers 是「警方根據線報拘捕了毒品走私者」。分開的 Tip off 是動詞,是「通風報信」的意思。例如:Someone tipped off the police about the robbery 是「有人嚮警方通風報信說有搶劫發生」,The burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped 是「竊賊得到把風者的通風報信逃跑了」。注意:Lookout 即「睇水」。

