
耗盡 (Drain)

關於開徵銷售稅,財爺說如果政府未能取得一個穩定的收入來源,在下一次經濟衰退時香港龐大的儲備可能會耗盡。The city's huge reserves could be drained when the next recession comes if the government cannot secure a stable source of income。在立法會會議上,特首說不想看到非技術工人的工資低過社會福利金。這不但不公正,而且會把納稅人的錢耗盡。Not only would this be unjust, it will also drain off taxpayers' money through the social security mechanism."。

Drain 是「耗盡、花光」的意思。其他例子:The company has drained its cash reserves是「公司已耗盡現金儲備」。它用來形容人時是「筋疲力盡」的意思。例如:Working such long hours had drained him是「長時間的工作令他筋疲力盡」。These children drain my energy 是「這些孩子把我的精力都耗盡了」。

