
dog 的習語

魯效陽(english@mingpao.com)Have you any questions about Englishusage? Don't hesitate to send them to us!

讀者Ben 來電郵問,It's the fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight 作何解?

(1) It's the fight in the dog, not thedog in the fight 相當於:One's mental state is far moreimportant than one's technicalabilities.



(2) 上句由古老英文諺語「It's notthe dog in the fight, it's the fightin the dog」演化出來。

(3) 讀者必定知道不少含dog 的諺語、成語、習語等,現介紹一些「冷門」例子:

‧handsome dog 美男子

‧underdog 處於劣勢的一方

‧a dog's age 很長時間

‧dog it 蛇王、偷懶

‧dog out 穿戴入時

‧put on the dog 大擺闊氣

‧until the last dog dies 直至最後

‧teach the dog to bark 純屬多餘

‧two dogs over one boneseldom agree 大利當前難同心

‧the dogs bark, but the caravangoes on 我行我素,人言何干

