
滋擾 (Nuisance)

最近,大嶼山的水牛保護團體批評漁護署沒有善待貝澳的野生水牛。數年來,當地人一直爭論這些水牛究竟是滋擾還是需要受保護的動物。The battle over whether wild buffalo(es) are a nuisance or peaceful creatures in need of protection has been running on Lantau for years。較早前,有調查說新界的公眾圖書館太嘈雜,對使用者造成滋擾。The research found that public libraries in the New Territories were too noisy and that this created a nuisance to users。

Nuisance 是「滋擾、令人討厭的東西」的意思。它是名詞,其他例子:These mosquitoes are a nuisance 是「這些蚊子真令人討厭」,They claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public nuisance 是「他們聲稱從音樂會傳來的聲浪造成公眾的滋擾」,He could be a bit of a nuisance when he was drunk 是「他醉起來可能有點令人討厭」。

