

很多時,我們會遇到「適用」這個詞。例如有銀行說新利率只在貸款的首兩年適用,稍高的利率將會其後適用。The new rate would be effective for the first two years of the loan, after which a slightly higher rate would apply。有關兩鐵合併,民建聯要求長程票價減15%,並且建議九鐵月票同樣適用於地鐵。The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong called for 15 percent fare cuts on longer rides, and proposed that monthly KCR passes apply to the MTR as well。Apply是「適用」之意,例子:The discount no longer applies to him because he is over eighteen是「因為他年滿18歲,所以折扣不適用」
,Those were old regulations - they don't apply any more是「那些都是舊規則—現在已經不適用了」。它的形容詞是Applicable。例如:The law is applicable to everyone是「這法律適用於每一個人」。

