

有調查發現,很多店舖向未成年的顧客售賣香煙。由於政府和警方對此視若無睹,因此受到抨擊。The government and the police have come under fire for turning a blind eye to the sale of cigarettes to minors。較早時,私家醫生呼籲政府監管醫療保險計劃內一些可能不利病人的不適當條款,醫學會主席說政府不應對這問題視而不見。Private doctors have called on the government to regulate against unsuitable clauses in medical
insurance schemes that could put patients at risk. The call came from Medical Association chairman Choi Kin, who said the government should not turn a blind eye to the problem。Turn a blind eye to 是「對……視若無睹、視而不見」的意思。其他例子:The government had turned a blind eye to other factors 是「政府對其他因素視若無睹」。He turned a blind eye to the “No Parking” sign是「他對 『不准泊車』的標誌視而不見」。

