
Carrie Lam's offer 由林鄭月娥自薦統籌舊樓安全說起

NOT long ago a residential building collapsedin Ma Tau Wai Road. Yesterday, at anadjournment debate on the tragedy and oldbuilding safety, Secretary for Development Carrie Lamsaid building dilapidation had become a socialproblem. She said people who lived in dilapidatedbuildings belonged to the most underprivileged group,and the problem would not ease unless governmentpeople worked with one heart and one mind. Sherevealed that, in the evening of the day that saw thetragedy, she told the Chief Executive (CE) in an emailthe responsibility rested with her as an accountabilitysecretary and the Development Bureau was preparedto shoulder the task of coordinating government effortsto ensure building safety. It seems clear that CarrieLam suggested to Donald Tsang that she offered to beentrusted with the task.

When Carrie Lam talked about old buildings at thedebate, she was once choked with sobs. She is knownin officialdom for her abilities. When it comes to work,she never picks and chooses or shuns difficulties.

Three years ago, she went alone to Queen's Pier tohave a debate with those who were against itsdemolition. She displayed such boldness that peoplelooked at her with new eyes. Perhaps the way shebehaved in the legislative chamber in the past twodays demonstrates the gallant woman's tendersensibility.

We have yet to see the Tsang administrationopenly respond to Carrie Lam's offer. As it takes manybureaus' and departments' efforts to deal with theproblem comprehensively, to accept her offer would beto pursue a new policy. Furthermore, the implantationof such a policy calls for an interdepartmentalmechanism.

There are large stretches of old buildings in olddistricts like Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan, Hung Hom,Tai Kok Tsui and Sham Shui Po. Many of them are toodilapidated to be habitable. They should be torn downas soon as possible. Unless drastic measures aretaken, the long-standing, big, difficult problem willworsen with each passing day.

The self-preservation philosophy is now prevalentin officialdom. Some officials always remindthemselves that one makes many mistakes if one doesmuch, few if little, and none if nothing. Officials wholike Carrie Lam would offer to do more work orextremely difficult work are, one may say, as rare asphoenix feathers and unicorn horns. The Tsangadministration has yet to declare where it stands onher offer. It remains to be seen whether she will begiven the task. However, Carrie Lam must be preparedfor one eventuality. When she tackles the problem ofbuilding dilapidation, she will realise it is not just aboutkeeping old buildings in good repair, and it has muchto do with the most deep-rooted of Hong Kong'sdeep-rooted contradictions - poverty.

Divided title is only one factor in buildingdilapidation. The main factor is that old buildingresidents are poor. Would one live in constant fear ifone could afford better housing? According to CarrieLam, her email to the CE says, "I would like to sharethe following idea with you. The collapse of the buildinghas brought to the fore not only ill repair but also anextremely serious social problem. In buildings that arein worst repair live people that are mostunderprivileged. They need the SAR government'sattention more than any other group." The day thetragedy happened, Donald Tsang went to the scene.

That night he visited some of the victims. Is it true thatthose actions fully evidence his concern for old buildingsafety? Let us see how he will respond to the offerCarrie Lam, who has the people's sufferings at heart,has made.




她發言講到舊樓安全問題時,一度哽咽。林鄭月娥在官場以辦事能力高強著稱,對於工作不挑精剔肥,不會避難畏難,3 年前,她單槍匹馬到皇后碼頭與反對搬遷碼頭的人辯論,其膽識過人之處,使人刮目相看。這位女中豪傑兩日來在立法會的表現,或許顯示她感性柔情的一面。






gallant /'gal ?nt/brave, especially in a very difficult situation.

habitable /'habIteb(?)l/suitable for people to live in.


To stand on something is to have a particularattitude towards or opinion about it.

