
Loopholes in PCM registration system

SOME Po Chai Pills which Li Chung ShingTong (an old business in Hong Kong) has soldin the SAR have been found to contain acarcinogenic pharmaceutical. The company ordered aproduct recall last January in Hong Kong withoutinforming the Department of Health of it. That is veryserious indeed. The health authorities must look intothe affair and have offenders punished. "Testing andcertification services" and "medical services" areregarded as industries where Hong Kong hasadvantages. The "registered in Hong Kong" label isregarded as a guarantee of quality. Many mainlanderswould come here solely to buy proprietary Chinese medicines (PCMs) made in Hog Kong. However, suchproducts are monitored far more loosely than Westerndrugs. Furthermore, the government has yet tointroduce a sound PCM registration system. If thegovernment cannot improve the testing and certification of such products, how can Hong Kong begin to talk about developing industries where it hasadvantages?

On March 25, Li Chung Shing Tong insisted atnoon that Po Chai Pills that contained harmfulpharmaceuticals had not been distributed in HongKong. It did not tell the truth until the Department ofHealth gave the lie to its statement a few hours later.It has clearly tried to keep the public in the dark. Thecentury-old firm has long had Hong Kong people'strust. However, when it found some Po Chai Pills to betainted, it recalled them without informing the public. Ithas tried to safeguard its own interests at the expenseof public health. Such a move is utterly unconscionable.

The affair has aroused concern over Hong Kong'sPCM registration system. The Po Chai Pill is awell-known PCM made in Hong Kong, where manyhad sworn by it. However, there is in fact a bigloophole in Hong Kong's PCM registration system. Forexample, Li Chung Shing Tong does not meet GMP(good manufacturing practice) standards. Furthermore,the Department of Health has yet to introduce a soundPCM registration system under which all such productsavailable in the territory must be tested for theirefficacy and safety.

The registration requirements of PCMs are verydifferent from those of Western drugs. Under thelegislation in force, a "notice of confirmation oftransitional registration" may be issued in respect of aPCM on sale in Hong Kong before March 1999 if theapplicant provides basic information for safeguardingpublic health and commercial documents. The system isfar less strict that than that pertaining to Western drugs.

The incident involving the pharmaceuticalcompany has aroused public concern mainly becausethe quality monitoring system has long been the prideof Hong Kong. Not only Hong Kong citizens but alsovisitors are convinced that the "registered in HongKong" label on a PCM is a guarantee of its goodquality. The government has vowed to develop sixindustries where Hong Kong has advantages. Amongthem are "testing and certification services" and"medical services". It can thus be seen that "qualityguarantee" is the lifeblood of Hong Kong's economy.

The Po Chai Pill affair has served as a warning tothe SAR government. It has given it to understand thatit must strictly punish pharmaceutical companies forbreaking the rules, safeguard the reputation of theHong Kong brand and hasten to put in place a soundPCM registration system. Unless it does so, peoplemay think there are no rules governing themanufacturing and sale of PCMs in Hong Kong, andour dream of developing the six industries where HongKong has advantages will fall through.



香港老字號李眾勝堂在本港銷售的「保濟丸」,不單含可能致癌並禁用的西藥,更在今年1 月私下回收並隱瞞衛生署,事態嚴重,香港衛生當局在查明事件後必須懲處違規者。檢測和認證、醫療服務都被視為香港的優勢產業, 「香港註冊」被視為優質的保證,不少內地遊客到港就是要搜購香港的成藥,然而,香港對中成藥的規管遠較西藥寬鬆,完善的中成藥註冊制度仍未落實。如果政府無法加強中成藥的品質驗證,優勢產業又從何談起?

李眾勝堂3 月25 日中午堅稱含有害西藥的藥丸沒有在香港出售,但數小時後被衛生署踢爆,才改口承認,明顯是刻意欺騙公眾,企圖瞞天過海。一家百年老店,備受香港人信賴,但是發現藥丸出事後只顧私下回收,沒有即時通知公眾;只顧自身利益,置公眾的健康於不顧,令企業的良知蕩然無存。


中成藥的註冊與西藥有極大分別,根據現行法規,1999 年3 月前已在本港銷售的中成藥,只要提交基本保障公共衛生資料和商業文件,便可獲發「過渡性註冊通知書」,監管遠不如西藥般嚴謹。

一家藥廠出事,為何會引起公眾的關注,主因就是香港的品質監察制度一直是港人的驕傲。不單是港人,就連內地遊客也堅信, 「香港註冊」就是成藥的「品質保證」。特區政府早亦已表明要發展六大優勢產業,其中兩項正正是「檢測和認證」和「醫療服務」,由此可見, 「品質保證」實在是香港經濟的命脈。

這次保濟丸出事,正好給予香港政府一個警號,提醒政府必須嚴懲違規藥商,捍衛香港品牌的聲譽,也應盡快推行完善的註冊中成藥制度。否則,一旦香港被冠上「中成藥原來無王管」的標籤, 「優勢產業」這個美夢勢將付諸流水。


give the lie toIf you give the lie to something, you show thatit is not true.swearIf you swear by something, you are certain thatit is good or useful.fall through not happen or not be completed.


dog and pony show

陳姓讀者來電郵說,他遇到一則習語「a dog and pony show / act」,上網查了解釋,但始終未能以適當中文解之。他附上網上所作的說明:

Dog and pony show was a colloquial term used in the United States in thelate-19th and early-20th centuries to refer to small travelling circuses thattoured through small towns and rural areas. The name derives from thetypical use of performing dogs and ponies as the main attractions of theevents.

The term has come to mean an elaborately staged performance,presentation, or event designed to sway or convince people.

(1) 陳君所下載的說明, 相信摘自Wikipedia 英文網,自然沒有「以適當中文解之」。Wikipedia 是有名的網上百科,包羅萬有、搜檢快捷,但詞條多半由網民自行撰寫、增補、編輯,難以盡善盡美。

(2) 相比之下,一些由學者編纂的辭書就可靠得多。

(3) 這也是筆者授課時,一再要求學生多使用優質字典的原因,儘管有人認為筆者落伍。

(4) 關於dog and pony show / act 的中文,茲舉一例句解釋之:Bring them in here and do a dogand pony act.

把他們帶進來,讓他們開開眼界。( New Dictionary of AmericanSlang)

unsolved mysteries

Holding his breath, Morrie sticks his ear to thedoor of the principal's room. The fact that Uncle Tai,Mr Tang and Samuel are all there intrigues him. Whyare they there? Are they conspiring to steal the goldshield?

Morrie hears only murmurs through the door.Samuel suddenly sobs and Uncle Tai tries tocomfort him. However, their conversation is so faintMorrie can hardly hear anything. Could it be that theyare relatives and one of them needs money? Could itbe that one of them is the chief and the others arehis accomplices? Could Uncle Tai, who is so niceto students, be the bad guy?

Seeing Morrie leaning against the door, UncleRichard grabs him by the collar.

Richard: Hey, boy, what're you doing here?Morrie: I was just... em... I've found the gold shield.Richard: Ah-ha! Very good! I bet you've handed itover to Mrs Chiu. So it's time you left.Morrie: But... Uncle Richard...Richard: Be sensible!

Life is full of unsolved mysteries. You are mostlikely to encounter them when you are a teenwhenyou begin to face the world without yourparents' guidance, when you don't quite understandhow it works. Then, you are like a baby who peepsthrough the window at a beautiful garden, having noidea there are bees (which have stings) and thornyplants in it.

Rumours are flying about in the school becauseUncle Tai, Mr Tang and Samuel all have to go.However, none quite knows what has happened.Some say some influential people of the school havepressured Mrs Chiu into expelling them. Others saythey have stolen the gold shield.

Years later, Morrie will only remembers whatUncle Richard has told him today.

"Humans often harm themselves by thinking toomuch or talking too much. So, be simple, boy."The Gold Shield, 4 of 4 (End)


sob (v) 嗚咽、啜泣l

ean (v)倚、靠accomplice (n) 共犯、同謀

thorny (adj) 多刺的

Gobble Grammar: Gerund and infinitive (3)

Some verbs take both gerunds and infinitives. However,there are indeed subtle differences in meaning between thetwo forms. The following are some examples.

1. Forget and remember

+ gerund: the gerund refers to an action that happenedearlier

‧ I will never forget playing at Disneyland.

(I played there some time ago.)

‧ She remembers doing the dishes before she left.

(She did the dishes and remembers it now.)+ infinitive: the infinitive refers to an action that happensnow or in the future

‧ Remember to buy her a present.(Make sure you will buy her a present later.)‧ Don't forget to prepare the cake.

2. Stop

+ gerund: to finish an action‧ I stop doing homework.

+ infinitive: to interrupt an action to dosomething else

‧ I stopped to do homework.(I might have been playing avideo game or a ball game but Istopped it so that I could do myhomework.)

3. Mean

+ gerund: to express theconsequence of anaction

‧ If you choose not to revise forthe test, that means failing it.

+ infinitive: to express a plan or anintention

‧ I didn't mean to make you cry.

門當戶對marry with one's match

Marry with one's match is an old proverb from England that nolonger has the significance it once had. Years ago it was a cautionto people to marry within their class. That's where they wouldfind their match.

"That doesn't mean anything to us," Sylvester and Sylviagrinned ( 咧齒而笑). "We are well-suited for each other and weare in love. The idea of marrying with one's match has neveroccurred to us," Sylvia said.

Voluntary class reduction

THE Education Bureau (EDB) has introduced a"voluntary scheme of optimising classstructure", ostensibly to facilitate theimplementation of the new senior secondary curriculum.However, everybody knows the purpose of introducingthe scheme is to save secondary schools that havedifficulty filling their classrooms from being "killed".Whether the scheme will prove effective depends onwhether the about 400 government and aidedsecondary schools in the SAR would be cooperative.

The EDB has already decided that, in the nextacademic year, the size of secondary one classesshould be 34 rather than 36. It has now launched thevoluntary class structure optimisation scheme. Onemay say it has gone to extraordinary lengths to preventteachers from becoming redundant by keeping schoolsafloat. If all government and aided secondary schoolsin the SAR work in concert, political problems ofclosing schools and making teachers redundant willdisappear. However, it is unlikely that all secondaryschools will join the scheme. At least the 250 that eachhave no fewer than five secondary one classes in thecurrent academic year would be reluctant to do so.Having no lack of applications for their secondary oneplaces, they need not cut classes.

If such a school, having regard to the generalinterest, joins the scheme and has four instead of fivesecondary one classes, people may think it has hadenrolment problems. We do not think many schoolswould relish being so labelled. Furthermore, parentswould raise objections. Those whose children attendthe school would not want it to be so labelled, andthose who want their children to go to the school wouldnot want it to admit fewer secondary one students. It isunrealistic to expect the 250 schools to be eager to jointhe scheme.

Government statistics show the number of

secondary one students will continue to fall. Between2013 and 2019, on average 50,000 students will applyfor secondary one places each year. The number willnot return to the 2009 level until 2020. In the 2009-10school year, 36 schools have barely crossed thethreshold. Now they each have only three secondaryone classes. Seven of them are in Tuen Mun, six inSha Tin, and five in eastern Hong Kong Island. Ifthings remain very much as they are, some schools inthe so-called "severely afflicted areas" cannot avoidbeing "killed" for lack of students.

The 250 secondary schools that have no lack ofapplications for their secondary one places are unlikelyto have fewer secondary one classes. Some othersmay join the voluntary scheme. However, their effortswould be to the problem what a cup of water is to ablazing cartload of faggots. They are unlikely to makethings very different. The 150 schools that havedifficulty filling their classrooms may not be able evento fend for themselves. Unless such a school mergeswith another or become a school with special features,it will remain hard for it to fill its classrooms. If this isthe case and the EDB would not "kill" a school unless itis absolutely necessary to do so, the Hong KongProfessional Teachers' Union's "district small class"proposal will be one of the few practicable options. Ithas proposed that the EDB allow schools in "severelyafflicted areas" such as Sha Tin and Tai Po to havesmall-class teaching without having more classroomsor hiring more teachers. Only if the EDB does so can itavoid closing any schools in those districts.


教育局宣布在中學推行「自願優化班級結構」計劃,以協助順利推行新高中學制為藉口,但是任誰都知道,計劃目的在紓緩一些中學面臨收生不足的殺校壓力。不過,這項措施之成效,視乎全港約400 所官津中學是否願意通力合作。

教育局既已把下學年中一每班人數由36 減至34,又推行「自願優化班級結構」計劃,其紓緩殺校壓力,要盡量保住學校以免出現超額教師,可說用心良苦。若全港約400 所官津中學同一步調,屆時殺校、超額教師等政治問題自然消失。但是全港中學都參與較難出現,起碼在本學年已開辦最少5 班中一的250 所學校,它們生源不缺,客觀上毋須縮班。

另外,就算有學校想從大局出發,但是若實行「5 減1」,會給外界以為收生困難,所起標籤效應,相信並無太多學校肯面對。還有是家長對於名校縮班,肯定大有意見,已有子女在校的,為避免標籤效應影響,與欲子女躋身名校窄門的家長,都會反對名校縮班。因此,寄望那250 所學校踴躍縮班,不切實際。

據政府所掌握數據,未來數年,中一生源將會持續減少,2013 至2019 年間,每年平均只有5 萬多人升中學,到2020 年才會回升至09 年水平。而2009/10 學年中一開班數目顯示,全港有36 所中學面臨收生「開班線」危機,僅開3 班中一。其中,屯門區有7 所中學僅開3 班中一,其次沙田和港島東區,分別有6 所和5 所中學開3 班中一。若事態無改變,則下學年在所謂「重災區」,因為收生不足而出現殺校的情况,將無可避免。

250 所生源不虞或缺的學校,縮班可能較低,就算有少數學校自願縮班,基本上也是杯水車薪,難以改變大局,而本來就收生困難的約150 所學校,本身自顧不暇,除非他們之間願意合併或改辦特色學校等方向性轉變,否則無法扭轉招生困局,這樣的話,若教育局的底線是盡量不殺校,則教協提出在沙田和大埔等「重災區」推行「區域性中學小班教學」,讓學校毋須增加教師和課室情况下,推行小班教學,就是所餘不多的選擇。因為這樣才可以紓緩殺校壓力。


ostensibly /'stensIblI/If a person does something ostensibly for apurpose, that may not be his real purpose.


If people work in concert, they work together.fend /fend/

To fend for oneself is to take care of oneselfwithout help from anyone else.'


I could use a drink

Have you any questions about English usage?Don't hesitate to send them to us!

讀者Angela 來電郵問,a pair of shoes 之後,用is 抑或are?

(1) 現代文法學者認為應該用is,例如:This pair of shoes is too small.這對鞋太小。

(2) 若之後並非to be,也要用動詞單數,例如:

A pair of glasses costs a lot these days.現在一副眼鏡所費不菲。

(3) 但是,pair of 之後的名詞,其後再用代名詞來表示,則該代名詞常用眾數,例如:She went to the wardrobe, chose a pairof shoes and put them on.


讀者Yvonne 來電郵表示,她早前看電影和讀書,見到以下幾句英文:

I could use a drink、I could use a beer、/ Icould use a vacation

她問,句中的use 是什麼意思?又,可用can 代替could 嗎? 疲倦時,可說I could usea nap 嗎?

(a) One could use (something) 是英文常用的表達方式,指one needs or would like tohave something very much。

(b) 以上句式多用could。

(c) 你可以說I could use a nap。

(d) 但本地學生測驗或考試時,不宜使用上述句式。

Speaking British

Speaking with a British accent, peoplewould shoot me strange glances as theycan't figure out where I'm from or why inthe world a Chinese would have a Britishaccent. Those who meet me in Englandare often shocked when I inform themthat I've actually lived in Hong Kong allmy life, and am indeed from Hong Kong.

The fact is that I haven't always hadthis accent, neither do I know when I'veadopted it, but I can't imagine not callingsomeone "darling", "darl", "lovely",amongst all sorts of amorous ( 熱情的)words that show my affection for friends(and at times, strangers). What elsewould I call a loo ( 洗手間)? Pants areunderwear, not trousers; chips are fries,not crisps; quid is money; tomato ispronounced to-mah-to, not to-may-to,etc. The very core of the English language,despite common mockery, is proudly used.

An excessive addition of fabulous,rather and marvellous, emphasises ouremotion for a particular event or object(sometimes sarcastically).

Talking about the weather is indeed anicebreaker and fills numerous awkwardsilences. The general pattern goes assuch: " (With a slight expression ofsurprise)Oh it's [raining/ sunny/ snowing/cold/ warm, etc]. Isn't it a [insert words ofdelight or aversion] day?"

Perhaps more commonly said thanhello, sorry is another essential Britishquality. In Watching the English by KateFox, the author deliberately walked intopasser-bys on a busy street, more oftenthan not and quite amusingly, they wouldapologise instead-truly depicting thehumble yet reserved (含蓄的) British nature.

These subtle English behaviours haveinfiltrated ( 滲透) my way of speech, andhas slowly continued to shape my character.

After all, experiencing the marvellousEnglish weather would make you moreinclined to talk about it than expected.

Officials should think more

YESTERDAY, because Hong Kong wasaffected by a sandstorm from Mongolia, theair pollution index (API) went off the chart -exceeded 500 - in many places in the territory for thefirst time since 1999, when the index was introduced.

That affected citizens' life. There is nothing man can doabout dusty weather or weather changes. However,prompt precautions may lessen their effects. The factthat Hong Kong suddenly encountered dusty weatheryesterday shows Hong Kong Observatory operates aninadequate early warning system and the EnvironmentalProtection Department (EPD) lacks foresight. Bothmust improve their systems and practices.

At 2340 hours the day before yesterday, the EPDforecasted the API would reach the "very high" leveland peak at 110 yesterday (March 22). However, twohours later (at 0150 hours yesterday), a spokespersonfor the EPD issued through the Information ServicesDepartment a statement that said, "As the sandstormfrom Northern China is moving southward with thenortheast monsoon and is now affecting Hong Kong,the API is expected to reach the 'very high' level or'severe' level today (March 22) and the API reading willpossibly record 180 or above." Why did the EPD'sforecast of the sandstorm's effects on Hong Kongchange such a great deal in two hours? That is worthfinding out.

It was almost 0200 hours when the EPD releasedits new forecast. Then, most citizens had gone to bed,many newspapers had gone to press, and electronicmedia organisations were most scantily manned. TheEPD's press release naturally aroused little attention.

The following morning, when people got up and wentto work or school, the EPD did not warn them aboutthe dusty weather as Hong Kong Observatory doesabout typhoons. Citizens could not have the latestinformation on air quality, still less take suitableprecautions.

On the mainland, the central and local authoritiesissued early warnings of the sandstorm's probableeffects long ago. However, in the SAR, not until thesmall hours yesterday did Hong Kong Observatory orthe EPD issue a warning. One may say they weretardy in reacting to the situation. If the authorities hadpromptly issued a warning, people who are chronicallyill or sensitive to air pollution would have felt a bit morecomfortable because they could have avoided tiringthemselves or going outdoors.

The sandstorm has affected Taiwan as well asHong Kong. The monsoon has brought little sand butcarried large quantities of suspended particulates tothe south. Therefore, citizens found Hong Kong wasparticularly dusty yesterday. A grey haze hung overdowntown areas, where people moved and breathedamid suspended particulates. In Taipei, the municipalgovernment had watering cars sprinkle water toprevent suspended particulates from flying about insome streets. The Taipei authorities have actually triedto work for the people instead of indulging in big talk.We think that is worth Hong Kong's emulation.

Natural processes are inexorable. However, ifofficials (who are supposed to serve the public) thinkmore, think ahead or take a step further instead ofpassively and perfunctorily reacting to situations, theeffects they may have on citizens can be minimised.Weather is beyond control, but it is possible tominimise the harm bad weather may cause. That is areason why society needs a government.




本港受來自蒙古颳起的沙塵暴影響,昨日大多數地區空氣污染指數「爆標」,超過500 500,這是指數由,1999 年創立以來的首次,市民起居作息受到一定影響。風雲變幻,沙塵天氣,人類難以抵禦,但若及早準備,則可以將影響減輕;昨天的沙塵天氣突襲香港,充分曝露我們的天文台預警不足,環保官員後知後覺,必須改進原有的制度和做法。

直到前晚深夜11 時40 分,環保署預測昨日( 22 日)空氣污染指數最高為110 110,水平屬甚高;但是兩個鐘頭,之後,即昨日凌晨11 時50 分,環保署發言人透過新聞處發稿,表示「近日華北出現的沙塵天氣,正隨東北季候風南移,並正影響本港,預料今日( 22 日)的空氣污染指數將升至甚高或嚴重水平,空氣污染指數可能達180或以上」。這兩個鐘頭之內,當局預測沙塵天氣對港的影響,相差如此大,箇中有什麼原因,值得探究。

另外,當局接近凌晨22 時公布最新預測,這個時刻,絕大多數市民都在睡夢中,許多報紙亦已截稿,電子傳媒人手在這些時段也最薄弱,這樣一則消息,自難引起注意。而環保署昨晨在市民起牀上學、上班之時,並無如天文台的風暴預報一樣,適時跟進,提醒市民,使市民無從得知空氣質素最新情况,遑論適當對應。





tardy //''ta:d dII//slow to act.

particulates /pa: pa:''ttIIkj kj ll ts/ ts/matter in the form of particles.

perfunctorily /p ''fftrllII//in a perfunctory way. Perfunctory means "donewithout real interest, attention or feeling".


Risk and profit sharing

THOUGH there is no satisfactory mechanismfor protecting minority owners' interests, thegovernment has by means of a division votebulldozed the 80% threshold for compulsory salethrough the Legislative Council. The new rule takeseffect on April 1. Why it is unfair to minority owners tolower the threshold is obvious. As it has done nothingto make things fairer, the government should look atthe issue when it reviews its urban renewal strategy.

The compulsory sale mechanism is denouncedmainly because (1) compulsory auctions may turn outto be compulsory acquisitions rather than genuineauctions and (2) when a developer applies for an orderto sell a flat, its owner is virtually in litigation with thedeveloper, but there is such a disparity in strengthbetween them that justice is rarely seen to be done.

The government says minority owners' interestsare protected because it is the Lands Tribunal thatoperates the mechanism. However, cases have arisenthat show justice is not manifest when minority ownersfight against developers. If it believes the compulsorysale mechanism is essential for encouragingdevelopers to carry out redevelopment projects, thegovernment ought to see that public agencies maysuitably step in when the Lands Tribunal considers adeveloper's application for an order to sell. Forexample, such agencies may provide a minority ownerwith professional assistance in respect of the existinguse value and the redevelopment value of the flat inquestion if he has not the means to retain anybarristers, surveyors or architects.

If a developer wants to buy a person's flat forredevelopment, it is natural for him to demand the bestpossible price. The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) isoften in dispute with flat owners though there is astatutory provision that requires it to pay the owner of aflat enough money to buy a seven-year flat of thesame size in the same district. When a developeracquires properties for redevelopment, price hagglingmay be even fiercer. A crumbling flat in an old buildingmay indeed have a very low existing use value.

Nevertheless, it may be valuable because it may be ina location where flats fetch very high prices. Such a flathas a high redevelopment value. Minority owners placeemphasis on redevelopment potential. It is natural forthem to want to share profits with developers.

There is no denying that developers are exposedto risk when they invest money to redevelop oldbuildings. However, we believe it will help reducedispute and speed up urban renewal for developers tooffer minority owners options that would balance theirrespective interests. The following are some examples.Option one: A minority owner receives from adeveloper one-off compensation and agrees that thedeveloper will hear no more from him.

Option two: This is a "risk and profit sharing"option. A minority owner gets part of his compensationfirst from a developer and receives after the completionof the redevelopment project the remainder, which isdependent on the profit from the project.

Option three: the "flat for flat" and "shop for shop"offer.

This principle applies also to URA redevelopmentprojects. As the URA is supposed to be a non-profitbody, it should all the more uphold the "risk and profitsharing" principle. If it does so, it can carry outredevelopment projects more efficiently, urban renewalwill have a breakthrough, and wealth can be storedamong the people. It may be operationally complicatedto offer minority owners various compensation options.However, the government should seek improvementsalong these lines if it would speed up urban renewalwithout detriment to social harmony for it to do so.





在未有完善機制保障小業主權益的情况下,政府利用立法會分組點票的操作,使降低強拍門檻至八成得以強渡關山,下月1 日實施。降低強拍門檻對小業主不公平之處,顯而易見,由於這次並無任何措施使事態朝公平合理方向發展,政府在檢討市區重建策略之際,應該一併檢視有關情况。


政府認為強拍機制有土地審裁處把關,就可以保障小業主利益,但是從上述情况看來,法律的公正性在小業主與發展商角力時,根本不能體現出來。因此,政府若認為強拍是推動發展商參與重建的要件,就應該設立機制,讓公權力在審裁處階段作適度介入,例如就現用值(existing use value) 及重建值(redevelopmentvalue)等估計方面,給無能力聘請大律師和測量師、建築師的小業主,提供專業協助。

關於市區重建,小業主盡量叫高賠償價,乃人之常情,市建局有賠償當區7 年樓齡的準則,尚且與小業主爭拗不絕;發展商收樓重建,一方叫價,一方壓價,爭議必然更多。若單以現用值而言,一些舊樓「溶溶爛爛」,確實不值太多錢,若加上重建值,則一些舊樓所坐落地區,升值潛力甚高,情况不一樣了。小業主着眼於發展潛力。小業主欲與發展商分利,也屬人之常情。




方案3: 「以樓換樓」和「以舖換舖」。

上述原則,也可以適用於市建局的重建項目。市建局重建,一向標榜不牟利,這樣的話, 「風險分擔利益分享」更有推行基礎,若市建局採納,加強了重建效率,不但為市區重建打開一個新局面,還可以起到藏富於民的邊際效果。收樓賠償增加不同選擇,操作起來會較繁複,但是若能加快推動重建,又無損社會和諧,則政府應該朝這方向思考改善。


denounce /dI'na ʊns/criticise severely.


If you retain a lawyer, you pay him moneyregularly or in advance so that he will work foryou.

without detriment tonot resulting in harm or damage to.


Echoes of the Rainbow

by Venny Lai, Language instructor,English Language Centre, the HK Polytechnic University

Echoes of the Rainbow (《歲月神偷》) haschurned up excitement in town since it wasawarded a Crystal Bear at the BerlinInternational Film Festival last month.

Meanwhile, the movie draws attention to thefast-disappearing heritage of Hong Kong,because in the Urban Renewal Authority's ( 市區重建局) original plan, the historic Wing LeeStreet (永利街), where the movie is set, wouldbe redeveloped, with 9 of the 12 "tong laus" (唐樓) being demolished.

The movie takes viewers back to the tryingtime of the 1960s, when many Hong Kongresidents were immigrants from mainlandChina, having to make ends meet, andwhen corruption was a widespread problem.

Told through "Big Ears" (played by Buzz ChungSiu-to), an 8-year-old boy, the story about thestruggle of his family-the Laws-speaksfor thousands of Hongkongers who have gonethrough similar hardships. Mr Law (played bySimon Yam), a cobbler, works day and nightwith his rough hands, while his wife (played bySandra Ng) mans the shop so they can earnfood and education for their two sons, and paybribes to the police. Sadly, just as Desmond(played by Aarif Lee), Big Ears' 16-year-oldbrother, is bringing pride to the family as a topstudent at an elite school, he is diagnosedwith leukemia. The news devastates theLaws, as well as the Sham Shui Po neighbourhood.

The movie is not meant to be pessimistic,however. Having undergone typhoon destructionand the loss of Desmond, the family remainintact and become stronger. Indeed, AlexLaw, director, and Mabel Cheung, producer,made the movie as a tribute to the optimismand can-do spirit of the post-WWII settlers inthe 1960s Hong Kong. It serves as a reminderto Generation Y of the valuable footprints leftbehind by their parents and grandparents.

The movie also redefines happiness formodern Hong Kongers. As we are living in aworld where it is a general belief that moremoney means more happiness, the movietakes us back to the old Hong Kong and showsus that true happiness comes from warmrelationships. Like the Laws, we should findhappiness from within-personal growthand familial love.

May we also wish the moviemakers and thecast the best in the 29th Hong Kong FilmAwards, as the movie has received 5nominations: Best Actor, Best Actress, BestNew Artist, Best Screenplay and Best OriginalSong.

G lossary

churn up 攪動demolished 拆毁

make ends meet 餬口cobbler 鞋匠

bribe 賄款elite 精英

leukemia 血癌devastate 使傷心

intact 完整的tribute 致敬

familial love 家庭溫暖

URA's about about--face 永利街保育大轉彎莫非有政策神偷?

THE Urban Renewal Authority (URA) has donean about about--face. It has proposed that Wing LeeStreet (Sheung Wan) be preserved as it is. Bydoing so, it has defused a conservation time bomb.However, the authorities' conservation criteria haveblurred. What sorts of buildings and streets should bepreserved with money from the public purse? Thegovernment must clearly answer this question.Wing Lee Street is where EEcchhooeess ooff tthhee RRaaiinnbbooww(a Hong Kong film that has won an award in Berlin)was shot. After it had won the award, Alex Law, whohad directed it, said streets with old buildings like WingLee Street should be preserved because they werereplete with Hong Kong people's collective memory.Therefore, there is a growing body of opinion for itsconservation.

When he announced the about about--face yesterday,URA chairman Barry Cheung mentioned no specificreasons. However, clues to it are discernible from aninterview of Secretary for Development Carrie Lam thatappeared in some newspapers last Monday. She saidit was necessary to see if the view that the buildingsthere were beyond repair and had to be demolishedshould be abandoned. It is thus abundantly clear whohas initiated the about about--face.

The proposal to preserve Wing Lee Street as it isdoes not sit well with the URA's objective criteria forcarrying out redevelopment projects. The street boastsno monuments monuments, nor do any of the buildings there, seem special. As James To, a legislator, has said,when the authorities decide whether to conserve abuilding, they ought to take into account expertassessments of its conservation value. If thegovernment preserves whatever buildings citizenswant it to preserve instead of relying on experts'advice, the situation will be simple. It will be all right ifcitizens are agreed that they should be conserved withmoney from the public purse.

The point James To has raised is noteworthy. Thegovernment used to emphasise development at theexpense of conservation. It has altered its policy. Nowit seeks to strike a proper balance betweendevelopment and conservation. The URA's originalplan for redeveloping Wing Lee Street is in keepingwith the principle of balancing development againstconservation. However, the government has asked theURA to keep Wing Lee Street as it is. If it has done sojust to preserve the atmosphere there, one may doubtit is worthwhile to spend large sums of public moneyon the project. The URA has acquired about 50% ofthe interests in the twelve buildings there. Theirmaintenance will cost much money. As the URA willnot "revitalise" them, they will in all probability remainleased. In that event, their tenants will effectivelyreceive subsidies from the public purse. Suchconservation would seem a bit strange. If the Wing LeeStreet case becomes a precedent, most similar caseswill be similarly handled. Would the public think that isall right? This is why we think the government owesthe public an explanation.

Should Wing Lee Street be preserved as it is? Ifthis question is a subject of public discussion, differingopinions will surely emerge. What the authorities havenow chosen to do may please those who likereminiscing about the past and want to preservecollective memory. However, it is not necessary toattach tremendous importance to Wing Lee Street, nordoes it deserve it. As the affair has cost and willcontinue to cost much public money, we want to knowif the authorities had scientifically considered the prosand cons before it did the about about--face. Was thedecision made in accordance with establishedprocedures? Or is it just an official's will? Thegovernment is supposed to run Hong Kong by thebook. Therefore, though Hong Kong is not highlydemocratic, its government is relatively reasonable.

This is one of the strengths Hong Kong has. It is notacceptable for any official to put himself above thesystems and just do his own will however right andproper his object may be.

明報社評 2010.03.17






涂謹申提出這一點,值得注意。近年政府調整側重發展、忽略保育的政策,謀求平衡發展,原本重建永利街,已經符合發展與保育均衡原則,政府現在促使市建局保育永利街,若只為保留那裏的氣氛,是否值得耗用大筆公帑,值得商榷。另外, 市建局已經購買了永利街12 幢樓宇約一半業權,日後這些樓宇的維修保養費用不菲,而市建局又不會活化這些舊樓,最可能只會繼續出租,變成公帑津貼租樓人士。這樣的保育就有些奇怪了。若永利街屬先例,日後將普遍實施,公衆會否同意?這是我們認為政府應該交代的原因。



replete /rI'pli:t/

To be replete with something is to be full of it.monument

a building that has special historical importance.reminisce /rImII'nIs/

To reminisce about the past is to think, talk orwrite about it.


Will FA reform itself?

THE government will expend huge amounts ofpublic resources in invigorating Hong Kongsoccer as a consultancy recommends. Theconsultancy report identifies the problems with thesport in the SAR and puts forward visions, concreteobjectives and practicable ways to achieve them. Onecan now perhaps picture in one's mind's eye a sceneof Hong Kong soccer regaining its glory. But don't behappy so soon. Whether that will happen depends onwhether the Hong Kong Football Association (FA), thegoverning body of association football in the SAR, willthoroughly reform itself and seize the opportunity toallow the sport to thrive again here. Will its ashes, asthe phoenix, bring forth a bird that would give HongKong soccer a new lease of life? Judging from what ithas achieved, one can hardly be optimistic.

Many would shake their heads at the mention ofthe FA. What is most often heard about it is thatnothing can be done to change it because it is an intricate network of relationships. Soccer once thrivedin Hong Kong. But it has declined. Now Hong Kong'sFIFA (Federation Internationale de FootballAssociation) ranking is 142nd, very low indeed. This isblamed mainly on the FA's poor leadership. The FA'sorganisation is such that it has long functioned as if itwere a handful of people's private club. Never has ittried fostering the sport's development as it should.The FA is structurally subordinate to FIFA. Thisrelationship must remain unchanged. If the FA is nolonger a FIFA member, things will be even moreunfavourable to association football in Hong Kong.However, the FA's organisation is quite out of keepingwith the contemporary soccer world, as is itsmanagement. FA leaders are in a rut. The FA,supposed to work for the public, is controlled by vestedinterests. That has long given rise to much discussionamong insiders and outsiders.

The consultancy report says politely that the FA has organisational weaknesses. Only if the FAthoroughly reforms itself will there be hope ofreinvigorating Hong Kong soccer.

Hong Kong soccer is the FA's monopoly. Will theFA seize the opportunity? Even insiders would notentertain high hopes. For example, the consultancyrecommends that the FA amend its constitution, whichdetermines who should sit on its governing body andthus bears on small circles' vital interests. Chairman ofthe Football Management Committee of South ChinaAthletic Association Steven Lo, who has been keen oninvesting in soccer, said in an interview that the FA'sreform would be beset with difficulties. The FA'sconstitution may not be amended without theendorsement of at least 75% of its members. It is noteasy to have it amended because the conservativesare very influential.

FA leaders, Hong Kong soccer is now at its lastgasp, thanks to you. Now the government wants soccer to thrive. An opportunity has presented itself. Ifyou do love soccer, please step down so that peoplewho are really enthusiastic about the sport can usenew thinking to develop it in Hong Kong. This may bethe last chance of invigorating Hong Kong soccer.Please give it a chance!

FIFA's rules prevent the government from havinganything to do with the FA's organisation or workings.However, the FA receives subventions from thegovernment, which will devote even more resources tofostering the sport as the consultancy recommends.Therefore, the government has a duty to supervise theFA more closely to ensure that public money is wellspent. In our view, the government should make theFA a public body so that its officials will be publicofficers subject to the ICAC's statutory supervision.


make of、make from、make off

讀者Peter 來電郵問,make of、make from、make off 之間有何分別?

(1) make of 表示「製成」,條件是成品中的原材料仍保持原有性質,例如:The table is made of wood.此桌子由木材製成。

(2) make from 表示「製成」,條件是成品中的原材料失去了原有性質,例如:Bronze is made from copper and tin.青銅由銅和錫製成。

(3) make of 又可表示「培養」,例如:Mary made a good husband of Richard.瑪莉將理查調校成好丈夫。

(4) make of 還可表示「解釋」或「了解」,例如:I don't know how to make of his behaviour.我不知如何解釋他的行為。

(5) make of 再可表示「利用」,例如:Most are eager to see what a countrywith a backward economy can make ofthe opportunity.多數人急於看到一個經濟落後的國家如何利用這個機會。(陸谷孫《英漢大詞典》)

(6) make off 表示「速速離開」,例如:When the deer saw the hunter it madeoff at once.鹿看到獵人後,立即跑掉了。




直譯意思:crop up like mushrooms對照成語:1. in full blast2. in full swing

例句:Troubles cropped up like mushroomswhen the situation became out of control.反義:煙消雲散end in smoke


直譯意思:the prayer is answered對照成語:1. long-looked-for comes at last2. a dream comes true3. to have one's will4. bring home the bacon

例句: Tom got what he wished for, his prayerwas answered.反義:大失所望to fish for a herring and catch a sprat


直譯意思:feel oneself at home

對照成語:1. like a duck to water2. to be in one's element

例句: John feels himself at home with his new job.

同義:優哉悠哉free and easy

反義:涸轍之鮒a fish out of water

Firefighters' gear 最佳裝備保護消防員舊工廈應設灑水系統

YESTERDAY saw a fourth fourth--alarm fire in anindustrial building in Cheung Sha Wan. Seniorfireman Yeung Chun Chun--kit unfortunately died inthe line of duty duty. From what is known, when he tried to. get out of the scene, he was trapped in rubble andfallen objects. His death has nothing to do with hisbreathing apparatus. However, he was found twohours after the control officer had lost contact with him.Had he carried with him positioning equipment, wouldrescue have reached him sooner? That is worth lookingat. Firefighters work in extremely dangerous places.They must have the best protective gear. Furthermore,the government should consider requiring sprinklersystems to be installed in old industrial buildings.

The authorities say they keep renewingfirefighters' equipment. However, that may be donemuch more efficiently than it is. In May, 2007, firemanWong Ka Ka--hei was killed in a third third--alarm fire at QPLIndustrial Building in Tsuen Wan. In August, 2008, theCoroner's Court recommended that the Fire ServicesDepartment acquire new breathing apparatus. Themask of a set of it has an LED display that shows theamount of oxygen remaining in the cylinder and thetime by which it will run out. Yesterday Director of FireServices Gregory Lo said firemen were training to usethe new apparatus, which would be issued to themnext month. When the Fire Services Departmentbriefed reporters about the equipment, it said it haddecided to acquire it not because Wong Ka Ka--hei haddied in the line of duty but because it had concluded inthe wake of the September 11 attacks that it shouldhave new equipment that would be needed to deal withthe consequences of a nuclear or biological attack.

If that is true, nine years will have passed beforefirefighters get the new breathing apparatus. AndWong Ka Ka--hei died in the line of duty in 2007. One maysay the authorities have not renewed firemen's gear asefficiently as they should have.

There are many areas where the governmentshould make economies economies. However, firemen's safety is. one of those areas where it must grudge noexpenditure. When firemen fight a fierce fire, their livesdepend not only on their effective day day--to to--day trainingbut also on their protective gear. Technology advancesin leaps and bounds. The Fire Services Departmentmust keep looking out for new devices that would givefiremen better protection. If there are suitable ones, itshould quickly come to a decision and ask thegovernment for the money it needs to acquire them. Inshort, though the government should try its best tomake economies, it must not stint on any equipmentthat is needed to protect people, including firemen,from mortal danger.

The industrial building in which the fire broke outyesterday was completed in 1961. No law requiressprinkler systems to be installed in industrial buildingscompleted in the 1960s.

We gather that there are about 650 industrialbuildings that have no sprinkler systems. Some units insimilar old industrial buildings near the scene of theblaze have been used for other purposes - as offices,storage facilities or restaurants. Such buildings havepoor fire safety installations. Not only is such a buildinga threat to firemen's lives if a fire breaks out in it, butpeople who work there are often in mortal danger. Inour view, the government must take this matter veryseriously. Now industrial buildings will be "revitalised",the government should remove the potential danger inthe interests of public safety. It should lay it down thatsprinkler systems should be installed in old industrialbuildings unless there is not sufficient space forinstalling rooftop water tanks.



關於消防員的裝備,當局雖云不斷更新,但是在速度方面,仍有較大改善空間。例如2007 年55 月荃灣品質工業大廈三級火警,導致消防員黃家熙殉職, ,2009 2009 年88 月死因庭建議引入全新煙帽呼吸設備,在面罩加設二極發光管,清晰顯示氣樽剩餘供氧量與工作時間。昨日消防處長盧振雄表示,正訓練消防員使用呼吸輔助器,下月可分發使用。不過,消防處當日向傳媒介紹呼吸輔助器時,曾表示添置這個裝備,並非因為黃家熙作改善,而是始於美國99..11 恐怖襲擊後,消防處認為要特別針對核生化危機加添新裝備。

設若這個說法符合事實,則歷時99 年之後,消防員才有呼吸輔助器可用,其間07 年還發生黃家熙殉職意外,在時效方面,不能說已經符合要求。


另外,昨日發生火警的工廠大廈於1961 年落成,法例並無要求60 年代落成的工廈安裝自動灑水系統。

據知,現在約有650 幢工廈都沒有自動灑水系統,而發生火警的鄰近同類舊式工廈,有些用途已改變,既有寫字樓、迷你倉及餐廳等。從情况看來,這些舊式工廈,防火設施之薄弱,一旦發生火警,不但威脅消防員的生命安全,對於在工廈工作生活的人,實際上時刻置身危險之中,我們認為政府對此要高度關注,特別趁活化工業大廈之際,應該規定舊式工廈除非天台無空間設置水箱,否則都要安裝自動灑水系統,以消除隱患,保障市民的安全。


in the line of dutywhile doing a job.

gearthe equipment or clothing needed for aparticular activity.

economythe use of the money etc that is available in away that avoids waste.


Innovative businesses 賽車場應扶持非扼殺宜新思維看創意創業

AS this newspaper reported yesterday, two underground or semi--underground small bike racing tracks have been in operation in Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai for some years. The government "controls" them through zoning but doesnothing about their safety or other matters concerningthem. Bike racing there is not regulated. We havepublished the story about those operations not to urgethe government to use its powers to crack down onthem but to call on it to cherish economic vitality thatmay result from citizens' innovations.

Bike racing is quite dangerous. Bike racing racing--relatedaccidents are frequent in the world. Nevertheless, it isclassified as a healthy sport. Many fewer people havetaken up this sport than others. It is hardly popular inHong Kong as the government has never promoted it.Nevertheless, some have risked their money to set upand operate bike racing tracks in Tuen Mun (BlackPoint), Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai. That shows bikeracing facilities are in demand here. This being thecase, it does not meet real needs for the governmentto "control" them by means of its power to zone land. Itshould look at the issue from an "industry" perspective.It is time the government put it on the agenda toconsider introducing a licensing system for regulatingsmall bike racing tracks.

If the government allows investors to run bikeracing tracks on agricultural land in rural areas, notonly will the demand be met for such facilities, buteconomic activity in those places will be encouraged.

Some years ago, many racked their brains to find waysto increase economic activity in Tin Shui Wai so thatresidents could find work in the district. There hasbeen much cry and little wool wool. Now the three "illicit". bike racing tracks do help increase economic activity intheir districts. Their investors are already a few steps infront of the government. The government should obtainlegislation that would require bike racing trackoperators to meet environmental protection, safety anddrainage standards. It can, simply by doing so, kill twobirds - promote bike racing and increase economicactivity in their districts.

A few months ago, some attempted to set uprooftop barbecue venues in downtown areas. As fire isused, safety at such a venue is indeed a concern.

Furthermore, fumes and noises from such a venuemay be a nuisance to people who live near it. Nosooner had bureaucrats called their attempts"outrageous" than they aborted. Nevertheless, itcannot be denied that the idea of operating rooftopbarbecue venues in downtown areas is very innovativeindeed. People who have come up with the idea havetried to start innovative businesses. They should berewarded rather than punished. To bureaucrats, it isconvenient to crack down on activities impermissibleunder the laws in force. They can, if they do so, avoidcarrying the can can. However, if safety and noise. problems of rooftop barbecue venues can besatisfactorily solved, life in Hong Kong would be 3 3--DDrather than just 2 2--D, and the city's landscape willsuddenly become quite different.

Innovations are essential to social progress andeconomic development. However, innovations arelikely to be at odds with rules or regulations in force. Itis not bureaucrats' job to foster economicdevelopment. It is therefore totally understandable forthem to remain in a rut or do things by the book.

However, Hong Kong desperately needs innovationsthat may help make it more colourful and invigorateand diversify its economy. Bureaucrats must changetheir minds. It is important that, even if they are neithercreative nor innovative, they must not rashly stranglechanges that may result from citizens' innovations.Even though they cannot contribute to progress, theymust try not to impede progress. That is whatbureaucrats must bear in mind.









much cry and little wool

If there is much cry and little wool, there is adisturbance but little is achieved.

carry the can

accept the blame for something.

impede //IImm''pi:d/

make slow by obstructing, hinder.


Let moderate force take root 中央須看通香港棋局讓溫和力量落地生根

AFTER the five five--constituency referendummovement had started, moderate democratsformed an Alliance for Universal Suffrage,which advocates fighting for universal suffrage throughdialogue. Last week, its representatives and those ofthe patriotic camp and the government gathered atMing Pao to talk about abolishing the functionalconstituencies. Alliance representative CheungMan Man--kwong made it clear that Hong Kong peopleshould enjoy genuine universal suffrage. However, theestablishmentarians did not budge.

That was the first time representatives of threegroups of different political complexions and those ofthe government had openly talked about ways ofpushing the constitutional reform forward. Theatmosphere of rational discussion is hard won. Afterthe government had unveiled its 2012 constitutionalreform proposals, the Civic Party and the League ofSocial Democrats jointly staged the five five--constituencyreferendum movement. The Democratic Partyadamantly refused to join them. It eventually broke upwith them. The referendum movement has now caughton like fire, but the Alliance advocates dialogue withthe establishmentarians and the central authorities.The Democratic Party and the other groups have madea risky move. They risk being attacked by both theradicals and the establishmentarians.

It was against a unique backdrop that the Alliancecame into being. After the 2012 package had comeout, the pan pan--democrats had a two two--line debate. Theradicals thought that the fight for democracy would notsucceed without triggering a de facto referendum,while the moderates believed that, as the de factoreferendum idea had scanty public support, the rightthing to do was to fight for democracy throughdialogue. They had fierce debates about means andeventually parted company company. However, one must. notice that the moderates differ with the radicals onlyabout the means of fighting for democracy. They agreewith one another about the ultimate goal of thepro pro--democracy movement. The pan pan--democrats arefirmly agreed that Hong Kong people should enjoygenuine universal suffrage and that the functionalconstituencies should be abolished. That is theirbottom line, from which even moderate democratswould not budge.

Moderate democrats took a big risk when theyadopted the dialogue line. The were under enormous pressure from the Civic Party and the League of SocialDemocrats to join their referendum movement. Nowsome establishmentarians would dialogue with them,and even the liaison office of the central governmenthas said the rational voice is growing, they may beaccused of giving in to the central authorities. They arewalking a tightrope tightrope. If, though they have taken such. a moderate stance, they fail to bring about abreakthrough in the pro pro--democracy movement or havethe central authorities' pledge that Hong Kong peoplewill enjoy genuine universal suffrage, they cannot helpbut believe the "warm wind" is only what the centralauthorities have used to split the pan pan--democraticcamp. When they are convinced that they have beentaken in and there is no hope that Hong Kong peoplewill enjoy genuine universal suffrage, they will believethe moderate line has proved ineffectual. When theycannot justify themselves to voters who are in favour ofddemocracy, they will have no option but to adopt radicalemocracy, ways. If, unhappily, this happens, one may say it is thecentral authorities that have compelled them to do so.

If they are driven to go radical, the centralauthorities will be faced with an alliance that comprisesall major pro pro--democracy parties, that is resolved to achieve its goal, that is united, that has long enjoyedthe steady support of about 60% of the voters, and thatdespairs of their "warm wind". If it is resolved to fightfor democracy by antagonistic means (for example, bygiving up their seats to trigger a referendum) and tochallenge the SAR government's authority, Hong Kongwill be plunged into even greater political difficulty.

The central authorities will see there areopportunities as well as crises if they see through thechess game. The other side of the coin is anopportunity to extricate Hong Kong from its politicaldifficulty once and for all.

If the central authorities seize the opportunity tohave serious dialogue with moderate democrats, allowHong Kong people to enjoy genuine universal suffragein 2017 and 2020 as it has promised and have thefunctional constituencies abolished, they willestablished the moderate line. Then, the moderateswill have dominance in the SAR. Only if moderatedemocrats achieve real results can they prove theirworth to their voters. Only then will the radicals bediscredited, will citizens be convinced that reckless,radical moves will be rebuffed, and will the moderateforce take root in Hong Kong.


55 區公投運動正式啟動後,溫和民主派政黨組成了「終極普選聯盟」(普選聯),提倡以對話爭取普選,上周更與愛國陣營、工商界及特區政府的代表齊集本報,商討立法會功能組別的存廢問題。會上普選聯代表張文光表明要求落實真普選,但建制派未有讓步。

這次論壇,是33 個不同政治背景的聯盟及政府首次公開坐下來探討政改前路,這個理性討論的氛圍,得來不易。自特區政府提出2012 年政改方案後,公民黨及社民連聯手推動「55 區公投」,但民主黨堅拒參與,最終不惜與公社兩黨「分裂」,並在「公投運動」推展得如火如荼之際,提倡與中央及建制派展開對話,民主黨等的做法是兵行險着,可能遭到激進派和建制派左右夾擊。

普選聯的成立,有其獨特背景。2012 年政改方案推出前,泛民主派出現路線之爭,激進派認為,若不訴諸變相公投不可能成功爭取民主,但溫和派則認為變相公投不獲民意支持,因此應以對話爭取民主。雙方就爭取民主的「手段」展開激烈爭辯,最終走上「分裂」之路。要注意的是,激進派與溫和派只是就爭取民主的「手段」出現分歧,對民主運動的最終目標完全一致。「爭取真普選、廢除功能組別」,是泛民主派的堅實共識,即使是溫和派也是不能退讓的絕對底線。




若中央把握這次機會,與溫和民主派展開認真的對話,並兌現承諾,讓香港在2017 及2020 年實現真普選,取消功能組別,這就等於確立了溫和路線的地位。從此以後,溫和力量才是香港的主旋律。只有讓溫和民主派得到確實的回報,才能讓他們向選民有所交代,也只有如此,才能真正化解香港的激進力量,讓民眾相信,盲目激進只會撞向高牆,溫和力量才能在香港落地生根。


part company

If you part company with a person, you end arelationsh relationship with him.

ip walk a ti tightrope ghtrope

be in a difficult situation in which you do nothave much freedom of action and need to beextrem extremely careful about what you do.

ely take in

If you take a person in, you make him believesomething that is not true.