

政府推出輸入優才計劃,優先考慮那些三十多歲可能進一步發展事業的專業人士,並說他們不會妨礙本地的就業市場。The scheme's preference would be professionals in their 30s with the potential to further develop their career, adding they would not interfere with the local job market。中國準備與梵蒂岡對話,但梵蒂岡須同意中斷與台灣的關係,並且聲明不會利用宗教來干涉中國的內部事務。But any such dialogue must be based on the Vatican agreeing to break off its relations with Taiwan and declare that it will not use
religion to interfere in the country's internal affairs。

Interfere 是「妨礙、干涉」的意思。其他例子:Mum says I can get a job if it doesn't interfere with my homework是「母親說如果不妨礙家課我可以找工作」,Under the Constitution, government cannot interfere in the private lives of citizens是「根據憲法,政府不可干預市民的私人生活」。

