

地下鐵路宣佈,雖然東涌線乘客量較低,但是公司將應居民要求,增強該線的服務。The MTR Corporation will boost services on the Tung Chung line following demands from residents, despite the relatively low number of passengers using the route。政府說,由於本地人和遊客購物,促使電子產品及百貨公司貨品銷量增加。七月份的零售增長反彈了7.1%,較預期為佳。Retail sales growth rebounded by a better-than-expected
7.1 per cent in July as local and tourist shopping helped boost sales of electronics products and department store goods, the government said。

Boost是「增強、增加」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:They want the government to take action to boost the economy是「他們想政府採取行動增強經濟」,We need a big win to boost our confidence 是「我們需要大勝去增強信心」,The change of management has boosted our morale是「管理層的改變增強了我們的士氣」。

