
印象 (Impression)

有報章報道說,整容的目的是希望爭取別人非常重要的第一印象。These are the areas for that all-important first impression - the place where people first look and where a lovers' eyes gaze。一些銀行推行七天服務,有評論員認為公眾可能得到錯誤的印象,以為銀行是為了顧客的最佳利益著想,但原來銀行在週末提供的,大部分是財富管理和財務策劃服務。He said the public may have been given a false impression that the banks were acting in their customers' best interests by extending services seven days a week。

Impression 是「印象」的意思。它是名詞,例子:I don't want anybody to get any wrong impression是「我不希望任何人得到錯誤的印象」。它的動詞是 Impress,是「留下深刻印象」的意思。例如:I was greatly impressed by the singer 是「那位歌手給我留下了深刻的印象」。

