Chinese New Yearand Valentine's Day fellon the same day thisyear. We talked about apoem appropriate to theNew Year last week.
We now turn to anotherpoem appropriate to Valentine's Day.
The poem is written by W.H. Auden(1907-1973) about love. More exactly, it isabout unrequited love (單戀).
Far from dispiriting (令人沮喪), the poem TheMore Loving One liberates the reader from theconditioned feeling of gloom (憂鬱) when one'slove is not returned. The poem begins with thepoet admiring the stars in the sky. The thoughtcomes to him that the stars do not "give a damn"(在乎) about him andThat, for all they care, I can go to hell.Towards the end, he also realises that if thestars were to go out, he would get used to thestarless sky. In fact,I should learn to look at an empty skyAnd feel its total darkness sublime.
It seems, therefore, an imbalance of affectionis almost inevitable (無可避免). It happens quiteoften in life when one loves a person, the persondoes not love one back. Auden's response iscounterintuitive (有違常理) but wise:If equal affection cannot be,Let the more loving one be me.
Ask & Learn
Have you any questions about English usage?
Don't hesitate to send themto us!
讀者Sheena 來電郵問,pretty 加在形容詞(或副詞)之前,具有加強作用抑或減弱作用?
(1) 坊間一些字典似乎詮釋得未夠全面,只說作為副詞的pretty,解作「很」或「非常」,一味予人該字只具「加強」作用。其實不然,pretty 兼具兩種作用;若要分辨,常須依據上文下理來定。
(2) 根據The Cambridge Grammar of EnglishLanguage 所言, 副詞pretty 常用作減弱語,相當於fairly,例如:
I'm pretty certain she enjoys it.
She was in pretty good health; only a littletired.
(3) 對以上詮釋, Random House Webster'sDictionary 所言亦是佐證:
The qualifying adverb pretty, meaning"fairly" or "moderately", has been in generaluse for about 400 years.
註:請特別留意moderately(適度)這個字。(4) 不過,The Cambridge Grammar of EnglishLanguage 又指出,副詞pretty 如同fairly,亦可用作強化語,例如:
She drives pretty fast.
This work of yours is a pretty poor effort.
Have you any questions about English usage?
Don't hesitate to send themto us!
讀者Sheena 來電郵問,pretty 加在形容詞(或副詞)之前,具有加強作用抑或減弱作用?
(1) 坊間一些字典似乎詮釋得未夠全面,只說作為副詞的pretty,解作「很」或「非常」,一味予人該字只具「加強」作用。其實不然,pretty 兼具兩種作用;若要分辨,常須依據上文下理來定。
(2) 根據The Cambridge Grammar of EnglishLanguage 所言, 副詞pretty 常用作減弱語,相當於fairly,例如:
I'm pretty certain she enjoys it.
She was in pretty good health; only a littletired.
(3) 對以上詮釋, Random House Webster'sDictionary 所言亦是佐證:
The qualifying adverb pretty, meaning"fairly" or "moderately", has been in generaluse for about 400 years.
註:請特別留意moderately(適度)這個字。(4) 不過,The Cambridge Grammar of EnglishLanguage 又指出,副詞pretty 如同fairly,亦可用作強化語,例如:
She drives pretty fast.
This work of yours is a pretty poor effort.
Kung Hei Fat Choi from the UK!
This year, in the absence of ourparents, my sister and I spent NewYear's Day at my flat. Since it wasalso Valentine's Day, my boyfriendand I had invited all the couples weknew for an anti-Valentine'sknees-up ( 派對), which soon mergedinto a Year of the Tiger dim sum party.
We spent the day beforefrantically ( 瘋狂地) sourcing wontonwrappers and potato starch at theonly Chinese supermarket in NorthLondon, at rush hour. I also took itupon myself to bake heart-shapedcookies, and fill the house with pinksweets.
By the time Sunday came, wewere head to toe inflour and furious with each other,and all the chocolate lucky moneyhad been eaten as a calming measure.
I knew the tradition of filling the housewith fruit and chocolate-tostart the year as you hope it willcontinue-but our year beganwith a house full of hungry people,floors covered in discarded wrappersand overflowing bins.
I hope the spirits will let us off,since it was our first grown-up party.
Next year, we've decided to go to arestaurant. For now, from theofficially initiated-Kung Hei FatChoi, let's hope Easter never comes.
Writer's profile
Emma-Lee Moss is better known by her stage name of Emmythe Great. A British singer-songwriter, she was brought up in HongKong and emigrated to the UK at the age of 12. Now a resident ofLondon, she spends her days writing music in an abandonedcottage in Maida Vale. Her debut album First Love was released in Hong Kong last July.
We spent the day beforefrantically ( 瘋狂地) sourcing wontonwrappers and potato starch at theonly Chinese supermarket in NorthLondon, at rush hour. I also took itupon myself to bake heart-shapedcookies, and fill the house with pinksweets.
By the time Sunday came, wewere head to toe inflour and furious with each other,and all the chocolate lucky moneyhad been eaten as a calming measure.
I knew the tradition of filling the housewith fruit and chocolate-tostart the year as you hope it willcontinue-but our year beganwith a house full of hungry people,floors covered in discarded wrappersand overflowing bins.
I hope the spirits will let us off,since it was our first grown-up party.
Next year, we've decided to go to arestaurant. For now, from theofficially initiated-Kung Hei FatChoi, let's hope Easter never comes.
Writer's profile
Emma-Lee Moss is better known by her stage name of Emmythe Great. A British singer-songwriter, she was brought up in HongKong and emigrated to the UK at the age of 12. Now a resident ofLondon, she spends her days writing music in an abandonedcottage in Maida Vale. Her debut album First Love was released in Hong Kong last July.
Tsang administration must be determined to solve problems 對應深層次矛盾交白卷曾班子要拿決心解難題
OVER the past few months, poverty, theanti-XRL movement and rocketing propertyprices have exposed Hong Kong'sdeep-rooted contradictions. People had expectedFinancial Secretary John Tsang's third Budget todemonstrate the government's intention anddetermination to face and solve those problems.
However, they were sorely disappointed. Are we tosuppose the Tsang administration has become a lameduck? That is the last thing we want to see.
Concluding his Budget speech, John Tsang saidmany factors had contributed to poverty in HongKong, including Hong Kong people's outward mobilityand structural changes in its economy. He seems tohave made a diagnosis, but he has yet to prescribewhat may help to reduce poverty in Hong Kong. In hisBudget speech, he only mentioned developing theeconomy and investing in education. It can thus beseen how determined the government is to reducepoverty and how sincere it is about doing so. Herejected the Hong Kong Council of Social service'sproposal that the government set up a newcommission on poverty. He did not even make anyproposals in respect of the cross-district transportallowance (designed to help the working poor). That isvery disappointing indeed.
John Tsang proposed handing out "sweets" thatwould cost about $20 billion. Since he becameFinancial Secretary, he has handed out more than $80billion. What results have those handouts produced?They have not even made the government, the ChiefExecutive or any official any more popular. Thegovernment has handed out "sweets" five times overthe past two years. It now seems given to doing so. Itremains to be seen how government-public relationswill be like when it ceases to do so.
To explain why he had decided to hand out"sweets", John Tsang said, "Some people have yet toenjoy a salary rise in line with the recovery, whoseburden may be further increased by the emerginginflationary pressure, particularly rises in food prices."
His logic is quite dubious. Are we to suppose that thegovernment will hand out "sweets" whenever wages donot rise in step with economic growth? Inflationarypressure is now "emerging". Over the past two years,many a government has adopted an easy moneypolicy. Ferocious inflation is therefore bound to hitHong Kong. As the government has handed out"sweets" when inflationary pressure is emerging, will itnot have to hand out lots and lots of them wheninflation rockets?
John Tsang calls "sweets" "relief". However, therates waiver and tax break he proposed yesterdaywould benefit everybody. Why should any luxury flatowner get his rates payments partly waived? Whyshould any person who makes several million dollars ayear be allowed to pay $6,000 less tax? Why has thegovernment proposed to provide them with any"relief"? People who are neither CSSA recipients norpublic rental housing tenants would receive no relieffrom the government at all. Whom on earth does thegovernment want to help? Those relief measures areillogical and ill conceived.
John Tsang's third Budget does not evidence thegovernment's intention or determination to deal withHong Kong's deep-rooted problems. It rather shows ittries to evade them or intends to take only halfmeasures. The will of governance discernible fromJohn Tsang's third Budget is such that one should notpin high hopes on the Tsang administration unless theChief Executive is resolved to find ways to cure HongKong's problems.
過去數月,本港歷經貧窮問題、反高鐵運動和樓價狂飈等所暴露深層次矛盾,人們寄望財政司長曾俊華發表的第3 份財政預算案,會顯露政府面對和解決這些問題的意志和決心。但是它令人非常失望。難道曾班子已經淪為跛腳鴨?這是我們極之不願意見到的局面。
至於俗稱的「派糖」,曾俊華在預算案所推出措施,又花了約200 億元。他出任財政司長後,連這次已經派了超過1000 億元,但是起到什麼效果呢?起碼從特首、官員和政府的民望,並未因而有進益。而且兩年多來5次「派糖」,已經出現尾大不掉之勢,有朝一日不再「派糖」,官民關係將如何,尚待考驗。
另外,曾俊華把「派糖」名之為「紓緩措施」,但是在寬減差餉和減薪俸稅人人有份。擁有豪宅的人,為何還要給他們寬減差餉;年薪以百萬計的打工仔,為何還要給他們減稅6000 元。豪宅業主和百萬年薪打工仔也在政府「紓緩」之列,那些無住公屋、無申領綜援等「幾無」人士,在紓緩措施中卻一無所得,政府究竟要幫什麼人?這樣安排的「紓緩措施」邏輯混亂,處理粗疏。
contribute to
be one of the causes of.
financial help given by the government topeople who need it.
half measures
policy or plan of action that is weak and doesnot do enough.
However, they were sorely disappointed. Are we tosuppose the Tsang administration has become a lameduck? That is the last thing we want to see.
Concluding his Budget speech, John Tsang saidmany factors had contributed to poverty in HongKong, including Hong Kong people's outward mobilityand structural changes in its economy. He seems tohave made a diagnosis, but he has yet to prescribewhat may help to reduce poverty in Hong Kong. In hisBudget speech, he only mentioned developing theeconomy and investing in education. It can thus beseen how determined the government is to reducepoverty and how sincere it is about doing so. Herejected the Hong Kong Council of Social service'sproposal that the government set up a newcommission on poverty. He did not even make anyproposals in respect of the cross-district transportallowance (designed to help the working poor). That isvery disappointing indeed.
John Tsang proposed handing out "sweets" thatwould cost about $20 billion. Since he becameFinancial Secretary, he has handed out more than $80billion. What results have those handouts produced?They have not even made the government, the ChiefExecutive or any official any more popular. Thegovernment has handed out "sweets" five times overthe past two years. It now seems given to doing so. Itremains to be seen how government-public relationswill be like when it ceases to do so.
To explain why he had decided to hand out"sweets", John Tsang said, "Some people have yet toenjoy a salary rise in line with the recovery, whoseburden may be further increased by the emerginginflationary pressure, particularly rises in food prices."
His logic is quite dubious. Are we to suppose that thegovernment will hand out "sweets" whenever wages donot rise in step with economic growth? Inflationarypressure is now "emerging". Over the past two years,many a government has adopted an easy moneypolicy. Ferocious inflation is therefore bound to hitHong Kong. As the government has handed out"sweets" when inflationary pressure is emerging, will itnot have to hand out lots and lots of them wheninflation rockets?
John Tsang calls "sweets" "relief". However, therates waiver and tax break he proposed yesterdaywould benefit everybody. Why should any luxury flatowner get his rates payments partly waived? Whyshould any person who makes several million dollars ayear be allowed to pay $6,000 less tax? Why has thegovernment proposed to provide them with any"relief"? People who are neither CSSA recipients norpublic rental housing tenants would receive no relieffrom the government at all. Whom on earth does thegovernment want to help? Those relief measures areillogical and ill conceived.
John Tsang's third Budget does not evidence thegovernment's intention or determination to deal withHong Kong's deep-rooted problems. It rather shows ittries to evade them or intends to take only halfmeasures. The will of governance discernible fromJohn Tsang's third Budget is such that one should notpin high hopes on the Tsang administration unless theChief Executive is resolved to find ways to cure HongKong's problems.
過去數月,本港歷經貧窮問題、反高鐵運動和樓價狂飈等所暴露深層次矛盾,人們寄望財政司長曾俊華發表的第3 份財政預算案,會顯露政府面對和解決這些問題的意志和決心。但是它令人非常失望。難道曾班子已經淪為跛腳鴨?這是我們極之不願意見到的局面。
至於俗稱的「派糖」,曾俊華在預算案所推出措施,又花了約200 億元。他出任財政司長後,連這次已經派了超過1000 億元,但是起到什麼效果呢?起碼從特首、官員和政府的民望,並未因而有進益。而且兩年多來5次「派糖」,已經出現尾大不掉之勢,有朝一日不再「派糖」,官民關係將如何,尚待考驗。
另外,曾俊華把「派糖」名之為「紓緩措施」,但是在寬減差餉和減薪俸稅人人有份。擁有豪宅的人,為何還要給他們寬減差餉;年薪以百萬計的打工仔,為何還要給他們減稅6000 元。豪宅業主和百萬年薪打工仔也在政府「紓緩」之列,那些無住公屋、無申領綜援等「幾無」人士,在紓緩措施中卻一無所得,政府究竟要幫什麼人?這樣安排的「紓緩措施」邏輯混亂,處理粗疏。
contribute to
be one of the causes of.
financial help given by the government topeople who need it.
half measures
policy or plan of action that is weak and doesnot do enough.
Connected transactions 名鑄買家有異象 關連交易要釐清
THE MASTERPIECE was built by New World Development (NWD) in cooperation with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). When itsflats were first offered to the public late last August,their per-square-foot price reached one record high after the other. All eyes were on it then. However, ourinvestigative reporters have discovered that, of the 200 and more Masterpiece flats that have been sold, sevenare linked to NWD managing director Henry Cheng orhis uncles, cousins or children. Judging from what wehave gathered, they may have been involved inconnected transactions. However, according to whathas so far been made public, those people have yet todisclose those transactions. In our view, NWD, Henry Cheng and the others should make clarifications.Moreover, HKEx should find out what has happenedand follow the case up to ensure that the market is fair.
In replying to our enquiries, NWD group director -corporate affairs Kwan Chuk-fai said Adrian Cheng(Henry Cheng's eldest son and an NWD executive director) was bullish about the property market in HongKong and particularly fond of the Masterpiece. He saidAdrian Cheng was a connected person when hepurchased the flat in question but it was not necessaryto disclose the transaction because no listing rules hadbeen violated. As for Henry Cheng, Brian Cheng(Henry Cheng's second son and an executive directorof NWS Holdings Ltd, an NMD company) and Sonia Cheng (Henry Cheng's daughter and an executive director of New World China, an NMD company), Mr Kwan said the flats in question had been purchased not by any of them but by some companies.
NWD has a 78% stake in the Masterpiece, andHenry Cheng, Brian Cheng and Sonia Cheng hold high positions in the group. They have bought the flats inquestion through some off-shore companies. Do the transactions between them and the seller of those flatscount as connected transactions? In our view, HKEx ought to clarify this in the light of its listing rules. MrKwan's argument sounds strained to us. Were his argument correct, a director or important official of alisted company could evade the rule that connectedtransactions must be disclosed simply by having anagent act on his behalf. HKEx must urgently clarify this issue.
Furthermore, the URA has laid it down that no URA employee or any member of his family may buy any flats in any of its developments without itsmanaging director's prior written consent. Does the URA require its partners to put in place similar mechanisms to ensure that citizens have equalchances of acquiring flats in redevelopments? TheURA has failed to give a clear answer to this question.
In our view, the URA, being a partner in theMasterpiece project, ought to examine how its flatshave been sold to see if any breaches of contract havebeen committed. It needs to do so especially becauseit has said it has not found Henry Cheng's or his son'sname in the records in respect of the first batch ofMasterpiece flats put onto the market. NMD has atleast confirmed that Adrian Cheng has taken aMasterpiece flat. Therefore, the URA should makepublic a more detailed account to satisfy citizens thatthe sales were fairly effected.
A citizen's home is the biggest and most importantinvestment he makes in his life. The government has aduty to protect citizens' interests by ensuring thatmarket participants have equal chances. There havelong been problems with property sales in Hong Kong.So far the government have left it to developers topolice themselves. However, it is clear from the manyproblems that it is unrealistic to expect them tomaintain a level playing field. We believe it is time thegovernment considered regulating property sales bystatute with a view to protecting citizens' interests.
名鑄買家有異象 關連交易要釐清
發展商新世界發展與市建局合作興建的「名鑄」,去年8 月底開售之時,呎價迭創新高,全城矚目,本報進行偵查報道,深入追查部分「名鑄」買家,發現已售出的200 多個單位之中,有7 個單位涉及新世界發展董事總經理鄭家純、其叔父、堂兄弟和子女等多位人士。就本報所掌握資料,此事有涉及關連交易之嫌,但是迄今所見公開資料,相關人等並未披露有關交易。我們認為,新世界發展和鄭家純等人應該澄清,港交所亦要了解和跟進此事,以確保市場的公平。
make (somebody) certain (that something istrue or has been done).
level playing field
a situation in which everyone has the sameopportunities.
statute /'statju:t/
written law passed by a legislative body.
In replying to our enquiries, NWD group director -corporate affairs Kwan Chuk-fai said Adrian Cheng(Henry Cheng's eldest son and an NWD executive director) was bullish about the property market in HongKong and particularly fond of the Masterpiece. He saidAdrian Cheng was a connected person when hepurchased the flat in question but it was not necessaryto disclose the transaction because no listing rules hadbeen violated. As for Henry Cheng, Brian Cheng(Henry Cheng's second son and an executive directorof NWS Holdings Ltd, an NMD company) and Sonia Cheng (Henry Cheng's daughter and an executive director of New World China, an NMD company), Mr Kwan said the flats in question had been purchased not by any of them but by some companies.
NWD has a 78% stake in the Masterpiece, andHenry Cheng, Brian Cheng and Sonia Cheng hold high positions in the group. They have bought the flats inquestion through some off-shore companies. Do the transactions between them and the seller of those flatscount as connected transactions? In our view, HKEx ought to clarify this in the light of its listing rules. MrKwan's argument sounds strained to us. Were his argument correct, a director or important official of alisted company could evade the rule that connectedtransactions must be disclosed simply by having anagent act on his behalf. HKEx must urgently clarify this issue.
Furthermore, the URA has laid it down that no URA employee or any member of his family may buy any flats in any of its developments without itsmanaging director's prior written consent. Does the URA require its partners to put in place similar mechanisms to ensure that citizens have equalchances of acquiring flats in redevelopments? TheURA has failed to give a clear answer to this question.
In our view, the URA, being a partner in theMasterpiece project, ought to examine how its flatshave been sold to see if any breaches of contract havebeen committed. It needs to do so especially becauseit has said it has not found Henry Cheng's or his son'sname in the records in respect of the first batch ofMasterpiece flats put onto the market. NMD has atleast confirmed that Adrian Cheng has taken aMasterpiece flat. Therefore, the URA should makepublic a more detailed account to satisfy citizens thatthe sales were fairly effected.
A citizen's home is the biggest and most importantinvestment he makes in his life. The government has aduty to protect citizens' interests by ensuring thatmarket participants have equal chances. There havelong been problems with property sales in Hong Kong.So far the government have left it to developers topolice themselves. However, it is clear from the manyproblems that it is unrealistic to expect them tomaintain a level playing field. We believe it is time thegovernment considered regulating property sales bystatute with a view to protecting citizens' interests.
名鑄買家有異象 關連交易要釐清
發展商新世界發展與市建局合作興建的「名鑄」,去年8 月底開售之時,呎價迭創新高,全城矚目,本報進行偵查報道,深入追查部分「名鑄」買家,發現已售出的200 多個單位之中,有7 個單位涉及新世界發展董事總經理鄭家純、其叔父、堂兄弟和子女等多位人士。就本報所掌握資料,此事有涉及關連交易之嫌,但是迄今所見公開資料,相關人等並未披露有關交易。我們認為,新世界發展和鄭家純等人應該澄清,港交所亦要了解和跟進此事,以確保市場的公平。
make (somebody) certain (that something istrue or has been done).
level playing field
a situation in which everyone has the sameopportunities.
statute /'statju:t/
written law passed by a legislative body.
Government must not encourage speculation 升值預期氣氛瀰漫政府切勿助長炒風
YESTERDAY a Tseung Kwan O site went forthe highest price market participants hadexpected it to fetch. That shows developersare bullish about the market. Judging from the askingand transaction prices of new flats recently offered tothe public, property prices will keep going up for sometime. Concern is growing over asset bubbles in Asia.
Singapore, the mainland and Korea have taken drasticmeasures to prevent property prices from rocketing.
Hong Kong's measures to do so are much lessvigorous than theirs. The government's proposedpolicy of "enlivening" the second-hand HOS flat marketwould strengthen the speculation chain and encourageproperty speculation. The fundamental solution is toincrease land supply and produce a suitable amount ofHOS flats. Even if the government refuses tostraighten the property market out gradually byincreasing supply, it must not do anything that mayfurther distort it and expose citizens to the danger ofrocketing property prices.
The successful bid for the site is $3.37 billion, oron average $4,628 per square foot of gross floor area,which is about the same as the average second-handflat price in the district. In other words, flour is as costlyas bread. The successful bidder intends to producemedium-sized flats that target residents in the districtthat want to upgrade their housing. It will not come asa surprise if they cost as much as $7,000 per squarefoot when they are offered to the public. Canmiddle-class citizens afford such a high price?
The government once made a big mistake with thegood intention of helping citizens to buy their ownhomes. It launched the Home Starter Loan Scheme.Unable to resist the lure of gain, some recklesslyentered the market though mortgage repayments werebeyond their means. They subsequently had negativeequity, and some of them blamed the government forhaving them "catch lighted torches".
HOS stands for "Home Ownership Scheme". TheHong Kong British authorities launched the scheme in1978 to help middle-class citizens to buy their ownhomes. Over the years, about 300,000 HOS flats havebeen sold. The HOS has proved quite conducive toHong Kong's stability. The Singaporean governmenthas learned from Hong Kong's experience and put upHDB flats for sale to Singaporeans. Will the stabilisingeffect of the Home Ownership Scheme disappearwhen it becomes a "Home Speculation Scheme"? Thegovernment should give this question much thought.
The government is toying with the idea of"enlivening" the second-hand HOS flat market. Theinference is that it admits few middle-class citizens canafford first-hand private flats, even second-handprivate flats are beyond their means, and they can onlybuy second-hand HOS flats.
It is hard for middle class citizens to buy their ownhomes. That is a fact. It is also a fact that fewuniversity graduates who have worked for a few yearscan dream of buying their own homes. Property pricesare now way beyond the means of many citizens notbecause there is not sufficient speculation but becauseflats are in short supply. (Attempts to solve housingproblems by encouraging speculation are unheard of.)To straighten the property market out, the governmentmust increase land supply. As we have repeatedlypointed out, the government has, by keeping theapplication list system, left it to developers to controlland supply. Developers are of course bent on makingprofits. They are to blame for the unhealthy propertymarket, but the government is the chief culprit. Thesituation would not be as it is if it had done somethingabout it. The government must resume its control overland supply. Only if it increases land supply so that flatsupply will increase will the property market becomehealthy again.
The Hong Kong British authorities pursued abeneficial policy when it launched the HOS thirty-twoyears ago. The policy has proved extremely conduciveto Hong Kong's development and stability. With thebenefit of hindsight, one may say the governmentacted rashly when it scrapped the HOS policy in thewake of the SARS outbreak. Hong Kong's housingproblem has remained essentially unchanged. Thefactors in property prices have remained essentiallyunchanged. Hong Kong remains a tiny, populous placewhere some people speculate in property. Therefore,the government should revive the HOS and make itpart of its overall housing policy. It is still of immediatesignificance to produce a suitable amount of HOS flatsto help middle-class citizens to buy their own homes.
昨日拍賣的將軍澳土地,成交價33.7 億元,平均呎價4628 元,這個地價,與區內現時二手樓價相若,也就是說麵粉已經與麵包同價,發展商表示會興建中型住宅,針對區內換樓客。這個樓盤推出時,呎價達7000 元絕不稀奇;這個價錢,是一般中產階層可以負擔得來的嗎?就協助市民置業,政府也試過「好心做壞事」。當年政府推出「首次置業計劃」,部分人抵受不住眼前「利誘」,在缺乏足夠供樓能力情况下,貿然入市,結果成為負資產一族,他們倒過來埋怨政府要「他們接火棒」。
居屋全名叫居者有其屋計劃(Home OwnershipScheme),始於1978 年,當年港英政府推行這個計劃,用意使中產階層可以置業安居,增加市民對香港的歸屬感。這些年居屋計劃共出售了約30 萬個單位,對於整體社會構成一個龐大的穩定階層和力量,新加坡政府也從中取經,興建組屋買給人民。若「居者有其屋計劃」變質為「居者炒其屋計劃」,原有穩定力量會否被拆解而變得不穩定,值得政府深思。
另外,32 年前,居屋計劃是一項好政策,香港之發展和穩定,受惠此項政策良多;SARS 期間貿然全面取消居屋,現在回顧起來,是未經深思熟慮之舉;今時今日,香港居住問題的本質,例如地少、人多、炒賣等基本因素並無改變,基於此,居屋計劃應該恢復為香港整體房屋政策的一部分。恢復興建適量居屋,解決中產階層置業難的問題,今天仍然有現實意義。
feeling confidence about and positive about thefuture.
Housing and Development Board (of Singapore).
To toy with an idea is to consider it, but not veryseriously and not for a long time.
Singapore, the mainland and Korea have taken drasticmeasures to prevent property prices from rocketing.
Hong Kong's measures to do so are much lessvigorous than theirs. The government's proposedpolicy of "enlivening" the second-hand HOS flat marketwould strengthen the speculation chain and encourageproperty speculation. The fundamental solution is toincrease land supply and produce a suitable amount ofHOS flats. Even if the government refuses tostraighten the property market out gradually byincreasing supply, it must not do anything that mayfurther distort it and expose citizens to the danger ofrocketing property prices.
The successful bid for the site is $3.37 billion, oron average $4,628 per square foot of gross floor area,which is about the same as the average second-handflat price in the district. In other words, flour is as costlyas bread. The successful bidder intends to producemedium-sized flats that target residents in the districtthat want to upgrade their housing. It will not come asa surprise if they cost as much as $7,000 per squarefoot when they are offered to the public. Canmiddle-class citizens afford such a high price?
The government once made a big mistake with thegood intention of helping citizens to buy their ownhomes. It launched the Home Starter Loan Scheme.Unable to resist the lure of gain, some recklesslyentered the market though mortgage repayments werebeyond their means. They subsequently had negativeequity, and some of them blamed the government forhaving them "catch lighted torches".
HOS stands for "Home Ownership Scheme". TheHong Kong British authorities launched the scheme in1978 to help middle-class citizens to buy their ownhomes. Over the years, about 300,000 HOS flats havebeen sold. The HOS has proved quite conducive toHong Kong's stability. The Singaporean governmenthas learned from Hong Kong's experience and put upHDB flats for sale to Singaporeans. Will the stabilisingeffect of the Home Ownership Scheme disappearwhen it becomes a "Home Speculation Scheme"? Thegovernment should give this question much thought.
The government is toying with the idea of"enlivening" the second-hand HOS flat market. Theinference is that it admits few middle-class citizens canafford first-hand private flats, even second-handprivate flats are beyond their means, and they can onlybuy second-hand HOS flats.
It is hard for middle class citizens to buy their ownhomes. That is a fact. It is also a fact that fewuniversity graduates who have worked for a few yearscan dream of buying their own homes. Property pricesare now way beyond the means of many citizens notbecause there is not sufficient speculation but becauseflats are in short supply. (Attempts to solve housingproblems by encouraging speculation are unheard of.)To straighten the property market out, the governmentmust increase land supply. As we have repeatedlypointed out, the government has, by keeping theapplication list system, left it to developers to controlland supply. Developers are of course bent on makingprofits. They are to blame for the unhealthy propertymarket, but the government is the chief culprit. Thesituation would not be as it is if it had done somethingabout it. The government must resume its control overland supply. Only if it increases land supply so that flatsupply will increase will the property market becomehealthy again.
The Hong Kong British authorities pursued abeneficial policy when it launched the HOS thirty-twoyears ago. The policy has proved extremely conduciveto Hong Kong's development and stability. With thebenefit of hindsight, one may say the governmentacted rashly when it scrapped the HOS policy in thewake of the SARS outbreak. Hong Kong's housingproblem has remained essentially unchanged. Thefactors in property prices have remained essentiallyunchanged. Hong Kong remains a tiny, populous placewhere some people speculate in property. Therefore,the government should revive the HOS and make itpart of its overall housing policy. It is still of immediatesignificance to produce a suitable amount of HOS flatsto help middle-class citizens to buy their own homes.
昨日拍賣的將軍澳土地,成交價33.7 億元,平均呎價4628 元,這個地價,與區內現時二手樓價相若,也就是說麵粉已經與麵包同價,發展商表示會興建中型住宅,針對區內換樓客。這個樓盤推出時,呎價達7000 元絕不稀奇;這個價錢,是一般中產階層可以負擔得來的嗎?就協助市民置業,政府也試過「好心做壞事」。當年政府推出「首次置業計劃」,部分人抵受不住眼前「利誘」,在缺乏足夠供樓能力情况下,貿然入市,結果成為負資產一族,他們倒過來埋怨政府要「他們接火棒」。
居屋全名叫居者有其屋計劃(Home OwnershipScheme),始於1978 年,當年港英政府推行這個計劃,用意使中產階層可以置業安居,增加市民對香港的歸屬感。這些年居屋計劃共出售了約30 萬個單位,對於整體社會構成一個龐大的穩定階層和力量,新加坡政府也從中取經,興建組屋買給人民。若「居者有其屋計劃」變質為「居者炒其屋計劃」,原有穩定力量會否被拆解而變得不穩定,值得政府深思。
另外,32 年前,居屋計劃是一項好政策,香港之發展和穩定,受惠此項政策良多;SARS 期間貿然全面取消居屋,現在回顧起來,是未經深思熟慮之舉;今時今日,香港居住問題的本質,例如地少、人多、炒賣等基本因素並無改變,基於此,居屋計劃應該恢復為香港整體房屋政策的一部分。恢復興建適量居屋,解決中產階層置業難的問題,今天仍然有現實意義。
feeling confidence about and positive about thefuture.
Housing and Development Board (of Singapore).
To toy with an idea is to consider it, but not veryseriously and not for a long time.
Creativity and commercial viability 資助電影發展創意生意並重
HONG KONG'S film industry has again made amark at an international film festival. Echoesof the Rainbow has won the Crystal Bear forbest feature film in the Generation section at the BerlinFilm Festival. The film would not have been shot butfor a subsidy from the Film Development Fund (FDF).
One may say the award evidences the FDF's goodwork.
In 2007, the government injected $300 million intothe FDF, which supports small- and medium-budgetfilming making. The maker of a film whose productionbudget does not exceed $12 million may receive 30%of it from the FDF. (The figures will soon be raised to$15 million and 40% respectively.) The mostremarkable example is perhaps McDull, Kung FuKindergarten. The animation's mainland box-officereceipts total 70 million yuan. So far the FDF has paidout about $38.77 million to finance 14 films.
Initially, the funding scheme was not very wellreceived. Filmmakers said such financing was too little,too late. Furthermore, as film projects must beidentified as commercially viable, some filmmakerssaid the FDF emphasised pecuniary returns at theexpense of creativity. However, as the FDF's moneycomes from the public purse, it is right to requireapplicants to cater to popular taste and avoid financingfilms targeted at narrow audiences. That is in keepingwith the principle that public money must be well spent.
A chief purpose of financing film projects is to boostthe development of the creative industry, and people inan industry should aim at producing what is popularrather than what is too highbrow to be marketable.
However, though the FDF should avoid financingprojects that may not be commercially viable, it shouldattach importance to creativity to encourage originality.Only if the films it finances win critical acclaim anddraw huge audiences may one say it has fulfilled itsmission.
The FDF requires applicants to submit theirscripts. Some filmmakers have said that amounts tocensorship. Some are worried that the governmentmay use the FDF to discourage filmmakers fromcriticising social phenomena or to rope in creativeworkers. So far no filmmakers have complained theyhave been denied financing because their projectstouch on sensitive issues. However, Brian Tse andAlice Mak, the creators of McDull, Kung FuKindergarten, the biggest box-office success the FDFhas financed, have come under fire on the Internetbecause Donald Tsang appears together with McDullcharacters in So Happy to Be Home, an animation clipwith which he has offered citizens his Lunar New Yeargreetings. Their fans say they have sold McDull's soul.
McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten, which the FDFfinanced, is a huge box-office success. However, thegovernment has asked its creators to make the ChiefExecutive's Lunar New Year clip. People cannot helpbut suspect it has tried to recruit the creative workersto its team of political beauticians. The FDF has comeunder suspicion for no fault of its own. Not only has itsindependence been called into question, but thecartoonists have damaged their own reputation too.
The government has injected money into the FDF,but it insists that no officials should take part inapproving applications. That rests with people in theindustry. The government has done so to avoid beingaccused of attempting to curtail the freedom of artisticcreation. That is good. However, it is even better forthe government to distance itself from fundingrecipients lest it should come under suspicion.
香港電影發展基金於2007 年獲政府注資3 億元,資助中低成本的電影製作,預算製作費須不超過1200 萬元,最高可獲資助三成(即將放寬為1500 萬元及四成),過去最成功的例子可算是動畫電影《麥兜响噹噹》,該片內地票房大收7000 萬元。基金至今共資助了14 套電影,撥款約3877 萬元。
G lossary
viable /'vaI b( )l/that will be successful.
highbrow /'hIabra ʊ/concerned with or interested in serious artisticor cultural ideas.
acclaim / 'kleIm/praise and approval.
One may say the award evidences the FDF's goodwork.
In 2007, the government injected $300 million intothe FDF, which supports small- and medium-budgetfilming making. The maker of a film whose productionbudget does not exceed $12 million may receive 30%of it from the FDF. (The figures will soon be raised to$15 million and 40% respectively.) The mostremarkable example is perhaps McDull, Kung FuKindergarten. The animation's mainland box-officereceipts total 70 million yuan. So far the FDF has paidout about $38.77 million to finance 14 films.
Initially, the funding scheme was not very wellreceived. Filmmakers said such financing was too little,too late. Furthermore, as film projects must beidentified as commercially viable, some filmmakerssaid the FDF emphasised pecuniary returns at theexpense of creativity. However, as the FDF's moneycomes from the public purse, it is right to requireapplicants to cater to popular taste and avoid financingfilms targeted at narrow audiences. That is in keepingwith the principle that public money must be well spent.
A chief purpose of financing film projects is to boostthe development of the creative industry, and people inan industry should aim at producing what is popularrather than what is too highbrow to be marketable.
However, though the FDF should avoid financingprojects that may not be commercially viable, it shouldattach importance to creativity to encourage originality.Only if the films it finances win critical acclaim anddraw huge audiences may one say it has fulfilled itsmission.
The FDF requires applicants to submit theirscripts. Some filmmakers have said that amounts tocensorship. Some are worried that the governmentmay use the FDF to discourage filmmakers fromcriticising social phenomena or to rope in creativeworkers. So far no filmmakers have complained theyhave been denied financing because their projectstouch on sensitive issues. However, Brian Tse andAlice Mak, the creators of McDull, Kung FuKindergarten, the biggest box-office success the FDFhas financed, have come under fire on the Internetbecause Donald Tsang appears together with McDullcharacters in So Happy to Be Home, an animation clipwith which he has offered citizens his Lunar New Yeargreetings. Their fans say they have sold McDull's soul.
McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten, which the FDFfinanced, is a huge box-office success. However, thegovernment has asked its creators to make the ChiefExecutive's Lunar New Year clip. People cannot helpbut suspect it has tried to recruit the creative workersto its team of political beauticians. The FDF has comeunder suspicion for no fault of its own. Not only has itsindependence been called into question, but thecartoonists have damaged their own reputation too.
The government has injected money into the FDF,but it insists that no officials should take part inapproving applications. That rests with people in theindustry. The government has done so to avoid beingaccused of attempting to curtail the freedom of artisticcreation. That is good. However, it is even better forthe government to distance itself from fundingrecipients lest it should come under suspicion.
香港電影發展基金於2007 年獲政府注資3 億元,資助中低成本的電影製作,預算製作費須不超過1200 萬元,最高可獲資助三成(即將放寬為1500 萬元及四成),過去最成功的例子可算是動畫電影《麥兜响噹噹》,該片內地票房大收7000 萬元。基金至今共資助了14 套電影,撥款約3877 萬元。
G lossary
viable /'vaI b( )l/that will be successful.
highbrow /'hIabra ʊ/concerned with or interested in serious artisticor cultural ideas.
acclaim / 'kleIm/praise and approval.
Government should regulate karting 高卡車運作現况 其實就是無王管
YESTERDAY a fifteen-year-old British girl in ascarf died at a kart circuit. It is suspected shewas strangled when the scarf she worebecame tangled with a sprocket in the rear engine ofthe go-kart she was driving. The accident could havebeen prevented. It happened most probably becauseof negligence. The accident shows karting is noteffectively regulated in Hong Kong.
A video shown to beginners at the kart circuit doesremind players not to wear a scarf. The same rule islisted on a notice posted there about safety. Peoplewho work there certainly know it is extremelydangerous to be in a scarf while driving a go-kart. Hadthey reminded the girl not to wear a scarf or requiredher to take it off, she would not have died.
Four government departments have said theyhave no business to regulate karting. The TransportDepartment has said it does not monitor go-karts,which do not travel on public roads. The Electrical andMechanical Services Department has said it hasnothing to do with go-karts because they are notamusement rides. The Leisure and Cultural ServicesDepartment has said it does not monitor kart circuits.Government departments take such an attitudeactually for one reason - that the government regardskarting as a racing sport rather than an amusementactivity which members of the public may take part in.If it were regarded as an amusement activity, theElectrical and Mechanical Services Department wouldhave to ensure go-karts are safe as required by theAmusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance. However,because karting is regarded as a sport, the Electricaland Mechanical Services Department has no power toregulate it.
However, strictly speaking, it is doubtful whether itis right for the government not to regulate karting justbecause it regards it as a sport. Take Autopia cars atHong Kong Disneyland. Those electrical vehicles moveslowly along a rail. Such a vehicle will not go off the railhowever wildly the player turns its steering wheel.They are controlled not by their drivers, but by acomputer. One may say they are very safe.
Nevertheless, they are monitored by the Electrical andMechanical Services Department.
Furthermore, amusement rides like the Ferriswheel at the Hong Kong Winter Carnival (which hastaken place many times) and bumper cars in indooramusement places are monitored by the Electrical andMechanical Services Department. Nevertheless, nogovernment department ensures the safety of go-karts,which may race at such a high speed as 120 km perhour on a circuit. The Hong Kong Kart Club issupposed to the regulator of the sport. However, itdoes so nominally rather than actually. Safety at kartcircuits does give cause for concern.
The Home Affairs Bureau has worked togetherwith the Hong Kong Kart Club and the operator of thekart circuit in dealing with the aftermath of the deadlygo-kart accident. In our view, as the Hong Kong KartClub is not a statutory body, it is doubtful whether itcan be an effective regulator. Karting is an activity thatposes some risk. To ensure go-karters' safety, thegovernment should regulate it regardless of whether itis a sport or an amusement activity.
高卡車運作現况 其實就是無王管
15 歲英籍少女戴頸巾駕駛小型賽車(又稱高卡車),懷疑頸巾被捲入車尾高速轉動的引擎鏈輪,成為殺死少女的兇器。這是一樁意外,原本可以避免,只是疑涉人為疏忽,使慘劇發生,而意外暴露了高卡車運作缺乏有效監管。
同樣地, 以往在本港舉行多次的「冬日繽紛嘉年華」,場內各種電動遊戲包括摩天輪等,和現在個別室內遊樂場所的碰碰車都受機電署監管;但是,速度高達60 至120 公里的高卡車,在賽道上風馳電掣奔馳,卻不受任何政府部門監管,而有「監管」之責的小型賽車會,只有監察之名,卻無監察之實。高卡車的安全問題,確實值得關注。
sprocket /'spr ?kIt/
a wheel with a row of teeth around the edge thatconnect with the holes of a chain or in a film.
If you have no business to do something, youhave no right to do it.
aftermath /'a:ft ?ma?? /
the situation that exists as a result of an event,especially a war or an accident.
A video shown to beginners at the kart circuit doesremind players not to wear a scarf. The same rule islisted on a notice posted there about safety. Peoplewho work there certainly know it is extremelydangerous to be in a scarf while driving a go-kart. Hadthey reminded the girl not to wear a scarf or requiredher to take it off, she would not have died.
Four government departments have said theyhave no business to regulate karting. The TransportDepartment has said it does not monitor go-karts,which do not travel on public roads. The Electrical andMechanical Services Department has said it hasnothing to do with go-karts because they are notamusement rides. The Leisure and Cultural ServicesDepartment has said it does not monitor kart circuits.Government departments take such an attitudeactually for one reason - that the government regardskarting as a racing sport rather than an amusementactivity which members of the public may take part in.If it were regarded as an amusement activity, theElectrical and Mechanical Services Department wouldhave to ensure go-karts are safe as required by theAmusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance. However,because karting is regarded as a sport, the Electricaland Mechanical Services Department has no power toregulate it.
However, strictly speaking, it is doubtful whether itis right for the government not to regulate karting justbecause it regards it as a sport. Take Autopia cars atHong Kong Disneyland. Those electrical vehicles moveslowly along a rail. Such a vehicle will not go off the railhowever wildly the player turns its steering wheel.They are controlled not by their drivers, but by acomputer. One may say they are very safe.
Nevertheless, they are monitored by the Electrical andMechanical Services Department.
Furthermore, amusement rides like the Ferriswheel at the Hong Kong Winter Carnival (which hastaken place many times) and bumper cars in indooramusement places are monitored by the Electrical andMechanical Services Department. Nevertheless, nogovernment department ensures the safety of go-karts,which may race at such a high speed as 120 km perhour on a circuit. The Hong Kong Kart Club issupposed to the regulator of the sport. However, itdoes so nominally rather than actually. Safety at kartcircuits does give cause for concern.
The Home Affairs Bureau has worked togetherwith the Hong Kong Kart Club and the operator of thekart circuit in dealing with the aftermath of the deadlygo-kart accident. In our view, as the Hong Kong KartClub is not a statutory body, it is doubtful whether itcan be an effective regulator. Karting is an activity thatposes some risk. To ensure go-karters' safety, thegovernment should regulate it regardless of whether itis a sport or an amusement activity.
高卡車運作現况 其實就是無王管
15 歲英籍少女戴頸巾駕駛小型賽車(又稱高卡車),懷疑頸巾被捲入車尾高速轉動的引擎鏈輪,成為殺死少女的兇器。這是一樁意外,原本可以避免,只是疑涉人為疏忽,使慘劇發生,而意外暴露了高卡車運作缺乏有效監管。
同樣地, 以往在本港舉行多次的「冬日繽紛嘉年華」,場內各種電動遊戲包括摩天輪等,和現在個別室內遊樂場所的碰碰車都受機電署監管;但是,速度高達60 至120 公里的高卡車,在賽道上風馳電掣奔馳,卻不受任何政府部門監管,而有「監管」之責的小型賽車會,只有監察之名,卻無監察之實。高卡車的安全問題,確實值得關注。
sprocket /'spr ?kIt/
a wheel with a row of teeth around the edge thatconnect with the holes of a chain or in a film.
If you have no business to do something, youhave no right to do it.
aftermath /'a:ft ?ma?? /
the situation that exists as a result of an event,especially a war or an accident.
Don't worry, be happy!
by Faiphoto source:
We will depart from poetry thisweek, and instead consider a songwritten by Bobby McFerrin. McFerrinis well known in the musical worldtoday for his unconventional music,produced by, among other things,tapping different parts of his bodyand using his voice in imaginativeways. He is a serious classicalmusician, having performed as guestconductor with many philharmonicorchestras (愛樂交響樂團).
As befitting ( 適合於) the New Year season, Ihave picked the song Don't Worry, Be Happy,which came out in 1988. Since then, it has beenpicked up by other artists, including Jackie Chanwho included it in his film Gorgeous (《玻璃樽》). The song begins with these words:
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy...
It then continues to list some of the troublesthat we face in life:
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no girl to make you smile
McFerrin is not recommending a fool'sparadise, where people think life is like a walkdown the garden. He clearly states in the songthat life is full of trouble, but
When you worry you make it doubleDon't worry, be happy...
Let us take it to heart as we begin our new year!
We will depart from poetry thisweek, and instead consider a songwritten by Bobby McFerrin. McFerrinis well known in the musical worldtoday for his unconventional music,produced by, among other things,tapping different parts of his bodyand using his voice in imaginativeways. He is a serious classicalmusician, having performed as guestconductor with many philharmonicorchestras (愛樂交響樂團).
As befitting ( 適合於) the New Year season, Ihave picked the song Don't Worry, Be Happy,which came out in 1988. Since then, it has beenpicked up by other artists, including Jackie Chanwho included it in his film Gorgeous (《玻璃樽》). The song begins with these words:
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy...
It then continues to list some of the troublesthat we face in life:
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no girl to make you smile
McFerrin is not recommending a fool'sparadise, where people think life is like a walkdown the garden. He clearly states in the songthat life is full of trouble, but
When you worry you make it doubleDon't worry, be happy...
Let us take it to heart as we begin our new year!
no soap 沒希望
魯效陽( you any questions about English usage?Don't hesitate to send themto us!
讀者Betty 來電郵問,no soap 是什麼意思?
(1) no soap指「不行」或「沒有希望」等,例如:Rick: So you asked Suzy out. How did it go?Geno: No soap. She turned me down flat.利克:你約會了蘇絲,情况如何?
(Urban Dictionary)
(2) no dice、no go、no deal 等意思相同,例如:
(a) A: Can you lend me some money tillafter the weekend?
B: Sorry, no dice!
A: 你能借點錢給我嗎?下星期歸還。
B: 抱歉,唔得喎!
註:no dice 之類用法,屬美式俚俗語,故譯成廣東話亦無不可。
(b) The bank manager said it's no go andhe won't lend us another penny.
(c) A: I love you.
B: No deal.
A: 我愛你。
B: 不可以。
註: 若要加強語氣, No deal 可譯作「休想」甚至「發夢」。翻譯此類俚俗語時,毋須太拘泥。
魯效陽( you any questions about English usage?Don't hesitate to send themto us!
讀者Betty 來電郵問,no soap 是什麼意思?
(1) no soap指「不行」或「沒有希望」等,例如:Rick: So you asked Suzy out. How did it go?Geno: No soap. She turned me down flat.利克:你約會了蘇絲,情况如何?
(Urban Dictionary)
(2) no dice、no go、no deal 等意思相同,例如:
(a) A: Can you lend me some money tillafter the weekend?
B: Sorry, no dice!
A: 你能借點錢給我嗎?下星期歸還。
B: 抱歉,唔得喎!
註:no dice 之類用法,屬美式俚俗語,故譯成廣東話亦無不可。
(b) The bank manager said it's no go andhe won't lend us another penny.
(c) A: I love you.
B: No deal.
A: 我愛你。
B: 不可以。
註: 若要加強語氣, No deal 可譯作「休想」甚至「發夢」。翻譯此類俚俗語時,毋須太拘泥。
CNY in Japan
I hope you've had a great Chinese NewYear/Valentine's Day. May all of you have aprosperous Year of the Tiger!
Being born in mid-June, it has made me a typical Gemini. Geminis are known to be the most versatile type of people. We cannot sit still, we like to move from place to place, we get bored very easily, and thus, we are alwaysin search for new excitements. We are known to be good at multitasking and thatexplains why our schedule is always packed.
Having stayed in Hong Kong for too long, I yearned ( 渴望) for a holiday. And I deeply treasure my time in Japan during this Chinese New Year. Although it was a business trip (soto speak), it was good for me, a typical Gemini, to get out of the office and enjoy the fresh air. We get bored too easily.
Fortunately, we managed to squeezesome time out of our schedules to touraround this vibrant city. Tokyo is one of HongKong people's favourite travel destinations. Iam a big fan of Japanese food, and lucky forme, Mr Lo, our boss, has lots of good friends in Japan who would take us to the bestrestaurants in town. I think I'll probably have to start going on a diet as soon as I get backto Hong Kong.
This year, Chinese New Year andValentine's Day fell on the same day. Canyou imagine how it is like to spend Valentine's Day without a Valentine? To behonest, I am used to it. To me, February 14 is just another day of the year, I'm not particularly sad about having to spend theday alone. That said, this year's Valentine'sDay was very special to me, because I got to spend it abroad with my colleagues and theHong Kong football team! Moreover, it wasMr and Mrs Lo's wedding anniversary onFebruary 13, the day before Valentine's Day-how sweet and special it was to be able to share the love of a happily married couple! It was certainly very memorable tosay the least!
Writer's Profile
A professional MC and TV host, Janis Chan ( 陳貝兒) hasinterviewed countless celebrities around the globe. She is also an OL as Vice President of bma Marketing Division.Janis' column appears every other Friday.
Being born in mid-June, it has made me a typical Gemini. Geminis are known to be the most versatile type of people. We cannot sit still, we like to move from place to place, we get bored very easily, and thus, we are alwaysin search for new excitements. We are known to be good at multitasking and thatexplains why our schedule is always packed.
Having stayed in Hong Kong for too long, I yearned ( 渴望) for a holiday. And I deeply treasure my time in Japan during this Chinese New Year. Although it was a business trip (soto speak), it was good for me, a typical Gemini, to get out of the office and enjoy the fresh air. We get bored too easily.
Fortunately, we managed to squeezesome time out of our schedules to touraround this vibrant city. Tokyo is one of HongKong people's favourite travel destinations. Iam a big fan of Japanese food, and lucky forme, Mr Lo, our boss, has lots of good friends in Japan who would take us to the bestrestaurants in town. I think I'll probably have to start going on a diet as soon as I get backto Hong Kong.
This year, Chinese New Year andValentine's Day fell on the same day. Canyou imagine how it is like to spend Valentine's Day without a Valentine? To behonest, I am used to it. To me, February 14 is just another day of the year, I'm not particularly sad about having to spend theday alone. That said, this year's Valentine'sDay was very special to me, because I got to spend it abroad with my colleagues and theHong Kong football team! Moreover, it wasMr and Mrs Lo's wedding anniversary onFebruary 13, the day before Valentine's Day-how sweet and special it was to be able to share the love of a happily married couple! It was certainly very memorable tosay the least!
Writer's Profile
A professional MC and TV host, Janis Chan ( 陳貝兒) hasinterviewed countless celebrities around the globe. She is also an OL as Vice President of bma Marketing Division.Janis' column appears every other Friday.
Central authorities should dialogue with democrats 政情因「公投」變得微妙中央應與溫和民主派對話
A survey this newspaper has commissionedthe Public Opinion Programme at theUniversity of Hong Kong to carry out showsthe turnout at the upcoming Legislative Councilby-elections may fall between 18% and 25% . If onlysuch a percentage of voters go to the polls, the"five-constituency referendum movement" can by nostandard be described as successful. Most citizens arelukewarm about the "referendum". However, that doesnot mean they have given up striving for genuineuniversal suffrage. Now most people prefer to fight forit by moderate means. In our view, the SARgovernment and the central authorities must correctlyread the mainstream forces' stance and the majority ofcitizens'. They should dialogue with moderatedemocrats as soon as possible. Only if citizens areassured that they will exercise true universal suffragein the 2017 and 2020 elections will there be any hopeof maximising common ground, preventing the politicalsystem from remaining unchanged and settling theconstitutional reform issue, which has troubled HongKong for years.
The outcome of the "five-constituency referendummovement" will not be known until citizens have casttheir votes. Now, some democrats follow one line offighting for universal suffrage, while others followanother. That is a fact. However, they differ with oneanother only about ways and means. They are in factagreed that Hong Kong citizens should enjoy trueuniversal suffrage and the functional constituenciesshould be abolished. That is their position of principle.
For example, the Alliance for Universal Suffrage hasmade it abundantly clear that it fights for true electionsby universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 and theabolition of the functional constituencies. The onlydifference is that it prefers not to use the "referendum"method. Similarly, the generality of citizens arelukewarm about or against the "referendum", but itdoes not follow that they waver in their determinationto fight for democracy and universal suffrage. Theyonly disagree with radical means.
Mainstream democrats (citizens and thosebelonging to political parties) have adopted a moderatestance. The SAR government and the centralauthorities should appreciate their goodwill. It is nowan opportune moment not only for making suitableconstitutional arrangements for the SAR but also forachieving a thaw in the relations between Hong Kongdemocrats and the central authorities. They should tryto build mutual trust and arrive at consensus. In ourview, the SAR government and the central authorities(especially the latter) must correctly read themessages discernible from the political situation inHong Kong. They should make opportune responses.
They must not let slip the opportunity of extricatingHong Kong from political difficulty.
The power to decide on Hong Kong'sconstitutional arrangements is vested in the centralauthorities, and it rests with the SAR government tocarry out their decisions. Everybody knows the latter issubordinate to the former. Now the political situation inHong Kong is delicate. We believe that, to make abreakthrough in Hong Kong's governance, the centralauthorities should suitably come to the fore and seekto maximise the common ground between them andHong Kong's democrats.
In fact, if the Legislative Council again rejects thegovernment's constitutional reform package, one maysay democrats who follow the moderate, sensible linehave again met with a rebuff. In that event, moderatedemocrats will lose ground, and we would have toworry about things in Hong Kong. Furthermore, themoderates would again come under pressure, andChief Executive Donald Tsang would have even graterdifficulty pursuing his policies. In our view, for the sakeof Hong Kong's governance, the central authorities areobligated to dialogue with moderate democrats with aview to reaching a compromise acceptable to all.
There are now two distinct lines in thepan-democratic camp. How Hong Kong's politicalsituation will develop depends on which of them willthrive. We hope the central authorities will look at thesituation in Hong Kong from this perspective. We hopethey will very wisely and very magnanimously dialoguewith moderate democrats so that Hong Kong will comeout of political difficulty.
本報委託港大民意研究計劃進行的調查顯示,行將舉行的立法會補選的投票率,可能介乎18% ─ 25%之間,若果只有這個投票率,則無論從任何角度,都不能說「5 區公投運動」成功。然而,多數市民冷待「公投」,並不顯示他們放棄了真普選,只是現階段更多人選擇以較溫和手段爭取。我們認為,政府與中央要正確解讀民主派主流力量和多數市民的取態,盡早與溫和民主派對話,讓市民看到2017 和2020 兩個選舉是真選舉,才有望凝聚最大共識,使政制不再原地踏步,破解困擾香港多年的政改問題。
「5 區公投運動」最後結果還待市民用選票驗證,迄今民主派就爭取民主出現兩條路線,是事實。不過,路線不同,只是表現在方法和手段有異,整體民主派就爭取真普選和廢除功能組別的原則立場,其實並無分歧。例如「終極普選大聯盟」爭取2017 和2020 年是真普選、廢除功能組別的立場,清晰明確,只是他們不選擇以「公投」方式爭取。同樣地,多數市民反對或不支持「公投」,也不顯示他們對民主、普選的訴求有所動搖,只是不認同以激進手段爭取而已。
waver /'weIv ?(r)/
be or become unsteady.
If you disagree with something, you believeit is bad or wrong.
If it rests with a person to do something, it ishis responsibility to do it.
The outcome of the "five-constituency referendummovement" will not be known until citizens have casttheir votes. Now, some democrats follow one line offighting for universal suffrage, while others followanother. That is a fact. However, they differ with oneanother only about ways and means. They are in factagreed that Hong Kong citizens should enjoy trueuniversal suffrage and the functional constituenciesshould be abolished. That is their position of principle.
For example, the Alliance for Universal Suffrage hasmade it abundantly clear that it fights for true electionsby universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 and theabolition of the functional constituencies. The onlydifference is that it prefers not to use the "referendum"method. Similarly, the generality of citizens arelukewarm about or against the "referendum", but itdoes not follow that they waver in their determinationto fight for democracy and universal suffrage. Theyonly disagree with radical means.
Mainstream democrats (citizens and thosebelonging to political parties) have adopted a moderatestance. The SAR government and the centralauthorities should appreciate their goodwill. It is nowan opportune moment not only for making suitableconstitutional arrangements for the SAR but also forachieving a thaw in the relations between Hong Kongdemocrats and the central authorities. They should tryto build mutual trust and arrive at consensus. In ourview, the SAR government and the central authorities(especially the latter) must correctly read themessages discernible from the political situation inHong Kong. They should make opportune responses.
They must not let slip the opportunity of extricatingHong Kong from political difficulty.
The power to decide on Hong Kong'sconstitutional arrangements is vested in the centralauthorities, and it rests with the SAR government tocarry out their decisions. Everybody knows the latter issubordinate to the former. Now the political situation inHong Kong is delicate. We believe that, to make abreakthrough in Hong Kong's governance, the centralauthorities should suitably come to the fore and seekto maximise the common ground between them andHong Kong's democrats.
In fact, if the Legislative Council again rejects thegovernment's constitutional reform package, one maysay democrats who follow the moderate, sensible linehave again met with a rebuff. In that event, moderatedemocrats will lose ground, and we would have toworry about things in Hong Kong. Furthermore, themoderates would again come under pressure, andChief Executive Donald Tsang would have even graterdifficulty pursuing his policies. In our view, for the sakeof Hong Kong's governance, the central authorities areobligated to dialogue with moderate democrats with aview to reaching a compromise acceptable to all.
There are now two distinct lines in thepan-democratic camp. How Hong Kong's politicalsituation will develop depends on which of them willthrive. We hope the central authorities will look at thesituation in Hong Kong from this perspective. We hopethey will very wisely and very magnanimously dialoguewith moderate democrats so that Hong Kong will comeout of political difficulty.
本報委託港大民意研究計劃進行的調查顯示,行將舉行的立法會補選的投票率,可能介乎18% ─ 25%之間,若果只有這個投票率,則無論從任何角度,都不能說「5 區公投運動」成功。然而,多數市民冷待「公投」,並不顯示他們放棄了真普選,只是現階段更多人選擇以較溫和手段爭取。我們認為,政府與中央要正確解讀民主派主流力量和多數市民的取態,盡早與溫和民主派對話,讓市民看到2017 和2020 兩個選舉是真選舉,才有望凝聚最大共識,使政制不再原地踏步,破解困擾香港多年的政改問題。
「5 區公投運動」最後結果還待市民用選票驗證,迄今民主派就爭取民主出現兩條路線,是事實。不過,路線不同,只是表現在方法和手段有異,整體民主派就爭取真普選和廢除功能組別的原則立場,其實並無分歧。例如「終極普選大聯盟」爭取2017 和2020 年是真普選、廢除功能組別的立場,清晰明確,只是他們不選擇以「公投」方式爭取。同樣地,多數市民反對或不支持「公投」,也不顯示他們對民主、普選的訴求有所動搖,只是不認同以激進手段爭取而已。
waver /'weIv ?(r)/
be or become unsteady.
If you disagree with something, you believeit is bad or wrong.
If it rests with a person to do something, it ishis responsibility to do it.
This spring, LOVE is served on The Platters
Love is in the air! While many ofus have celebrated romance andwelcomed the Year of the Tiger onFebruary 14, the season of lovehasn't ended, because Yuan Xiao (元宵, the Lantern Festival), our ownValentine's Day, is only 10 days away.
Music, especially those oldies lovesongs, can certainly do the job ofuttering "I love you" wonderfully. Ifyou haven't prepared a playlist, whynot dig into The Platters' collection(which comprises nearly 400 songs)and pick a few awesome ballads?You may still be able to get tickets tohear a selection of their classic hitslive at Only You-Herb Reed &The Platters Live in Hong Kong, onMarch 12, at Hong Kong Conventionand Exhibition Centre.
The Platters, founded by HerbertReed in 1953, enjoyed their peakyears from 1955 to 1961, whenTony Williams was the lead vocalistof the doo-wop group (doo-wop is astyle of vocal-based R&B musicwith smooth vocal harmonies,usually accompanied by no or littleinstruments). Buck Ram, a giftedsongwriter, played an important rolein music arrangement and managingthe group until his death in 1991.
Currently, Herbert Reed is theonly surviving principal member ofthe group, but The Platters' musichas never gone out of time. SmokeGets in Your Eyes and Only You arenot only their signature tunes, butalso heart-melting love songs. Theformer might trigger sighs or eventears, whereas the latter is perfectfor declaring one's love to one'sbeloved.
utter 講、表達
trigger 觸發
chaff 取笑、開玩笑
deride 嘲笑
destiny 命中注定
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes訴說「愛情是盲目的」及失戀帶來的感慨,1. So I chaffed them and I gailylaughedmeans:
a. the singer is making fun ofhis friends
b. the singer doesn't believethat love is blind.
2. At the end of the song, "smokegets in your eyes" because
a. his beloved has married him
b. his beloved has left him
3. 以Only You表達天長地久、非君不嫁/非卿不娶最好不過,歌內哪句最常出現,用來表達愛人在歌者心目中的地位?
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
I of course replied
Something here inside
Cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find
All who love are blind, oh
When your heart's on fire
you must realise
Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away
I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride
Tears I cannot hide, oh
So I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies
Smoke gets in your eyes
Only you
Only you
Can make this world seem right
Only you
Can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone
Can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love
For only you
Only you
Can make this change in me
For it's true
You are my destiny
When you hold my hand
I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true
My one and only you, only you
(One and only you)
AV Bi-weekly answers: 1. b; 2. b; 3. Only you
Music, especially those oldies lovesongs, can certainly do the job ofuttering "I love you" wonderfully. Ifyou haven't prepared a playlist, whynot dig into The Platters' collection(which comprises nearly 400 songs)and pick a few awesome ballads?You may still be able to get tickets tohear a selection of their classic hitslive at Only You-Herb Reed &The Platters Live in Hong Kong, onMarch 12, at Hong Kong Conventionand Exhibition Centre.
The Platters, founded by HerbertReed in 1953, enjoyed their peakyears from 1955 to 1961, whenTony Williams was the lead vocalistof the doo-wop group (doo-wop is astyle of vocal-based R&B musicwith smooth vocal harmonies,usually accompanied by no or littleinstruments). Buck Ram, a giftedsongwriter, played an important rolein music arrangement and managingthe group until his death in 1991.
Currently, Herbert Reed is theonly surviving principal member ofthe group, but The Platters' musichas never gone out of time. SmokeGets in Your Eyes and Only You arenot only their signature tunes, butalso heart-melting love songs. Theformer might trigger sighs or eventears, whereas the latter is perfectfor declaring one's love to one'sbeloved.
utter 講、表達
trigger 觸發
chaff 取笑、開玩笑
deride 嘲笑
destiny 命中注定
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes訴說「愛情是盲目的」及失戀帶來的感慨,1. So I chaffed them and I gailylaughedmeans:
a. the singer is making fun ofhis friends
b. the singer doesn't believethat love is blind.
2. At the end of the song, "smokegets in your eyes" because
a. his beloved has married him
b. his beloved has left him
3. 以Only You表達天長地久、非君不嫁/非卿不娶最好不過,歌內哪句最常出現,用來表達愛人在歌者心目中的地位?
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
I of course replied
Something here inside
Cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find
All who love are blind, oh
When your heart's on fire
you must realise
Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away
I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride
Tears I cannot hide, oh
So I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies
Smoke gets in your eyes
Only you
Only you
Can make this world seem right
Only you
Can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone
Can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love
For only you
Only you
Can make this change in me
For it's true
You are my destiny
When you hold my hand
I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true
My one and only you, only you
(One and only you)
AV Bi-weekly answers: 1. b; 2. b; 3. Only you
New commission on poverty 重設扶貧委員會面對深層次矛盾
MOST employees return to work today - thefourth day of the new lunar year. It hasbeen the case with many in the lower income bracketthat having a job does not mean having much hope ofemerging from poverty. According to the Census andStatistics Department, over the past decade, thepercentage of people who have tertiary qualificationsand are in the lower income bracket has gone upsharply. In Hong Kong, not only is the rich rich--poor gapwide, but some people having good academicqualifications have "fallen low". Even Chief ExecutiveDonald Tsang has acknowledged that the governmentneeds to think hard to come up with measures toalleviate poverty because surveys show more peoplehave now become poor.
In this city there are many residentialdevelopments whose flats fetch sky sky--high prices.However, many who live in a street near such adevelopment may be in an abyss of misery. Try asthey may to climb up the social ladder, opportunitiesare denied them. We must not allow what is depictedin HHiigghh aanndd LLooww, an Akira Kurosawa , classic classic, to happen, here year after year.
High High--ranking officials believe economic growthbenefits even those in the lowest stratum of society inwhat some call the "drip effect". However, it is quiteclear from figures of the Census and StatisticsDepartment that this has not been the case. In the pastdecade, Hong Kong's GDP grew 43.5%, but people inthe lower income bracket have not become better off.They are in fact in serious danger of becoming worseoff.
Top HKSAR officials tend to try to alleviate povertyby giving handouts. We are convinced that handoutsare just painkillers, which would never undo any of theconsequences of the government's many misguidedpolicies that have conspired to bring about poverty. Forexample, people would ask why is it that 86,000people who have post post--secondary qualifications haveeach earned just between $5,000 and $6,000 amonth? Is there anything wrong with education in HongKong? Has Hong Kong lost many unskilled jobs toother places? Are there more and more unskilledworkers in the SAR? Has that anything to do with thefact that the quality of mainlanders who settle in HongKong under the One Way Permit scheme is beyondthe SAR government's control?
The government has spent much public money onretraining programmes. However, Hong Kong workers'incomes have kept shrinking. Is that because thoseretraining programmes are out of step with HongKong's economic restructuring? Are there other factorsin this phenomenon? Hong Kong people advocatecompetition. However, there are more and more areasin which a few big businesses have almost becomemonopolies monopolies, and the government is , tardy in introducinga competition law. People are therefore worried thatmore and more conventional traders may be squeezedout and, as a result, more and more people may "falllow".
The government should keep monitoring howpoverty relates to the social policies mentioned aboveso that it can accordingly take effective measures toprevent poverty from quickly becoming prevalent. Wetherefore propose that the government again set up aninterdepartmental commission on poverty as soon aspossible. The commission should look at thedeep deep--rooted social contradictions that have led topoverty, thereby finding a comprehensive plan to curethe problem. The government must not just givehandouts at the expense of the taxpayer. Unless wetackle in earnest social factors in prevalent poverty,social contradictions will only intensify. When socialcontradictions cause a general eruption, society willhave to pay an even higher price.
大年初四,是大部分打工仔女開工的第一天。對於不少低下階層來說,近年有工開也不代表脫貧在望。統計處數據顯示,具大專學歷的低收入人士比例在10 年間大增,香港不單貧富懸殊問題嚴重,更出現高學歷人士「向下流」情況。最近,特首曾蔭權也承認「調查顯示香港的貧窮人口增加」,須認真考慮緩解措施。
以往政府高層一直認為只要經濟有增長,社會的最低下層也有望可以憑藉「滴漏效應」而受惠。不過,政府統計處的上述數據清楚顯示,現實情況並非如此。本地生產總值的數字十年裏雖然上升了43.5 43.5%,但社會低下%,層的生活不但未能受惠,而且有不斷「往下跌」的危機。
面對本港的貧窮問題,特區政府高層多愛「派糖」來作回應。我們深信「派糖」只能收「止痛」之效,而不能解決貧窮問題隱含著的多項政策失誤。例如大家會問:為何8.6 萬名具備專上學歷程度的人士,月入會低至五六千元?是我們的教育內容出現了問題,還是香港低技術工種正加速外流,又或是我們的低技術工人愈來愈多?這與讓內地新移民來港的單程證計劃未能控制移民質素又是否有關?
a book, movie or song that is well known andconsidered to be of very high quality.
a company that possesses a monopoly.
tardy /'ta:dI/ slow to act or move.
In this city there are many residentialdevelopments whose flats fetch sky sky--high prices.However, many who live in a street near such adevelopment may be in an abyss of misery. Try asthey may to climb up the social ladder, opportunitiesare denied them. We must not allow what is depictedin HHiigghh aanndd LLooww, an Akira Kurosawa , classic classic, to happen, here year after year.
High High--ranking officials believe economic growthbenefits even those in the lowest stratum of society inwhat some call the "drip effect". However, it is quiteclear from figures of the Census and StatisticsDepartment that this has not been the case. In the pastdecade, Hong Kong's GDP grew 43.5%, but people inthe lower income bracket have not become better off.They are in fact in serious danger of becoming worseoff.
Top HKSAR officials tend to try to alleviate povertyby giving handouts. We are convinced that handoutsare just painkillers, which would never undo any of theconsequences of the government's many misguidedpolicies that have conspired to bring about poverty. Forexample, people would ask why is it that 86,000people who have post post--secondary qualifications haveeach earned just between $5,000 and $6,000 amonth? Is there anything wrong with education in HongKong? Has Hong Kong lost many unskilled jobs toother places? Are there more and more unskilledworkers in the SAR? Has that anything to do with thefact that the quality of mainlanders who settle in HongKong under the One Way Permit scheme is beyondthe SAR government's control?
The government has spent much public money onretraining programmes. However, Hong Kong workers'incomes have kept shrinking. Is that because thoseretraining programmes are out of step with HongKong's economic restructuring? Are there other factorsin this phenomenon? Hong Kong people advocatecompetition. However, there are more and more areasin which a few big businesses have almost becomemonopolies monopolies, and the government is , tardy in introducinga competition law. People are therefore worried thatmore and more conventional traders may be squeezedout and, as a result, more and more people may "falllow".
The government should keep monitoring howpoverty relates to the social policies mentioned aboveso that it can accordingly take effective measures toprevent poverty from quickly becoming prevalent. Wetherefore propose that the government again set up aninterdepartmental commission on poverty as soon aspossible. The commission should look at thedeep deep--rooted social contradictions that have led topoverty, thereby finding a comprehensive plan to curethe problem. The government must not just givehandouts at the expense of the taxpayer. Unless wetackle in earnest social factors in prevalent poverty,social contradictions will only intensify. When socialcontradictions cause a general eruption, society willhave to pay an even higher price.
大年初四,是大部分打工仔女開工的第一天。對於不少低下階層來說,近年有工開也不代表脫貧在望。統計處數據顯示,具大專學歷的低收入人士比例在10 年間大增,香港不單貧富懸殊問題嚴重,更出現高學歷人士「向下流」情況。最近,特首曾蔭權也承認「調查顯示香港的貧窮人口增加」,須認真考慮緩解措施。
以往政府高層一直認為只要經濟有增長,社會的最低下層也有望可以憑藉「滴漏效應」而受惠。不過,政府統計處的上述數據清楚顯示,現實情況並非如此。本地生產總值的數字十年裏雖然上升了43.5 43.5%,但社會低下%,層的生活不但未能受惠,而且有不斷「往下跌」的危機。
面對本港的貧窮問題,特區政府高層多愛「派糖」來作回應。我們深信「派糖」只能收「止痛」之效,而不能解決貧窮問題隱含著的多項政策失誤。例如大家會問:為何8.6 萬名具備專上學歷程度的人士,月入會低至五六千元?是我們的教育內容出現了問題,還是香港低技術工種正加速外流,又或是我們的低技術工人愈來愈多?這與讓內地新移民來港的單程證計劃未能控制移民質素又是否有關?
a book, movie or song that is well known andconsidered to be of very high quality.
a company that possesses a monopoly.
tardy /'ta:dI/ slow to act or move.
Let's call it a day
Ask & Learn
魯效陽( you any questions about English usage?Don't hesitate to send them to us!
讀者Sheena 來電郵問,教師說Let's call it aday,表示夠鐘落堂,此說法有否其他解釋?
(1) Let's call it a day 可指「今天到此為止」,未必只供教師使用,例如:
A; I'm very tired.
B: OK. Let's call it a day.
A: 我很疲倦。
B: 好吧,今天到此為止。
(2) 有時教師還說:
(It's) time to call it a day 或May I call it a day?
讀者Ben 來電郵問, Now you'retalking 作何解?
(a) 字面上,Now you're talking 是「你正在說話」,此直譯不合邏輯。
(b) Now you're talking 可指「這才像話」,例如:
A: I'm sure I can make it work.
B: Yeah, now you're talking.
A: 我有把握令它行得通。
B: 對了,這才像話。
讀者Pat 來電郵說,她向居住美國多年的朋友請教, 「撒嬌」英文如何說,對方答稱英文中沒有此字。Pat 問,事實究竟如何呢?
的確不易找到完全脗合的英譯,只可根據上文下義, 選用以下動詞( 未必貼切):coquet、wheedle、charm、flirt
Ask & Learn
魯效陽( you any questions about English usage?Don't hesitate to send them to us!
讀者Sheena 來電郵問,教師說Let's call it aday,表示夠鐘落堂,此說法有否其他解釋?
(1) Let's call it a day 可指「今天到此為止」,未必只供教師使用,例如:
A; I'm very tired.
B: OK. Let's call it a day.
A: 我很疲倦。
B: 好吧,今天到此為止。
(2) 有時教師還說:
(It's) time to call it a day 或May I call it a day?
讀者Ben 來電郵問, Now you'retalking 作何解?
(a) 字面上,Now you're talking 是「你正在說話」,此直譯不合邏輯。
(b) Now you're talking 可指「這才像話」,例如:
A: I'm sure I can make it work.
B: Yeah, now you're talking.
A: 我有把握令它行得通。
B: 對了,這才像話。
讀者Pat 來電郵說,她向居住美國多年的朋友請教, 「撒嬌」英文如何說,對方答稱英文中沒有此字。Pat 問,事實究竟如何呢?
的確不易找到完全脗合的英譯,只可根據上文下義, 選用以下動詞( 未必貼切):coquet、wheedle、charm、flirt
Michael Jordan
B orn T his Week
text provided byThe Biography Channel(now TV channel 222)
Michael Jordan-professional basketballplayer, Olympic athlete, businessperson,actor-was born on February 17, 1963, inBrooklyn, New York. Considered one of thebest basketball players ever, Jordandominated the sport from the mid-1980s tothe late 1990s. He led the Chicago Bulls (芝加哥公牛) to six national championships as wellas earned the NBA's Most Valuable PlayerAward (最有價值球員獎) five times.
Jordan helped the Chicago Bulls win theirfirst NBA championship in 1991 by defeatingthe Los Angeles Lakers ( 洛杉磯湖人). Theteam took their second and third championshipthe following two years. After the end of the1992-1993 season, Jordan decided to retirefrom basketball to pursue baseball. In March1995, however, Jordan returned to thebasketball court. He rejoined the ChicagoBulls and helped them win the championshipin 1996-98.
Retiring after the 1997-1998 season,Jordan did not stray from the sport for toolong. He joined the Washington Wizards (華盛頓巫師) as a part owner and as president ofbasketball operations. In the fall of 2001,Jordan relinquished ( 放棄) these roles toreturn to the court once more. He played forthe Wizards for two seasons before hangingup his jersey for good in 2003.
text provided byThe Biography Channel(now TV channel 222)
Michael Jordan-professional basketballplayer, Olympic athlete, businessperson,actor-was born on February 17, 1963, inBrooklyn, New York. Considered one of thebest basketball players ever, Jordandominated the sport from the mid-1980s tothe late 1990s. He led the Chicago Bulls (芝加哥公牛) to six national championships as wellas earned the NBA's Most Valuable PlayerAward (最有價值球員獎) five times.
Jordan helped the Chicago Bulls win theirfirst NBA championship in 1991 by defeatingthe Los Angeles Lakers ( 洛杉磯湖人). Theteam took their second and third championshipthe following two years. After the end of the1992-1993 season, Jordan decided to retirefrom basketball to pursue baseball. In March1995, however, Jordan returned to thebasketball court. He rejoined the ChicagoBulls and helped them win the championshipin 1996-98.
Retiring after the 1997-1998 season,Jordan did not stray from the sport for toolong. He joined the Washington Wizards (華盛頓巫師) as a part owner and as president ofbasketball operations. In the fall of 2001,Jordan relinquished ( 放棄) these roles toreturn to the court once more. He played forthe Wizards for two seasons before hangingup his jersey for good in 2003.
monsters in river
What's on T V
Did a large catfish ( 鯰魚) attack ateenager in a German lake? Did aschool of piranha (水虎魚) devour (吞沒) a busload of passengers thatcrashed in an Amazonian river? Overthe ages, yarns (奇談) have been spunthat fish have actually preyed on man.These legends have found their wayinto literature, tales, folklore and nowtelevision. In River Monsters, biologistand extreme angler ( 垂釣者) JeremyWade travels across the world tosolve these freshwater mysteries anddebunk ( 揭穿) myths. Follow Jeremyin his face-to-face encounters withmysterious flesh-eating predators,gargantuan ( 龐大的) fish and otherriver monsters.River Monsters Every Sunday at 10pm, starting Feb 21
Did a large catfish ( 鯰魚) attack ateenager in a German lake? Did aschool of piranha (水虎魚) devour (吞沒) a busload of passengers thatcrashed in an Amazonian river? Overthe ages, yarns (奇談) have been spunthat fish have actually preyed on man.These legends have found their wayinto literature, tales, folklore and nowtelevision. In River Monsters, biologistand extreme angler ( 垂釣者) JeremyWade travels across the world tosolve these freshwater mysteries anddebunk ( 揭穿) myths. Follow Jeremyin his face-to-face encounters withmysterious flesh-eating predators,gargantuan ( 龐大的) fish and otherriver monsters.River Monsters Every Sunday at 10pm, starting Feb 21
《異口同聲vs.Be of one voice-中英成語800對》,商務印書館出版
直譯意思:Have not a penny to blessoneself with
對照成語:1. Have no face but one's own2. Not a feather to fly with
例句:Donald is broke, having not a penny tobless himself with.
同義:阮囊羞澀not to have a bean
反義:腰纏萬貫roll in wealth
直譯意思:proud (vain) as a peacock
對照成語:1. Puffed up with pride2. (As) proud as Lucifer
例句:When John learned that he has got thescholarship, he was proud as a peacock.
同義:昂首雲外with one's nose in the air
反義:無面目見江東父老to fly from the face of men
直譯意思:Stick to one's colours
對照成語:1. Firm and unyielding
2. Fight tooth and nail
3. Hang on by one's eyelashes
4. Keep one's chin up
5. (As) steady as a rock
例句:To gain confidence of others for your idea,you have to stick to your colours.
同義:百折不撓stick it out
反義:俯首就範give one's head for the washing
《異口同聲vs.Be of one voice-中英成語800對》,商務印書館出版
直譯意思:Have not a penny to blessoneself with
對照成語:1. Have no face but one's own2. Not a feather to fly with
例句:Donald is broke, having not a penny tobless himself with.
同義:阮囊羞澀not to have a bean
反義:腰纏萬貫roll in wealth
直譯意思:proud (vain) as a peacock
對照成語:1. Puffed up with pride2. (As) proud as Lucifer
例句:When John learned that he has got thescholarship, he was proud as a peacock.
同義:昂首雲外with one's nose in the air
反義:無面目見江東父老to fly from the face of men
直譯意思:Stick to one's colours
對照成語:1. Firm and unyielding
2. Fight tooth and nail
3. Hang on by one's eyelashes
4. Keep one's chin up
5. (As) steady as a rock
例句:To gain confidence of others for your idea,you have to stick to your colours.
同義:百折不撓stick it out
反義:俯首就範give one's head for the washing
Root of Hong Kong's troubles 單靠出口術樓市難復常增加供應才可紓解死結
FINANCIAL SECRETARY John Tsang is todeliver his third Budget late this month. It isrumoured that he will propose to raise stampduty on luxury flats, announce other measures tostabilise property prices and positively look at thepossibility of resuming irregular land sales. Rumoursare often trial balloons sent up to sound out developersand the public. Yesterday property shares went up withthe Hang Seng Index. That shows developers arenothing daunted by the government's move. One mayperhaps infer that they have weathered so manystorms that they would not change countenance evenif Mount Tai collapsed in front of them or that they,seeing through the government, are convinced that itwould not dare to do anything about the propertymarket.
Flats in a building in Star Street, Wan Chai, havebeen offered to the public. They have each a saleablefloor area of 408 square feet (including the area of a22 22--square square--foot balcony). They cost between $13million and $15 million each. Those 408 408--sqare sqare--footunits are unlikely to count as luxury flats in DonaldTsang's eyes. However, their per per--square square--foot pricesare safely in the luxury range. Unless he thinks nounits that cost less than $50,000 per square foot countas luxury flats, he must retract his remark that sky sky--highprices of luxury flats have nothing to do with ordinarycitizens.
Cheung Kong executive director Justin Chiu, whowas bullish about the property market late lastJanuary, said in an interview on February 8 theproperty market was due for correction. "Propertyprices went up 15% to 20% in the past two months and40% in the past six months. That is a bit unusual."
We have no idea why Justin Chiu judged therewould be a correction at some point. However,Henderson Land Development, another majordeveloper, expects property prices to go up 15% thisyear.
Developers differ with one another about marketprospects. "Those who share a table when they taketheir meals may practise their religions independentlyof one another." Flat prices have gone up sharplymainly because flats are in short supply. Only 7,157flats were completed last year. The figure, a record lowsince 1972 and the lowest in the past three years, is51% below the government's forecast (14,740 flats).
If, despite of such figures, the Tsangadministration calls the property market normal andbelieves nothing needs to be done, one may say itbehaves irresponsibly like an ostrich, which would buryits head in the sand when pursued.
The government is the biggest landlord and thesole land supplier in Hong Kong. However, it has asgood as assigned its power to control land supply todevelopers. It now withholds land supply. The cart isnow before the horse. We must reiterate this is thedeep deep--rooted reason why the property market is as it is.The anomaly must be rectified. The cart must be putbehind the horse. Only if the government fully controlsland supply can the problem be solved once and forall. As matters stand, it is a desirable option for thegovernment to resume regular land auctions.
The property market is anomalous. That is the rootof many of Hong Kong's deep deep--rooted problems.Shell Shell--less snails are grumbling. Many smallbusinesses may have to fold because they cannotafford exorbitant rents. If the property market remainsanomalous, attempts to solve other deep deep--rootedproblems of Hong Kong will only make matters worse.If the property market is straightened out, many ofHong Kong's problems will go away.
近期,灣仔星街一個單幢新盤,一梯一伙設計,實用面積408 方呎(包括22 呎露台),售價要1300 至1500 萬元。408 方呎,應該不屬於曾蔭權心目中的豪宅,呎價卻是不折不扣的豪宅價碼,除非曾蔭權認為呎價5 萬元以上才算豪宅,否則他應該撤回「豪宅天價與普羅市民無關」的說法。
另外,長實執行董事趙國雄在1 月下旬還看好樓市,但是2 月8 日接受傳媒訪問時,表示樓市會出現調整,並說單是過去兩個月,樓價升了一成半至兩成,而最近6個月,樓價共升了四成, 「有點不正常」。
不知道趙國雄為何判斷樓市會調整,不過,同樣是主要發展商的恒基地產,近日估計今年整體樓價有力上升15% 。
發展商之間對樓市前景有不同估計,那是同枱食飯,各自修行,但是樓市在短時間內大幅飈升,關鍵在於供應短缺。去年全年,住宅單位落成量只有7157 個,創1972 年有紀錄以來新低,亦是連續3 年創出新低紀錄,較政府原預測的14,740 個單位少51% 。
面對這些數字,如果曾蔭權和政府仍然認為樓市正常, 「毋須做嘢」,只是鴕鳥埋首沙堆的不負責任所為。
G lossary
not at all, in no way.
come safely through, survive.
anomaly //??''nn ??mm ??llII//
a situation that is different from what is normalor expected.
Flats in a building in Star Street, Wan Chai, havebeen offered to the public. They have each a saleablefloor area of 408 square feet (including the area of a22 22--square square--foot balcony). They cost between $13million and $15 million each. Those 408 408--sqare sqare--footunits are unlikely to count as luxury flats in DonaldTsang's eyes. However, their per per--square square--foot pricesare safely in the luxury range. Unless he thinks nounits that cost less than $50,000 per square foot countas luxury flats, he must retract his remark that sky sky--highprices of luxury flats have nothing to do with ordinarycitizens.
Cheung Kong executive director Justin Chiu, whowas bullish about the property market late lastJanuary, said in an interview on February 8 theproperty market was due for correction. "Propertyprices went up 15% to 20% in the past two months and40% in the past six months. That is a bit unusual."
We have no idea why Justin Chiu judged therewould be a correction at some point. However,Henderson Land Development, another majordeveloper, expects property prices to go up 15% thisyear.
Developers differ with one another about marketprospects. "Those who share a table when they taketheir meals may practise their religions independentlyof one another." Flat prices have gone up sharplymainly because flats are in short supply. Only 7,157flats were completed last year. The figure, a record lowsince 1972 and the lowest in the past three years, is51% below the government's forecast (14,740 flats).
If, despite of such figures, the Tsangadministration calls the property market normal andbelieves nothing needs to be done, one may say itbehaves irresponsibly like an ostrich, which would buryits head in the sand when pursued.
The government is the biggest landlord and thesole land supplier in Hong Kong. However, it has asgood as assigned its power to control land supply todevelopers. It now withholds land supply. The cart isnow before the horse. We must reiterate this is thedeep deep--rooted reason why the property market is as it is.The anomaly must be rectified. The cart must be putbehind the horse. Only if the government fully controlsland supply can the problem be solved once and forall. As matters stand, it is a desirable option for thegovernment to resume regular land auctions.
The property market is anomalous. That is the rootof many of Hong Kong's deep deep--rooted problems.Shell Shell--less snails are grumbling. Many smallbusinesses may have to fold because they cannotafford exorbitant rents. If the property market remainsanomalous, attempts to solve other deep deep--rootedproblems of Hong Kong will only make matters worse.If the property market is straightened out, many ofHong Kong's problems will go away.
近期,灣仔星街一個單幢新盤,一梯一伙設計,實用面積408 方呎(包括22 呎露台),售價要1300 至1500 萬元。408 方呎,應該不屬於曾蔭權心目中的豪宅,呎價卻是不折不扣的豪宅價碼,除非曾蔭權認為呎價5 萬元以上才算豪宅,否則他應該撤回「豪宅天價與普羅市民無關」的說法。
另外,長實執行董事趙國雄在1 月下旬還看好樓市,但是2 月8 日接受傳媒訪問時,表示樓市會出現調整,並說單是過去兩個月,樓價升了一成半至兩成,而最近6個月,樓價共升了四成, 「有點不正常」。
不知道趙國雄為何判斷樓市會調整,不過,同樣是主要發展商的恒基地產,近日估計今年整體樓價有力上升15% 。
發展商之間對樓市前景有不同估計,那是同枱食飯,各自修行,但是樓市在短時間內大幅飈升,關鍵在於供應短缺。去年全年,住宅單位落成量只有7157 個,創1972 年有紀錄以來新低,亦是連續3 年創出新低紀錄,較政府原預測的14,740 個單位少51% 。
面對這些數字,如果曾蔭權和政府仍然認為樓市正常, 「毋須做嘢」,只是鴕鳥埋首沙堆的不負責任所為。
G lossary
not at all, in no way.
come safely through, survive.
anomaly //??''nn ??mm ??llII//
a situation that is different from what is normalor expected.
Financial dispute mediation 調解中心是妥協產物 加強監管動力見消退
THE government is consulting the public aboutsetting up a Financial Dispute ResolutionCentre (FDRC) that would help investors andfinancial institutions to come to settlements. Whenthere is such an avenue avenue, they may not have to resort, to litigation, which is costly and time time--consuming. Theproposal has something to recommend it.
The government's consultation paper makes itclear that the FDRC would have no power to deal withregulatory breaches and would deal only withmonetary disputes. Having no regulatory powers, theFDRC would surely be toothless. Financial institutionsin dispute with their customers might regard it as abody that could help them solve their problems. Thegovernment has proposed that the maximum claimableamount be set at $500,000. That shows it has regardmore to financial institutions' circumstances than toinvestors' real needs. Needless to say, the FDRCmight help protect investors' interests, but it isabundantly clear that the policy is on the whole morefavourable to financial institutions.
Where mediation proves unsuccessful, the FDRCmay assist the claimant to bring his case to arbitrationif he so wishes. It is likely that, at this stage, neitherparty to the dispute would budge. The financialinstitution would have a definite advantage because itis financially powerful and has a huge team of capablelawyers at its beck and call call. Can the claimant, who. has neither strength nor resources and may claim$500,000 at most, fight the financial institution?Mediation can be fair and reasonable. However, thereis such a huge disparity in strength between a smallinvestor and a financial institution that, if they go toarbitration, the small investor cannot but be at adisadvantage. This is the biggest question about theFDRC idea.
We gather that the government intended at firstthat Hong Kong set up a Financial OmbudsmanService and appoint a Financial Ombudsman as theUK had done. The UK's Financial Ombudsman wieldsstatutory powers and has expertise. He can makeprofessional judgments in mediating disputes. The UKsystem, which was put in place ten years ago, isconsidered sound and effective. However, it is notknown whether those who would operate the financialmediation scheme the government has proposedwould have much expertise.
In short, if conditions are not ripe or thegovernment does not dare to offend financialinstitutions, its proposal to set up an FDRC will seemacceptable. However, the government proposes thatthe maximum claimable amount be $500,000, which issmaller than Australia's (280,000 Australian dollars) orthe UK's (100,000 pounds). (There is no ceiling onsuch claims in the US.) As Hong Kong calls itself thethird largest international financial centre in the world, itseems petty to allow investors to claim at most$500,000 each. A $2 2--million ceiling would seem moreappropriate. Furthermore, the government must makesure that the FDRC would display professionalism lestit should become a laughingstock. After it has operatedfor three years, the government should have acomprehensive review of the scheme. It should regardthe performance of the UK's Financial OmbudsmanService as a yardstick. If the FDRC does not measureup up, Hong Kong should make preparations for, introducing a scheme similar to the UK system.
調解中心是妥協產物 加強監管動力見消退
諮詢文件清楚列明調解中心「並非監管機構」,「只應處理『金錢糾紛』,而非與『違反監管規定』有關的部分」。沒有監管職能,則調解中心肯定是「無牙老虎」,對於涉及糾紛的金融機構,反而可視之為協助排難解紛的幫手。此外,諮詢文件把申索上限訂在50 萬元,也反映政府較多從金融機構角度考慮,較少顧及投資者的實際需要。當然,調解中心可以為投資者取回應得權益,但是,整體政策取向較向金融機構傾斜,甚為明顯。
另外,諮詢文件建議,調解中心若未能使涉事雙方協議和解,個案就進入調解程序;若調解又失敗,則會進行仲裁。若個案到仲裁這個階段,顯示申索人和金融機構都互不相讓,這樣的話,財雄勢大的金融機構會佔絕對優勢,因為金融機構有大隊法律精英協助營運,申索最多50 萬元的投資者,勢孤力弱,如何與金融機構抗衡?仲裁本屬公平合理程序,但是在小投資者與金融機構力量懸殊、不對稱下進行仲裁,吃虧的肯定是小投資者。此乃調解中心構思最值得斟酌之處。
據知, 政府原本屬意仿效英國的金融申訴服務(Financial Ombudsman Service Service),成立類似),「金融申訴專員」,專員擁有法定權力,有專業知識,在調解過程中可以作出專業判斷。英國的「金融申訴專員」已設立10 年,被認為運作良好和有效,反觀政府建議的調解中心,執行調解的人員是否擁有專業知識,仍屬未知之數。
總之,在條件未成熟、或政府不敢得罪金融機構的情况下,政府擬設立「金融糾紛調解中心」,可以接受,但是申索上限為50 萬元,較澳洲( 28 萬澳元)、英國(10 萬英鎊)、美國(不設上限),都有不如,以本港自詡為國際第三大金融中心的地位,最多只能申索50 萬元,太過「寒酸」了,增加至200 萬元較為合理,並要確保調解中心的專業性質,以免貽笑大方。另外,調解中心運作33 年後,要全面檢討,其成效應以英國的金融申訴專員為標準,若未能達標,則要有全面仿效英國機制的準備。
GG lossary
aavenue venue //''aavv ??nju:/ nju:/a choice or way of making progress towardssomething.
at somebody's beck and callalways ready to obey somebody's orders.
measure upbe as good or successful as expected orneeded.
The government's consultation paper makes itclear that the FDRC would have no power to deal withregulatory breaches and would deal only withmonetary disputes. Having no regulatory powers, theFDRC would surely be toothless. Financial institutionsin dispute with their customers might regard it as abody that could help them solve their problems. Thegovernment has proposed that the maximum claimableamount be set at $500,000. That shows it has regardmore to financial institutions' circumstances than toinvestors' real needs. Needless to say, the FDRCmight help protect investors' interests, but it isabundantly clear that the policy is on the whole morefavourable to financial institutions.
Where mediation proves unsuccessful, the FDRCmay assist the claimant to bring his case to arbitrationif he so wishes. It is likely that, at this stage, neitherparty to the dispute would budge. The financialinstitution would have a definite advantage because itis financially powerful and has a huge team of capablelawyers at its beck and call call. Can the claimant, who. has neither strength nor resources and may claim$500,000 at most, fight the financial institution?Mediation can be fair and reasonable. However, thereis such a huge disparity in strength between a smallinvestor and a financial institution that, if they go toarbitration, the small investor cannot but be at adisadvantage. This is the biggest question about theFDRC idea.
We gather that the government intended at firstthat Hong Kong set up a Financial OmbudsmanService and appoint a Financial Ombudsman as theUK had done. The UK's Financial Ombudsman wieldsstatutory powers and has expertise. He can makeprofessional judgments in mediating disputes. The UKsystem, which was put in place ten years ago, isconsidered sound and effective. However, it is notknown whether those who would operate the financialmediation scheme the government has proposedwould have much expertise.
In short, if conditions are not ripe or thegovernment does not dare to offend financialinstitutions, its proposal to set up an FDRC will seemacceptable. However, the government proposes thatthe maximum claimable amount be $500,000, which issmaller than Australia's (280,000 Australian dollars) orthe UK's (100,000 pounds). (There is no ceiling onsuch claims in the US.) As Hong Kong calls itself thethird largest international financial centre in the world, itseems petty to allow investors to claim at most$500,000 each. A $2 2--million ceiling would seem moreappropriate. Furthermore, the government must makesure that the FDRC would display professionalism lestit should become a laughingstock. After it has operatedfor three years, the government should have acomprehensive review of the scheme. It should regardthe performance of the UK's Financial OmbudsmanService as a yardstick. If the FDRC does not measureup up, Hong Kong should make preparations for, introducing a scheme similar to the UK system.
調解中心是妥協產物 加強監管動力見消退
諮詢文件清楚列明調解中心「並非監管機構」,「只應處理『金錢糾紛』,而非與『違反監管規定』有關的部分」。沒有監管職能,則調解中心肯定是「無牙老虎」,對於涉及糾紛的金融機構,反而可視之為協助排難解紛的幫手。此外,諮詢文件把申索上限訂在50 萬元,也反映政府較多從金融機構角度考慮,較少顧及投資者的實際需要。當然,調解中心可以為投資者取回應得權益,但是,整體政策取向較向金融機構傾斜,甚為明顯。
另外,諮詢文件建議,調解中心若未能使涉事雙方協議和解,個案就進入調解程序;若調解又失敗,則會進行仲裁。若個案到仲裁這個階段,顯示申索人和金融機構都互不相讓,這樣的話,財雄勢大的金融機構會佔絕對優勢,因為金融機構有大隊法律精英協助營運,申索最多50 萬元的投資者,勢孤力弱,如何與金融機構抗衡?仲裁本屬公平合理程序,但是在小投資者與金融機構力量懸殊、不對稱下進行仲裁,吃虧的肯定是小投資者。此乃調解中心構思最值得斟酌之處。
據知, 政府原本屬意仿效英國的金融申訴服務(Financial Ombudsman Service Service),成立類似),「金融申訴專員」,專員擁有法定權力,有專業知識,在調解過程中可以作出專業判斷。英國的「金融申訴專員」已設立10 年,被認為運作良好和有效,反觀政府建議的調解中心,執行調解的人員是否擁有專業知識,仍屬未知之數。
總之,在條件未成熟、或政府不敢得罪金融機構的情况下,政府擬設立「金融糾紛調解中心」,可以接受,但是申索上限為50 萬元,較澳洲( 28 萬澳元)、英國(10 萬英鎊)、美國(不設上限),都有不如,以本港自詡為國際第三大金融中心的地位,最多只能申索50 萬元,太過「寒酸」了,增加至200 萬元較為合理,並要確保調解中心的專業性質,以免貽笑大方。另外,調解中心運作33 年後,要全面檢討,其成效應以英國的金融申訴專員為標準,若未能達標,則要有全面仿效英國機制的準備。
GG lossary
aavenue venue //''aavv ??nju:/ nju:/a choice or way of making progress towardssomething.
at somebody's beck and callalways ready to obey somebody's orders.
measure upbe as good or successful as expected orneeded.
根據政府對吸煙草案的建議修訂,海灘、公園、巴士站及公共交通交匯處可能劃為非吸煙區。但一些立法會議員批評建議太含糊 Some legislators criticized the proposals as too vague at a Legco bills committee yesterday。報章的標題是Legislators hit outdoor smoke ban as too vague。對於歧視法案,有組織認為「種族歧視」定義含糊 The definition of "racial discrimination" is vague。Vague是「含糊、不明確」的意思,它是形容詞,其他例子:He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do是「但是,他
對美軍可能真正採取的行動含糊其詞」,Witnesses gave a vague description of the driver是「證人對司機作出模糊的描述」,市民渴求民主,「他作了含糊的承諾」是He made vague promises about democracy。
對美軍可能真正採取的行動含糊其詞」,Witnesses gave a vague description of the driver是「證人對司機作出模糊的描述」,市民渴求民主,「他作了含糊的承諾」是He made vague promises about democracy。
不久之前,印尼發生地震,她作出緊急呼籲要求國際援助。英文報章的報道是Indonesia made an urgent appeal for international aid yesterday as the death toll from Saturday's quake rose to more than 4,300。一些慈善團體也呼籲公眾為地震災民送去衣服和毛氈,They are appealing for clothes and blankets to send off to the earthquake victims。Appeal 是「呼籲」的意思。它是名詞,也是動詞,其他例子:The police are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl是「警方呼籲公眾提供有關失蹤女孩的任何消息」,They are appealing for funds to build a new school是「他們呼籲為興建新學校
籌集資金」,The government is appealing to everyone to save water是「政府呼籲大家節約用水」。
注意:Appeal 可解作「上訴」,例如:They intended to appeal against this verdict是「他們打算對這個判決提出上訴」。
籌集資金」,The government is appealing to everyone to save water是「政府呼籲大家節約用水」。
注意:Appeal 可解作「上訴」,例如:They intended to appeal against this verdict是「他們打算對這個判決提出上訴」。
例如現在我們外出吃飯都會要求食肆提供「公筷、公羹」。原來「公筷、公羹」是Serving chopsticks, Serving spoon。 那麼「公證」、「公安」、「公投」、「公帑」、「公憤」、「充公」、「公仔麵」、「螺絲公」以至「手指公」的英文是甚麼呢?有了興趣,學英文和翻譯便容易得多。
例如現在我們外出吃飯都會要求食肆提供「公筷、公羹」。原來「公筷、公羹」是Serving chopsticks, Serving spoon。 那麼「公證」、「公安」、「公投」、「公帑」、「公憤」、「充公」、「公仔麵」、「螺絲公」以至「手指公」的英文是甚麼呢?有了興趣,學英文和翻譯便容易得多。
對於一些銀行在過去四年半關閉超過二百間分行,立法會議員及社工指責銀行界逃避社會責任Legislators and social workers have accused the banking industry of shirking its community responsibility following the closure of more than 200 branches in the past 4.5 years。有關去年的歧視法案,有人認為政府想逃避責任,而不想維持一個公平和平等的社會The government would prefer to shirk its responsibilities rather than maintain a fair and equal society。
Shirk 是「逃避義務或責任」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:The president has said that the country will not shirk the use of military force, should it be necessary是「總統說如果必要的話,國家將不會避免使用武力」,We have our role to play, and we can't shirk our responsibility是「我們有我們要扮演的角色,我們不可逃避責任」,1880年 L. STEPHEN在Pope 126 記載This trick..was shirk responsibility。
Shirk 是「逃避義務或責任」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:The president has said that the country will not shirk the use of military force, should it be necessary是「總統說如果必要的話,國家將不會避免使用武力」,We have our role to play, and we can't shirk our responsibility是「我們有我們要扮演的角色,我們不可逃避責任」,1880年 L. STEPHEN在Pope 126 記載This trick..was shirk responsibility。
對於禁止在一些戶外地方吸煙,有些議員相信反吸煙法案無須涵蓋海洋公園,Such a move would convince legislators that there is no need for the park to come under the coverage of the anti-smoking bill。
在「七一」遊行前夕,田北俊議員說商界仍不相信陳太是一個比曾蔭權更佳的候選人,Mr. Tien said the business sector remained unconvinced that Mrs. Chan was a better candidate than Mr. Tsang。
Convince 是「相信,使信服」的意思 ,Unconvinced 即「不信服」。其他例子:He failed to convince the jury of his innocence是「他未能使陪審團信服他是無罪的」,「令人信服的」是Convincing,例如:I didn't find the ending of the film very convincing是「我覺得電影的結局難以令人信服」,「把政府總部設在添馬艦的決定不能令人完全信服」,是The decision to site them at Tamar is not entirely convincing。
在「七一」遊行前夕,田北俊議員說商界仍不相信陳太是一個比曾蔭權更佳的候選人,Mr. Tien said the business sector remained unconvinced that Mrs. Chan was a better candidate than Mr. Tsang。
Convince 是「相信,使信服」的意思 ,Unconvinced 即「不信服」。其他例子:He failed to convince the jury of his innocence是「他未能使陪審團信服他是無罪的」,「令人信服的」是Convincing,例如:I didn't find the ending of the film very convincing是「我覺得電影的結局難以令人信服」,「把政府總部設在添馬艦的決定不能令人完全信服」,是The decision to site them at Tamar is not entirely convincing。
陳太參加「七一」遊行,有人說她是想競選下一屆行政長官。但她在遊行前夕強調不想用遊行來測試民望,She stressed she did not aim to hijack the July 1 protest with her appearance or use it to test her popularity。她說不想借遊行來提高民望或把曾蔭權置於不利的位置, I am not in this to boost my popularity or put Donald in a bad light。英國首相貝里雅也首次失去民望Blair loses popularity stake for the first time。Popularity是「聲望、民望」」的意思。
它的形容詞是 Popular ,即「受歡迎」,例如:He is less popular than his main rival for the first time in 12 years是「他的民望十二年來第一次比主要對手低」,We would only back the most popular candidate with a platform most acceptable to the sector是「我們只會支持政綱最為業界接受和最受歡迎的候選人」。
它的形容詞是 Popular ,即「受歡迎」,例如:He is less popular than his main rival for the first time in 12 years是「他的民望十二年來第一次比主要對手低」,We would only back the most popular candidate with a platform most acceptable to the sector是「我們只會支持政綱最為業界接受和最受歡迎的候選人」。
Bean-curd construction
YESTERDAY the Chengdu intermediate courtfound rights activist Tan Zuoren guilty ofinciting subversion of state power and jailedhim for five years. He was arrested for investigatingbean-curd school construction in Sichuan (afflictedwith a disastrous quake). However, the verdict showshe was jailed for an article about June 4 he hadpublished. His is another case of jailing a citizen for hiswritings that has followed Liu Xiaobo's conviction.Tan Zuoren was tried on August 12 last year.
There is no way any outsider can find out why thecourt did not hand down the verdict until almost half ayear had elapsed. The mainland judiciary works for theParty. Some analysts say the authorities had him jailedfor his article about June 4 because they wanted todivert attention and avoid upsetting those whosechildren were killed in their schools when the quake hit.If they are correct, the authorities' attitude may becorroborating evidence that large numbers of studentsfell victim to bean-curd school construction.
The authorities have come to the conclusion thatthe quake was of such an extraordinary magnitude thatthe high death toll should not be attributed tobean-curd school construction. That is not believed, fornear school buildings that had crumbled stood schoolbuildings that had only been slightly damaged.
Whether a school building will collapse in anearthquake depends on how well-built it is. In rubble ofschools that had crumbled, no rebars could be seen.Can people believe they were built to the designedspecifications or their children indeed fell victim to anatural disaster?
We do not know if any people of high ideals willpersevere with bean-curd construction investigations.However, unless the Communist Party of China (CPC)gives the people an adequate explanation, the peoplecan never forget the man-made tragedy of more than5,000 students being killed in bean-curd schoolshowever beautiful the rebuilt afflicted areas may be. Ifcorrupt officials and unscrupulous contractors who areto blame for bean-curd construction are let off, whocan say for certain the schools they have rebuilt are upto standard?
The authorities owe it to those killed in theearthquake to reveal the whole truth about thebean-curd construction affair. However, a moreimportant purpose of doing so is to prevent similartragedies. It is indeed regrettable and infuriating thatthe CPC just tries to repress those who work forChina's progress by having them arrested and putbehind bars.
The authorities imposed a blackout about TanZuoren's case. Sichuan police officers tried to obstructHong Kong reporters in the course of their duty. Therecan be no greater folly than this.
It is certain that they did so by order of theirsuperiors. At the World Media Summit, which tookplace last October in Beijing, President Hu Jintao toldexecutives of 135 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan andother non-mainland media organisations that theChinese government would continue to protect foreignjournalists' and media groups' lawful rights and do whatwould make it easier for them to gather news in China.
What Sichuan police officers did to reportersyesterday runs counter to the spirit of what Hu Jintaosaid at the World Media Summit. The mainlandauthorities must hasten to set things right. Scenes ofSichuan police officers' abominable behaviour havebeen broadcast globally. They have aroused scorn andbadly damaged China's image. China's poor humanrights record contrasts too starkly with its economicachievements. We again call on the CPC to bring thenation onto the road to democracy, freedom and therule of law with the wisdom and boldness it displayedwhen it embarked on the reform drive so that China willstand tall and command true respect in the world.
There is no way any outsider can find out why thecourt did not hand down the verdict until almost half ayear had elapsed. The mainland judiciary works for theParty. Some analysts say the authorities had him jailedfor his article about June 4 because they wanted todivert attention and avoid upsetting those whosechildren were killed in their schools when the quake hit.If they are correct, the authorities' attitude may becorroborating evidence that large numbers of studentsfell victim to bean-curd school construction.
The authorities have come to the conclusion thatthe quake was of such an extraordinary magnitude thatthe high death toll should not be attributed tobean-curd school construction. That is not believed, fornear school buildings that had crumbled stood schoolbuildings that had only been slightly damaged.
Whether a school building will collapse in anearthquake depends on how well-built it is. In rubble ofschools that had crumbled, no rebars could be seen.Can people believe they were built to the designedspecifications or their children indeed fell victim to anatural disaster?
We do not know if any people of high ideals willpersevere with bean-curd construction investigations.However, unless the Communist Party of China (CPC)gives the people an adequate explanation, the peoplecan never forget the man-made tragedy of more than5,000 students being killed in bean-curd schoolshowever beautiful the rebuilt afflicted areas may be. Ifcorrupt officials and unscrupulous contractors who areto blame for bean-curd construction are let off, whocan say for certain the schools they have rebuilt are upto standard?
The authorities owe it to those killed in theearthquake to reveal the whole truth about thebean-curd construction affair. However, a moreimportant purpose of doing so is to prevent similartragedies. It is indeed regrettable and infuriating thatthe CPC just tries to repress those who work forChina's progress by having them arrested and putbehind bars.
The authorities imposed a blackout about TanZuoren's case. Sichuan police officers tried to obstructHong Kong reporters in the course of their duty. Therecan be no greater folly than this.
It is certain that they did so by order of theirsuperiors. At the World Media Summit, which tookplace last October in Beijing, President Hu Jintao toldexecutives of 135 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan andother non-mainland media organisations that theChinese government would continue to protect foreignjournalists' and media groups' lawful rights and do whatwould make it easier for them to gather news in China.
What Sichuan police officers did to reportersyesterday runs counter to the spirit of what Hu Jintaosaid at the World Media Summit. The mainlandauthorities must hasten to set things right. Scenes ofSichuan police officers' abominable behaviour havebeen broadcast globally. They have aroused scorn andbadly damaged China's image. China's poor humanrights record contrasts too starkly with its economicachievements. We again call on the CPC to bring thenation onto the road to democracy, freedom and therule of law with the wisdom and boldness it displayedwhen it embarked on the reform drive so that China willstand tall and command true respect in the world.
Unscrupulous business practices 打擊不良營商手法避重就輕聊勝於無
TO prohibit unscrupulous business practicesthat may harm consumer interests, thegovernment is planning to have the TradeDescriptions Ordinance amended so that it will coverservice providers' descriptions. Details have yet to beannounced. However, the government's tentative ideais that the amendment should affect small rather thanbig businesses. Many have suggested that theamendment should provide for a cooling-off period.
However, the government has rejected this suggestion.
Therefore, it is planning only to take a very small stepin the right direction. One should not expect theamendment to help bring about a healthy, fair marketenvironment or go a long way towards protectingconsumer rights.
We believe it will go some way if the governmentproperly handles the following.
(1) Descriptions of services are different fromthose of goods in that goods are physical. It is quite anabstract question when information in respect ofservices should be regarded as false, misleading orincomplete. Definitions must be clear, precise andsimple to understand so that there will be as few greyareas as possible. There should be few loopholeswhich unscrupulous service providers may availthemselves of.
(2) The government intends the customs toenforce the new law. Customs officers must acquiremore knowledge before they can effectively do so.
They may have to receive special training.
Furthermore, they will have heavier workloads. It is aconcern whether they can cope.
What the government intends to do would stopsome, but not all, loopholes. For example, thegovernment does not dare to do anything about themis-selling of financial products or flats.The government dares not regulate the selling offlats by legislation. It leaves it to developers to policethemselves. Some developers have resorted tocontroversial ways to sell their flats. However, thegovernment has neither the power nor the nerve to doanything about it. Two years ago, the ConsumerCouncil suggested that the legislation to prohibitunscrupulous business practices should apply also tothe real estate sector. The government has rejectedthis proposal. Clearly, it is still reluctant to do anythingto protect the biggest, most important investmentscitizens may make in their life.
It is obvious that some banks have mis-soldLehman Brothers minibonds. However, thegovernment does not intend the amendment to theTrade Descriptions Ordinance to cover financialproducts. This is another piece of evidence that itwants to kill flies rather than tigers.
We gather that the government intends to letsellers of flats and financial products "go by" becausethe two industries are major pillars of the economy. It issaid that, if the amendment affects the selling of flatsand financial products, those in the two industries mayreact by trying to block the legislation, and that may nothelp protect consumer rights because, if theamendment is delayed, other service providers'
unscrupulous practices cannot be soon prohibited.The government wants to do something about"descriptions of services", but it would not introduce acooling-off period as suggested. To protect mainlandvisitors' rights, the authorities introduced a long timeago a refund protection scheme under which a visitormay seek a full refund within six months of purchase.
However, the government is not keen on doing muchto protect local consumers' interests. Clearly, itspolicies tend to be favourable to businesses. That isquite at variance with its idea of government that itshould put the people first.
Though the service sector is what Hong Kongaims at developing, its infrastructure does not meet theSAR's real needs. The government's plan to have"descriptions of services" governed by statute is onlyan attempt to stop some loopholes by tinkering with thesystem. That is a far cry from proactively makingpolicies aimed at ensuring service standards andprotecting consumer rights.
我們認為如果處理好以下兩點,可以收到一定效果。首先是關於「服務說明」,不同於「商品說明」有實物佐證, 「服務說明」怎樣才算誤導、虛假和資訊不足,較為抽象,要有清晰準確定義,簡單易明,盡量壓縮灰色地帶,以免被不良商人鑽空子。
policeTo police a group is to make sure that itsmembers obey a particular set of rules.nervecourage.
at variance /'ve ?rI ?ns/ withdisagreeing with or opposing.
However, the government has rejected this suggestion.
Therefore, it is planning only to take a very small stepin the right direction. One should not expect theamendment to help bring about a healthy, fair marketenvironment or go a long way towards protectingconsumer rights.
We believe it will go some way if the governmentproperly handles the following.
(1) Descriptions of services are different fromthose of goods in that goods are physical. It is quite anabstract question when information in respect ofservices should be regarded as false, misleading orincomplete. Definitions must be clear, precise andsimple to understand so that there will be as few greyareas as possible. There should be few loopholeswhich unscrupulous service providers may availthemselves of.
(2) The government intends the customs toenforce the new law. Customs officers must acquiremore knowledge before they can effectively do so.
They may have to receive special training.
Furthermore, they will have heavier workloads. It is aconcern whether they can cope.
What the government intends to do would stopsome, but not all, loopholes. For example, thegovernment does not dare to do anything about themis-selling of financial products or flats.The government dares not regulate the selling offlats by legislation. It leaves it to developers to policethemselves. Some developers have resorted tocontroversial ways to sell their flats. However, thegovernment has neither the power nor the nerve to doanything about it. Two years ago, the ConsumerCouncil suggested that the legislation to prohibitunscrupulous business practices should apply also tothe real estate sector. The government has rejectedthis proposal. Clearly, it is still reluctant to do anythingto protect the biggest, most important investmentscitizens may make in their life.
It is obvious that some banks have mis-soldLehman Brothers minibonds. However, thegovernment does not intend the amendment to theTrade Descriptions Ordinance to cover financialproducts. This is another piece of evidence that itwants to kill flies rather than tigers.
We gather that the government intends to letsellers of flats and financial products "go by" becausethe two industries are major pillars of the economy. It issaid that, if the amendment affects the selling of flatsand financial products, those in the two industries mayreact by trying to block the legislation, and that may nothelp protect consumer rights because, if theamendment is delayed, other service providers'
unscrupulous practices cannot be soon prohibited.The government wants to do something about"descriptions of services", but it would not introduce acooling-off period as suggested. To protect mainlandvisitors' rights, the authorities introduced a long timeago a refund protection scheme under which a visitormay seek a full refund within six months of purchase.
However, the government is not keen on doing muchto protect local consumers' interests. Clearly, itspolicies tend to be favourable to businesses. That isquite at variance with its idea of government that itshould put the people first.
Though the service sector is what Hong Kongaims at developing, its infrastructure does not meet theSAR's real needs. The government's plan to have"descriptions of services" governed by statute is onlyan attempt to stop some loopholes by tinkering with thesystem. That is a far cry from proactively makingpolicies aimed at ensuring service standards andprotecting consumer rights.
我們認為如果處理好以下兩點,可以收到一定效果。首先是關於「服務說明」,不同於「商品說明」有實物佐證, 「服務說明」怎樣才算誤導、虛假和資訊不足,較為抽象,要有清晰準確定義,簡單易明,盡量壓縮灰色地帶,以免被不良商人鑽空子。
policeTo police a group is to make sure that itsmembers obey a particular set of rules.nervecourage.
at variance /'ve ?rI ?ns/ withdisagreeing with or opposing.
有讀者問「低調」除了 Low-profile 外,可不可以用Low-key?可以,Low-key也解作「低調」,但它是「事情悄然進行」的意思,我們可以經常在廣告看到,例如Away from the coast, small concrete-block homes dot the scrubby terrain, and goats graze on brush。
The island is a low-key beachcomber's paradise是「這小島是低調的沙灘拾荒者的天堂」的意思。In a lowkey launch only set on the day, Toshiba is selling its HD-XA1 high-definition player for 110,000 yen (HK$7,271)是說「東芝低調推出新產品」。其他例子:The wedding will be a very low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people是「婚禮將低調進行,只有不到三十人參加」,The President made a low-key speech, hoping to calm the situation是「總統作了一次低調的演說,希望使形勢緩和下來」,The organization lent us support in its own low-key ways是「該組織以其特有的低調方式給予我們支持」。
The island is a low-key beachcomber's paradise是「這小島是低調的沙灘拾荒者的天堂」的意思。In a lowkey launch only set on the day, Toshiba is selling its HD-XA1 high-definition player for 110,000 yen (HK$7,271)是說「東芝低調推出新產品」。其他例子:The wedding will be a very low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people是「婚禮將低調進行,只有不到三十人參加」,The President made a low-key speech, hoping to calm the situation是「總統作了一次低調的演說,希望使形勢緩和下來」,The organization lent us support in its own low-key ways是「該組織以其特有的低調方式給予我們支持」。
政府最近公佈經濟增長改善,說很多人拚命花錢購買汽車和衣著,使香港零售增長上升,Cars and clothes spree lifts growth in HK retail sales。
財經新聞方面,Li & Fung designs and buys mainland-made clothes for the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch and has been on an acquisition spree是指「該公司進行收購」。CITIC Bank joins a spree of mainland banks selling shares overseas 是說「它加入內地銀行在海外出售股份」。Spree 解作「拚命花錢」,可借用為「瘋狂進行活動」的意思,它是口語。所以Spending spree是「大肆揮霍」,Buying/spending spree是「瘋狂購物」,Drinking spree是「痛快地喝」,常與 Go on 連用,例如:Some Americans went on a spending spree in
December to beat the new tax是「一些美國人在十二月揮霍一番打擊新稅項」。1983年Times 在22 Feb. 17/2 (heading) 記載Kellock joins own shares buying spree。
財經新聞方面,Li & Fung designs and buys mainland-made clothes for the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch and has been on an acquisition spree是指「該公司進行收購」。CITIC Bank joins a spree of mainland banks selling shares overseas 是說「它加入內地銀行在海外出售股份」。Spree 解作「拚命花錢」,可借用為「瘋狂進行活動」的意思,它是口語。所以Spending spree是「大肆揮霍」,Buying/spending spree是「瘋狂購物」,Drinking spree是「痛快地喝」,常與 Go on 連用,例如:Some Americans went on a spending spree in
December to beat the new tax是「一些美國人在十二月揮霍一番打擊新稅項」。1983年Times 在22 Feb. 17/2 (heading) 記載Kellock joins own shares buying spree。
較早時,國家主席胡錦濤說猖獗的貪污問題正在損害黨的權威。英文報章的標題是Hu says rampant graft is eroding party authority。他說貪污在一些地方仍然猖獗,Corruption is still rampant in some areas。在內地,打擊猖獗的翻版電影、藥物和其他產品之戰,已經從後巷和行人路搬到會議室和實驗室,The war against rampant counterfeit movies, drugs and other products is moving from China's back alleys and sidewalks into boardroom and laboratories。Rampant 是「猖獗、控制不住」的意思,它是形容詞。
其他例子:Abuse of power among senior officials is said to be rampant是「高級官員濫權的情況據說很猖獗」,公安部日前說,現時最重要的問題是非法販運炸藥以及較猖獗的涉及軍火和彈藥的活動At present the most important problems are the illegal trafficking in explosives and the relatively rampant activities involving arms and ammunition。
其他例子:Abuse of power among senior officials is said to be rampant是「高級官員濫權的情況據說很猖獗」,公安部日前說,現時最重要的問題是非法販運炸藥以及較猖獗的涉及軍火和彈藥的活動At present the most important problems are the illegal trafficking in explosives and the relatively rampant activities involving arms and ammunition。
政府日前提出公平競爭法,商界意見不一。香港工業總會副主席表示有保留意見,英文報章的報道是He has expressed reservations about introducing a 「one-size-for-all」 competition law as opposed to separate regulations for different sectors。此外,香港總商會及支持商界的自由黨表示,對於是否需要死板的法律持保留態度The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the pro-business Liberal Party have expressed reservations over whether a rigid law is necessary。
Reservations 是「有保留意見、持保留態度」的意思,其他例子:They had reservations about the scheme when it was announced是「政府宣佈這計劃時,他們持保留態度」,The government has expressed reservations about the cost of the project是「政府對於這項目的費用有保留意見」。注意:Without reservation是「毫無保留」的意思,例如:They support this measure without reservation是「他們毫無保留地支持這一項措施」。
Reservations 是「有保留意見、持保留態度」的意思,其他例子:They had reservations about the scheme when it was announced是「政府宣佈這計劃時,他們持保留態度」,The government has expressed reservations about the cost of the project是「政府對於這項目的費用有保留意見」。注意:Without reservation是「毫無保留」的意思,例如:They support this measure without reservation是「他們毫無保留地支持這一項措施」。
有讀者問「過分」的英文是甚麼?我們知道「過分」是 Go beyond the normal or proper limits 的意思。在日常生活,說一個人說或做得過分,簡單的英文是 Go too far 。例如「非法入境者漠視香港法紀,實在過分」 They have gone too far。 They disregarded the law and discipline in Hong Kong。「不要太過分」是 Don't go too far。
其他例子:I think your rudeness went too far 是「我認為你粗魯得過分」,I am afraid you have gone too far是「我恐怕你太過分了」,Sometimes you go too far and say hurtful things是「有時候你做得過分,而且說一些傷人的話」,「他的惡作劇總是太過分」是His practical jokes always go too far。注意:「過火」是 Cross a boundary/line或Carry something too far,例如:「你那個玩笑過火了」是You are carrying that joke too far。
其他例子:I think your rudeness went too far 是「我認為你粗魯得過分」,I am afraid you have gone too far是「我恐怕你太過分了」,Sometimes you go too far and say hurtful things是「有時候你做得過分,而且說一些傷人的話」,「他的惡作劇總是太過分」是His practical jokes always go too far。注意:「過火」是 Cross a boundary/line或Carry something too far,例如:「你那個玩笑過火了」是You are carrying that joke too far。
"All members of Legco" 避談「全體議員」定義顯智慧補選期政改方案勿提交立會
FIVE legislators have given up their seats. Howmany are "all the members of the LegislativeCouncil (Legco)" now, 55 or 60? That hasbecome an issue. Last Wednesday Legco presidentTsang Yok Yok--sing ruled that the quorum of itsproceedings remain 30. However, he refrained fromdefining "all the members of Legco" lest he shouldbreach the Basic Law. He decided to leave it to theCommittee on Rules of Procedure to discuss thematter. If "all the members of Legco" number 55, theestablishmentarians will have enough votes to get thegovernment's constitutional reform package through.Obviously, the Legco president avoided dealing withan important question when he refrained from talkingabout "all the members of Legco". His decision ispolitically judicious judicious, for nothing can be used as a, pretext for calling him partial towards theestablishmentarians. The SAR government and allparties controlling Legco seats must realise it isextraordinary for five legislators to resign at the sametime. The establishmentarians must not take advantageof the extraordinary situation to push any sensitivemotions through Legco that have anything to do with"all the members of Legco". The government must notbring its constitutional reform package before Legconow. Even if the package goes through, citizens willcondemn the government for taking advantage of theextraordinary situation, and legal challenges will ensue.
How many are "all the members of Legco"? This isan academic question that has nothing whatsoever todo with the general public. It is trivial to talk about itsdefinition in the abstract abstract. If the government pledges. not to take advantage of the situation to ask Legco tovote on its constitutional reform package when theby by--elections have yet to take place, the issue will goaway when the vacancies are filled - when there areagain 60 legislators. Society would not have to talkabout it or use any resources to have a debate aboutthe meaning of the phrase that would in now way profitHong Kong as a whole.
Legislators disagree with one another about what"all the members of Legco" means. To avoid defining itis to prevent another, heavier political storm. Under theBasic Law, only with the endorsement of two thirds of"all the members of Legco" may the following things bedone - adopting any constitutional reform, readoptingany bill the Chief Executive has refused to sign (Article49), impeaching the Chief Executive (Article 73) andamending the Basic Law (Article 159). If the SARgovernment has "all the members of Legco" definedwith a view to pushing its constitutional reform packagethrough Legco, the SAR will be plunged into fiercecontroversy about the Basic Law (Hong Kong'sconstitution). Hong Kong would lose more than it mightgain.
Five pan pan--democratic legislators having resigned,the situation is extraordinary. No parties should seizethe opportunity to push through any proposalsadvantageous to them. As the pan pan--democratic camphas not sufficient votes to block the government'spackage, even if it is adopted, the public will hardlyaccept it, and the government will go down in thepolitical history of the SAR as a byword for infamy.
Furthermore, since the definition of "all the members ofLegco" would then be at issue, heated controversywould arise, and there might well be a judicial reviewcase, which would certainly be long long--drawn drawn--out.
Because five legislators have vacated their seatsto trigger a "de facto referendum", Hong Kong politicshas deviated from its right track. What the governmentought to do is to hold by by--elections as required bystatute as soon as possible. When the number of "allthe members of Legco" is again "normal", it shoulddeal with the controversy over its constitutional reformpackage in accordance with the Basic Law so thatHong Kong politics will return to its right track.
5 名議員辭職後,立法會「全體議員」數目應是55 還是60 ,引起爭議,立法會主席曾鈺成上周三裁定,會議,法定人數維持30 人,但為免牴觸《基本法》,未有就「全體議員」下定義,交由議事規則委員會討論。如果「全體議員」被定義為55 人,建制派就有足夠人數通過政改方案,曾鈺成此時選擇避談「全體議員」,無疑是避重就輕,卻也是具有政治智慧的決定,避免予人偏幫建制派的口實。特區政府及立法會各派必須清楚認知, 5議員辭職屬「非常規時期」,議會建制派不應借機強行通過任何與「全體議員」數目有關的敏感決議,港府更不應把政改方案提上立法會表決,因為即使獲得通過,也會被指「乘機搏亂」,惹來法律挑戰。
「全體議員」應如何計算,純屬學術討論,跟社會大眾毫無關聯,抽空地討論相關定義,實屬無聊之舉。只要出缺的議席能盡快補選,議員總數盡快回復60 人,而政府亦承諾不會「偷雞」在補選未完成前把政改提交立法會表決,「全體議員」這個問題自會消失,社會就毋須為此問題來一次大辯論,也毋須耗費資源進行一場對社會整體毫無裨益的言詞及定義之爭。
避免在沒有議會各派共識的情况下為「全體議員」立下定義,也可避免另一場更大的政治風暴。根據《基本法》,涉及「全體議員」定義的立法會事務,除了政改之外,還包括再通過行政長官拒絕簽署的法案(第49條)、彈劾行政長官(第73 條)、修改《基本法》(第159 條)等等,若單為了通過政改而為「全體議員」立下定義。貪一時之快,禍延特區日後涉及《基本法》的重大憲制爭議,實在得不償失。
在有5 個議席出缺的「非常規時期」,各派也不應「抽水」,借機推動對己方有利的方案,政府更不應在補選前匆匆把政改提交立法會表決,即使勉強為之,並在只有55 名議員的情况下通過政改,也只會在特區政治歷史上留下污名。在這情况下獲通過的政改方案,由於泛民主派的否決權失效,勢難獲得公眾認受,同時由於涉及對《基本法》中「全體議員」的定義,勢將引發激烈爭拗,甚至引來司法覆核,爭議曠日持久。
5 名議員辭職補選搞「變相公投」,已令香港的政局偏離常規發展;特區政府應做的是,盡快按規定推行補選,待議會的「全體議員」人數回復「正常」後,再按《基本法》的規定處理政改的爭議,讓香港的政局走回正軌。
G lossary
judicious /d ??u: u:''ddII ʃʃ??s/ s/sensible, prudent.
not connected to a practical situation andtherefore not important.
in the abstract
in a general way, without referring to aparticular real person, thing or situation.
How many are "all the members of Legco"? This isan academic question that has nothing whatsoever todo with the general public. It is trivial to talk about itsdefinition in the abstract abstract. If the government pledges. not to take advantage of the situation to ask Legco tovote on its constitutional reform package when theby by--elections have yet to take place, the issue will goaway when the vacancies are filled - when there areagain 60 legislators. Society would not have to talkabout it or use any resources to have a debate aboutthe meaning of the phrase that would in now way profitHong Kong as a whole.
Legislators disagree with one another about what"all the members of Legco" means. To avoid defining itis to prevent another, heavier political storm. Under theBasic Law, only with the endorsement of two thirds of"all the members of Legco" may the following things bedone - adopting any constitutional reform, readoptingany bill the Chief Executive has refused to sign (Article49), impeaching the Chief Executive (Article 73) andamending the Basic Law (Article 159). If the SARgovernment has "all the members of Legco" definedwith a view to pushing its constitutional reform packagethrough Legco, the SAR will be plunged into fiercecontroversy about the Basic Law (Hong Kong'sconstitution). Hong Kong would lose more than it mightgain.
Five pan pan--democratic legislators having resigned,the situation is extraordinary. No parties should seizethe opportunity to push through any proposalsadvantageous to them. As the pan pan--democratic camphas not sufficient votes to block the government'spackage, even if it is adopted, the public will hardlyaccept it, and the government will go down in thepolitical history of the SAR as a byword for infamy.
Furthermore, since the definition of "all the members ofLegco" would then be at issue, heated controversywould arise, and there might well be a judicial reviewcase, which would certainly be long long--drawn drawn--out.
Because five legislators have vacated their seatsto trigger a "de facto referendum", Hong Kong politicshas deviated from its right track. What the governmentought to do is to hold by by--elections as required bystatute as soon as possible. When the number of "allthe members of Legco" is again "normal", it shoulddeal with the controversy over its constitutional reformpackage in accordance with the Basic Law so thatHong Kong politics will return to its right track.
5 名議員辭職後,立法會「全體議員」數目應是55 還是60 ,引起爭議,立法會主席曾鈺成上周三裁定,會議,法定人數維持30 人,但為免牴觸《基本法》,未有就「全體議員」下定義,交由議事規則委員會討論。如果「全體議員」被定義為55 人,建制派就有足夠人數通過政改方案,曾鈺成此時選擇避談「全體議員」,無疑是避重就輕,卻也是具有政治智慧的決定,避免予人偏幫建制派的口實。特區政府及立法會各派必須清楚認知, 5議員辭職屬「非常規時期」,議會建制派不應借機強行通過任何與「全體議員」數目有關的敏感決議,港府更不應把政改方案提上立法會表決,因為即使獲得通過,也會被指「乘機搏亂」,惹來法律挑戰。
「全體議員」應如何計算,純屬學術討論,跟社會大眾毫無關聯,抽空地討論相關定義,實屬無聊之舉。只要出缺的議席能盡快補選,議員總數盡快回復60 人,而政府亦承諾不會「偷雞」在補選未完成前把政改提交立法會表決,「全體議員」這個問題自會消失,社會就毋須為此問題來一次大辯論,也毋須耗費資源進行一場對社會整體毫無裨益的言詞及定義之爭。
避免在沒有議會各派共識的情况下為「全體議員」立下定義,也可避免另一場更大的政治風暴。根據《基本法》,涉及「全體議員」定義的立法會事務,除了政改之外,還包括再通過行政長官拒絕簽署的法案(第49條)、彈劾行政長官(第73 條)、修改《基本法》(第159 條)等等,若單為了通過政改而為「全體議員」立下定義。貪一時之快,禍延特區日後涉及《基本法》的重大憲制爭議,實在得不償失。
在有5 個議席出缺的「非常規時期」,各派也不應「抽水」,借機推動對己方有利的方案,政府更不應在補選前匆匆把政改提交立法會表決,即使勉強為之,並在只有55 名議員的情况下通過政改,也只會在特區政治歷史上留下污名。在這情况下獲通過的政改方案,由於泛民主派的否決權失效,勢難獲得公眾認受,同時由於涉及對《基本法》中「全體議員」的定義,勢將引發激烈爭拗,甚至引來司法覆核,爭議曠日持久。
5 名議員辭職補選搞「變相公投」,已令香港的政局偏離常規發展;特區政府應做的是,盡快按規定推行補選,待議會的「全體議員」人數回復「正常」後,再按《基本法》的規定處理政改的爭議,讓香港的政局走回正軌。
G lossary
judicious /d ??u: u:''ddII ʃʃ??s/ s/sensible, prudent.
not connected to a practical situation andtherefore not important.
in the abstract
in a general way, without referring to aparticular real person, thing or situation.
dog 的習語
魯效陽( you any questions about Englishusage? Don't hesitate to send them to us!
讀者Ben 來電郵問,It's the fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight 作何解?
(1) It's the fight in the dog, not thedog in the fight 相當於:One's mental state is far moreimportant than one's technicalabilities.
(2) 上句由古老英文諺語「It's notthe dog in the fight, it's the fightin the dog」演化出來。
(3) 讀者必定知道不少含dog 的諺語、成語、習語等,現介紹一些「冷門」例子:
‧handsome dog 美男子
‧underdog 處於劣勢的一方
‧a dog's age 很長時間
‧dog it 蛇王、偷懶
‧dog out 穿戴入時
‧put on the dog 大擺闊氣
‧until the last dog dies 直至最後
‧teach the dog to bark 純屬多餘
‧two dogs over one boneseldom agree 大利當前難同心
‧the dogs bark, but the caravangoes on 我行我素,人言何干
讀者Ben 來電郵問,It's the fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight 作何解?
(1) It's the fight in the dog, not thedog in the fight 相當於:One's mental state is far moreimportant than one's technicalabilities.
(2) 上句由古老英文諺語「It's notthe dog in the fight, it's the fightin the dog」演化出來。
(3) 讀者必定知道不少含dog 的諺語、成語、習語等,現介紹一些「冷門」例子:
‧handsome dog 美男子
‧underdog 處於劣勢的一方
‧a dog's age 很長時間
‧dog it 蛇王、偷懶
‧dog out 穿戴入時
‧put on the dog 大擺闊氣
‧until the last dog dies 直至最後
‧teach the dog to bark 純屬多餘
‧two dogs over one boneseldom agree 大利當前難同心
‧the dogs bark, but the caravangoes on 我行我素,人言何干
少講廢話cut the cackle
Iris and Henrietta were having a chat. "Cackle, cackle, cackle," Irissaid, and "Cackle, cackle, double cackle," Henrietta replied.
They were making these fascinating sounds because that's thenature of hens. When hens make noises we say they "cackle" (咯咯叫).
At that moment, Mr Swenson appeared and interrupted theirchatter (閒談). "I wish you two would cut the cackle and find me someeggs!" he complained. Cut the cackle is a colloquialism, and it means"stop talking".
They were making these fascinating sounds because that's thenature of hens. When hens make noises we say they "cackle" (咯咯叫).
At that moment, Mr Swenson appeared and interrupted theirchatter (閒談). "I wish you two would cut the cackle and find me someeggs!" he complained. Cut the cackle is a colloquialism, and it means"stop talking".
What day is it?
Text: Ashley LeyIllustration: Iris Tsoi
In the video gameworld, George, ourlittle hero in red, is on his wayto the magic castle to look for thedark dragon. A hint doc he hasdownloaded from a game forumsays he must accomplish severaltasks within a certain time framebefore he can get a map of the castle.
He has to finish all those tasks inthree days. He must go to GurglingFountain to get a herb with whichFancy Fairy will make a powerfulsyrup. After he has given Catty Cat thesyrup, it will give him a puzzle. After hehas solved it, he must find a key in FunkyForest and use it to open a box that contains ared gem. He will eventually get the map.
This is George's second trial because he failed todo the third task last night. He decides to use acheat to gain time. He rescales the time span.
George: Level up? No problem!
George is almost late for school again. He isshocked when he hears the mid-term maths testbegins soon.
George: What? Isn't the test on Monday?
Morrie: Today IS Monday! What's happened toyou? You've lost your mind in the videogame world, haven't you?
George: Yesterday was Wednesday, so today mustbe Thursday! I couldn't have missed thewhole weekend!
Morrie: I am sure you are mistaken.
George hasn't done any revision. He can solvenone of the questions. He is obsessed withsolving the puzzle on the new level. As hetries to work the puzzle out on thequestion sheet, he realises something hasgone wrong.
In January he counted the days that mustpass before his birthday arrives. He has putin his drawer 41 candies. He has consumedone a day so that there will be none left onhis birthday. He has counted the candies left anddecided that today is Thursday. He still has in thedrawer the candies he would have consumed ifThursday and Friday had passed.
George: What's happened? Who's mistaken? Am Ireally too obsessed with the game?
After the test, Morrie comes to George and hitshim on his back.
Morrie: Hey, next Wednesday is your birthday.How are you going to celebrate?
George makes no reply. He is still in a quandary.The Video Game Lesson, 2 of 4
Gobble Grammar:Conditional sentence (4)
Now let us introduce to you conditionals ofthe second type, which refer to imaginedsituations.
Counterfactual conditionals
The if-clause refers to an impossible eventin the present or the past.
Present: If Napoleon were alive now, hewould be fighting the terrorists.
(It is impossible that Napoleon isalive now.)
Form: the verb in the if-cause is in the pasttense or were for all persons, andthat in the main clause is wouldfollowed by an infinitive without to.
Past: If Napoleon had been alive in 1940,he would have been fighting theGermans.
(It was impossible that Napoleonwas alive and was fighting againstthe Germans in 1940.)
Form: the verb in the if-clause is in thepast perfect tense, and that in themain clause is would followed by aperfect infinitive without to.
hint doc (n) [電玩術語] 攻略、遊戲提示
accomplish (v) 完成、實現
cheat (n) 作弊(在電玩中指以遊戲裏暗藏的指令或漏洞增加資源或過關)
quandary (n) 困惑
In the video gameworld, George, ourlittle hero in red, is on his wayto the magic castle to look for thedark dragon. A hint doc he hasdownloaded from a game forumsays he must accomplish severaltasks within a certain time framebefore he can get a map of the castle.
He has to finish all those tasks inthree days. He must go to GurglingFountain to get a herb with whichFancy Fairy will make a powerfulsyrup. After he has given Catty Cat thesyrup, it will give him a puzzle. After hehas solved it, he must find a key in FunkyForest and use it to open a box that contains ared gem. He will eventually get the map.
This is George's second trial because he failed todo the third task last night. He decides to use acheat to gain time. He rescales the time span.
George: Level up? No problem!
George is almost late for school again. He isshocked when he hears the mid-term maths testbegins soon.
George: What? Isn't the test on Monday?
Morrie: Today IS Monday! What's happened toyou? You've lost your mind in the videogame world, haven't you?
George: Yesterday was Wednesday, so today mustbe Thursday! I couldn't have missed thewhole weekend!
Morrie: I am sure you are mistaken.
George hasn't done any revision. He can solvenone of the questions. He is obsessed withsolving the puzzle on the new level. As hetries to work the puzzle out on thequestion sheet, he realises something hasgone wrong.
In January he counted the days that mustpass before his birthday arrives. He has putin his drawer 41 candies. He has consumedone a day so that there will be none left onhis birthday. He has counted the candies left anddecided that today is Thursday. He still has in thedrawer the candies he would have consumed ifThursday and Friday had passed.
George: What's happened? Who's mistaken? Am Ireally too obsessed with the game?
After the test, Morrie comes to George and hitshim on his back.
Morrie: Hey, next Wednesday is your birthday.How are you going to celebrate?
George makes no reply. He is still in a quandary.The Video Game Lesson, 2 of 4
Gobble Grammar:Conditional sentence (4)
Now let us introduce to you conditionals ofthe second type, which refer to imaginedsituations.
Counterfactual conditionals
The if-clause refers to an impossible eventin the present or the past.
Present: If Napoleon were alive now, hewould be fighting the terrorists.
(It is impossible that Napoleon isalive now.)
Form: the verb in the if-cause is in the pasttense or were for all persons, andthat in the main clause is wouldfollowed by an infinitive without to.
Past: If Napoleon had been alive in 1940,he would have been fighting theGermans.
(It was impossible that Napoleonwas alive and was fighting againstthe Germans in 1940.)
Form: the verb in the if-clause is in thepast perfect tense, and that in themain clause is would followed by aperfect infinitive without to.
hint doc (n) [電玩術語] 攻略、遊戲提示
accomplish (v) 完成、實現
cheat (n) 作弊(在電玩中指以遊戲裏暗藏的指令或漏洞增加資源或過關)
quandary (n) 困惑
Carrie Lam's offer 由林鄭月娥自薦統籌舊樓安全說起
NOT long ago a residential building collapsedin Ma Tau Wai Road. Yesterday, at anadjournment debate on the tragedy and oldbuilding safety, Secretary for Development Carrie Lamsaid building dilapidation had become a socialproblem. She said people who lived in dilapidatedbuildings belonged to the most underprivileged group,and the problem would not ease unless governmentpeople worked with one heart and one mind. Sherevealed that, in the evening of the day that saw thetragedy, she told the Chief Executive (CE) in an emailthe responsibility rested with her as an accountabilitysecretary and the Development Bureau was preparedto shoulder the task of coordinating government effortsto ensure building safety. It seems clear that CarrieLam suggested to Donald Tsang that she offered to beentrusted with the task.
When Carrie Lam talked about old buildings at thedebate, she was once choked with sobs. She is knownin officialdom for her abilities. When it comes to work,she never picks and chooses or shuns difficulties.
Three years ago, she went alone to Queen's Pier tohave a debate with those who were against itsdemolition. She displayed such boldness that peoplelooked at her with new eyes. Perhaps the way shebehaved in the legislative chamber in the past twodays demonstrates the gallant woman's tendersensibility.
We have yet to see the Tsang administrationopenly respond to Carrie Lam's offer. As it takes manybureaus' and departments' efforts to deal with theproblem comprehensively, to accept her offer would beto pursue a new policy. Furthermore, the implantationof such a policy calls for an interdepartmentalmechanism.
There are large stretches of old buildings in olddistricts like Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan, Hung Hom,Tai Kok Tsui and Sham Shui Po. Many of them are toodilapidated to be habitable. They should be torn downas soon as possible. Unless drastic measures aretaken, the long-standing, big, difficult problem willworsen with each passing day.
The self-preservation philosophy is now prevalentin officialdom. Some officials always remindthemselves that one makes many mistakes if one doesmuch, few if little, and none if nothing. Officials wholike Carrie Lam would offer to do more work orextremely difficult work are, one may say, as rare asphoenix feathers and unicorn horns. The Tsangadministration has yet to declare where it stands onher offer. It remains to be seen whether she will begiven the task. However, Carrie Lam must be preparedfor one eventuality. When she tackles the problem ofbuilding dilapidation, she will realise it is not just aboutkeeping old buildings in good repair, and it has muchto do with the most deep-rooted of Hong Kong'sdeep-rooted contradictions - poverty.
Divided title is only one factor in buildingdilapidation. The main factor is that old buildingresidents are poor. Would one live in constant fear ifone could afford better housing? According to CarrieLam, her email to the CE says, "I would like to sharethe following idea with you. The collapse of the buildinghas brought to the fore not only ill repair but also anextremely serious social problem. In buildings that arein worst repair live people that are mostunderprivileged. They need the SAR government'sattention more than any other group." The day thetragedy happened, Donald Tsang went to the scene.
That night he visited some of the victims. Is it true thatthose actions fully evidence his concern for old buildingsafety? Let us see how he will respond to the offerCarrie Lam, who has the people's sufferings at heart,has made.
她發言講到舊樓安全問題時,一度哽咽。林鄭月娥在官場以辦事能力高強著稱,對於工作不挑精剔肥,不會避難畏難,3 年前,她單槍匹馬到皇后碼頭與反對搬遷碼頭的人辯論,其膽識過人之處,使人刮目相看。這位女中豪傑兩日來在立法會的表現,或許顯示她感性柔情的一面。
gallant /'gal ?nt/brave, especially in a very difficult situation.
habitable /'habIteb(?)l/suitable for people to live in.
To stand on something is to have a particularattitude towards or opinion about it.
When Carrie Lam talked about old buildings at thedebate, she was once choked with sobs. She is knownin officialdom for her abilities. When it comes to work,she never picks and chooses or shuns difficulties.
Three years ago, she went alone to Queen's Pier tohave a debate with those who were against itsdemolition. She displayed such boldness that peoplelooked at her with new eyes. Perhaps the way shebehaved in the legislative chamber in the past twodays demonstrates the gallant woman's tendersensibility.
We have yet to see the Tsang administrationopenly respond to Carrie Lam's offer. As it takes manybureaus' and departments' efforts to deal with theproblem comprehensively, to accept her offer would beto pursue a new policy. Furthermore, the implantationof such a policy calls for an interdepartmentalmechanism.
There are large stretches of old buildings in olddistricts like Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan, Hung Hom,Tai Kok Tsui and Sham Shui Po. Many of them are toodilapidated to be habitable. They should be torn downas soon as possible. Unless drastic measures aretaken, the long-standing, big, difficult problem willworsen with each passing day.
The self-preservation philosophy is now prevalentin officialdom. Some officials always remindthemselves that one makes many mistakes if one doesmuch, few if little, and none if nothing. Officials wholike Carrie Lam would offer to do more work orextremely difficult work are, one may say, as rare asphoenix feathers and unicorn horns. The Tsangadministration has yet to declare where it stands onher offer. It remains to be seen whether she will begiven the task. However, Carrie Lam must be preparedfor one eventuality. When she tackles the problem ofbuilding dilapidation, she will realise it is not just aboutkeeping old buildings in good repair, and it has muchto do with the most deep-rooted of Hong Kong'sdeep-rooted contradictions - poverty.
Divided title is only one factor in buildingdilapidation. The main factor is that old buildingresidents are poor. Would one live in constant fear ifone could afford better housing? According to CarrieLam, her email to the CE says, "I would like to sharethe following idea with you. The collapse of the buildinghas brought to the fore not only ill repair but also anextremely serious social problem. In buildings that arein worst repair live people that are mostunderprivileged. They need the SAR government'sattention more than any other group." The day thetragedy happened, Donald Tsang went to the scene.
That night he visited some of the victims. Is it true thatthose actions fully evidence his concern for old buildingsafety? Let us see how he will respond to the offerCarrie Lam, who has the people's sufferings at heart,has made.
她發言講到舊樓安全問題時,一度哽咽。林鄭月娥在官場以辦事能力高強著稱,對於工作不挑精剔肥,不會避難畏難,3 年前,她單槍匹馬到皇后碼頭與反對搬遷碼頭的人辯論,其膽識過人之處,使人刮目相看。這位女中豪傑兩日來在立法會的表現,或許顯示她感性柔情的一面。
gallant /'gal ?nt/brave, especially in a very difficult situation.
habitable /'habIteb(?)l/suitable for people to live in.
To stand on something is to have a particularattitude towards or opinion about it.
日前,北韓再次試射導彈,聯合國可能投票草擬新的決議案對付北韓,威脅加以製裁The UN Security Council may vote on a new draft of a resolution against North Korea that retains the threat of sanctions。有關政府建議的公平競爭法,有專業人士說政府不宜操之過急,並說新加坡花了五年時間,才可以對違反公平競爭法有罪的公司施加刑事製裁Singapore took five years to impose criminal sanctions for those guilty of breaking its competition law。
Sanctions是「製裁」的意思,它是名詞。其他例子:Economic/trade sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops是「只有當侵略國撤出它的部隊,經濟/貿易製裁才會撤銷」, He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions 是「他表示反對撤銷製裁」,「戴卓爾夫人不肯對南非施加製裁」是 Margaret Thatcher refused to impose sanctions against South Africa。
Sanctions是「製裁」的意思,它是名詞。其他例子:Economic/trade sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops是「只有當侵略國撤出它的部隊,經濟/貿易製裁才會撤銷」, He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions 是「他表示反對撤銷製裁」,「戴卓爾夫人不肯對南非施加製裁」是 Margaret Thatcher refused to impose sanctions against South Africa。
中國日報報道,國家主席胡錦濤在宣布青藏鐵路正式通車時,說它是鐵路工程上的奇蹟。英文報章的報道是 President Hu Jintao called the railway a "miracle" of railway engineering when he officially opened the new line, China Daily reported Monday。另一方面,有能源監察組織說,除非中國改革能源工業,否則長期缺乏電力可能使中國的經濟奇蹟出軌Chronic power shortages could derail China's economic miracle unless the country reforms its energy industry。
Miracle是「奇蹟」的意思,它是名詞,其他例子:The Prime Minister said that he could not promise a miracle cure for the economy是「首相說他無法承諾一個能整治經濟的奇蹟」,It is a miracle that no one was killed in the accident是「沒有人在意外中喪生真是奇蹟」。它的形容詞是 Miraculous。例如:Miraculous recovery/result/victory是「奇蹟般的康復/結果/勝利」。
Miracle是「奇蹟」的意思,它是名詞,其他例子:The Prime Minister said that he could not promise a miracle cure for the economy是「首相說他無法承諾一個能整治經濟的奇蹟」,It is a miracle that no one was killed in the accident是「沒有人在意外中喪生真是奇蹟」。它的形容詞是 Miraculous。例如:Miraculous recovery/result/victory是「奇蹟般的康復/結果/勝利」。
上星期,電盈執行董事在內部會議上向員工保證,他們的工作在股份交易完成後將會「穩定」。PCCW executive director Alex Arena assured staff at an internal meeting Wednesday that their jobs would be "secure" after the completion of the deal。較早時,港台向公眾保證,他們已實行一些措施堵塞行政上的漏洞。Radio Television Hong Kong has assured the public that a number of measures are in place to close administrative loopholes。
Assure 是「向人保證」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:Chen assured the public in a speech Wednesday that his relatives are not above the law 是「陳水扁在星期三的演說向公眾保證,他的親人不會凌駕於法律之上」。
注意:Ensure是「保證一件事的發生」。例如:The airline is taking further steps to ensure public safety on its aircraft是「航空公司正採取進一步的措施以保證機上乘客的安全」。
Assure 是「向人保證」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:Chen assured the public in a speech Wednesday that his relatives are not above the law 是「陳水扁在星期三的演說向公眾保證,他的親人不會凌駕於法律之上」。
注意:Ensure是「保證一件事的發生」。例如:The airline is taking further steps to ensure public safety on its aircraft是「航空公司正採取進一步的措施以保證機上乘客的安全」。
英文是 Pinch,它是動詞,也是名詞,例子:She pinched his arm as hard as she could是「她使勁的捏他的手臂」,He gave her a playful pinch on the bottom是「他在她臀部開玩笑地擰了一把」。
注意:我們也可以用 Pinch 來說「夾手、擠腳」,例如:She accidentally pinched her hand in the front door是「她不小心在前門上夾了手」,These shoes are too tight, they pinch (my feet)是「這鞋子太緊了,擠我的腳」。
英文是 Pinch,它是動詞,也是名詞,例子:She pinched his arm as hard as she could是「她使勁的捏他的手臂」,He gave her a playful pinch on the bottom是「他在她臀部開玩笑地擰了一把」。
注意:我們也可以用 Pinch 來說「夾手、擠腳」,例如:She accidentally pinched her hand in the front door是「她不小心在前門上夾了手」,These shoes are too tight, they pinch (my feet)是「這鞋子太緊了,擠我的腳」。
電盈在出售部分股份後,主席李澤楷答應私人支付港幣13.8億元現金給小股東,以表示「對他們過去六年來支持電盈」的謝意PCCW chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai has promised to pay HK$1.38 billion privately in a special cash payment to minority shareholders as an expression of gratitude "for their support over the past six years" 。當最後十一名在世貿部長級會議衝突被捕的南韓人回國時,他們對在香港受到的熱烈歡迎表示謝意。The last 11 of the South Koreans rounded up in the wake of last month's WTO clashes have returned home to Seoul after expressing their gratitude for the warm welcome they received in Hong Kong。Gratitude 是「謝意、感激之情」的意思,它是名詞。其他例子:We must express my gratitude to the BBC是「我們必須向英國廣播公司表示謝意」,The committee expressed its gratitude for the contribution he had made是「委員會對他作出的貢獻表示謝意」。
例如李柱銘和余若薇曾極力遊說二十五名支持民主的立法會議員與陳太站在同一陣線,Veteran Democratic Party leader and former chairman Martin Lee Chu- ming and Civic Party leader and lawmaker Audrey Eu Yuetmei have lobbied hard for a concerted line-up with the 25 pro-democracy lawmakers and Chan。歐洲方面,雖然電訊業強烈遊說,歐盟準備逼使營辦商把無線電話漫遊費用降低。Despite a fierce lobbying campaign by the telecoms industry, the European Commission is poised to force operators to slash the cost of mobile phone calls while abroad, officials say。Lobby 是「遊說」的意思,它是動詞。
其他例子:The group has been lobbying for gun controls for years,是「該團體多年來一直在遊說槍械管制」,Motorists lobbied the government to take action on petrol prices,是「駕駛人士遊說政府就電油價格採取行動」。
例如李柱銘和余若薇曾極力遊說二十五名支持民主的立法會議員與陳太站在同一陣線,Veteran Democratic Party leader and former chairman Martin Lee Chu- ming and Civic Party leader and lawmaker Audrey Eu Yuetmei have lobbied hard for a concerted line-up with the 25 pro-democracy lawmakers and Chan。歐洲方面,雖然電訊業強烈遊說,歐盟準備逼使營辦商把無線電話漫遊費用降低。Despite a fierce lobbying campaign by the telecoms industry, the European Commission is poised to force operators to slash the cost of mobile phone calls while abroad, officials say。Lobby 是「遊說」的意思,它是動詞。
其他例子:The group has been lobbying for gun controls for years,是「該團體多年來一直在遊說槍械管制」,Motorists lobbied the government to take action on petrol prices,是「駕駛人士遊說政府就電油價格採取行動」。
自從政府公佈銷售稅諮詢文件,各界人士紛紛發表意見。根據一個問卷調查,超過一半人擔心新稅項將會增加草根家庭的負擔。More than half worried the new tax will add to the burden of grassroots families。但政府說將會減低薪俸稅和利得稅的稅率,以及向低入息人士給予補償,以便紓緩銷售稅所造成的額外稅項負擔。The government said this week it will cut salaries and profits tax rates, as well as reimburse low-income earners, in order to ease the additional tax burden created by the GST。Burden 是「負擔」的意思,它是名詞。
其他例子:It will create an unnecessary burden是「它會造成不必要的負擔」,Unemployment places a heavy burden on the government 是「失業問題對政府造成沉重的負擔」,Some men say they are willing to share the burden of domestic work是「有些男士說願意分擔家務」。
其他例子:It will create an unnecessary burden是「它會造成不必要的負擔」,Unemployment places a heavy burden on the government 是「失業問題對政府造成沉重的負擔」,Some men say they are willing to share the burden of domestic work是「有些男士說願意分擔家務」。
有關一名弱視男子在深水埗一個住宅單位的火災現場發現斃命的事件,消防處高級官員說如果發現有消防員在處理火災時疏忽,有關人員一定會受到懲罰。Firefighters found negligent in their handling of a blaze at a flat in Shamshuipo last week would not go unpunished。
最近,有機艙服務員在賠償聆訊中聲稱航空公司疏忽,未能向她提供任何適當的通訊工具。She had claimed the airline was negligent in failing to provide her with any suitable means of communication。
Negligent是「疏忽、粗心大意」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:They were negligent in their work是「他們對工作粗心大意」,The jury found the doctor negligent是「陪審團裁定那醫生疏忽」。它的名詞是Negligence,例子:The accident was due to her negligence是「這次意外是因她的疏忽所引致」。
最近,有機艙服務員在賠償聆訊中聲稱航空公司疏忽,未能向她提供任何適當的通訊工具。She had claimed the airline was negligent in failing to provide her with any suitable means of communication。
Negligent是「疏忽、粗心大意」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:They were negligent in their work是「他們對工作粗心大意」,The jury found the doctor negligent是「陪審團裁定那醫生疏忽」。它的名詞是Negligence,例子:The accident was due to her negligence是「這次意外是因她的疏忽所引致」。
有讀者問雜誌架的「架」的英文是否和書架的「架」一樣?我們知道書架的「架」的英文是Shelf,即 Something used for keeping things on 因此有 Book shelf, Glass shelf, Wooden shelf, Metal shelf, Bathroom Shelf, Kitchen shelf, Library shelf, Shop shelf 和 Supermarket shelf。
例句:The fridge has three shelves是「冰箱有三層架子」,Put the bread on the middle shelf of the oven 是「把麵包放在烤箱中間的架上」,The wall had shelves from floor to ceiling是「那牆壁從地板到天花板都有架子」。但雜誌架的「架」是 Rack,即 A frame or shelf, often formed of bars, which is used to hold things 。 例如 Magazine rack 雜誌架、 Wine rack 酒瓶架、Toast rack 麵包片架、Vegetable rack 蔬菜架、 plate/dish rack 碟架、car roof rack 車頂行李架、bath rack 浴室架、luggage rack 行李架和soap rack 肥皂
注意:掛衣服的架是 Hanger,照片的架是 Frame 。
例句:The fridge has three shelves是「冰箱有三層架子」,Put the bread on the middle shelf of the oven 是「把麵包放在烤箱中間的架上」,The wall had shelves from floor to ceiling是「那牆壁從地板到天花板都有架子」。但雜誌架的「架」是 Rack,即 A frame or shelf, often formed of bars, which is used to hold things 。 例如 Magazine rack 雜誌架、 Wine rack 酒瓶架、Toast rack 麵包片架、Vegetable rack 蔬菜架、 plate/dish rack 碟架、car roof rack 車頂行李架、bath rack 浴室架、luggage rack 行李架和soap rack 肥皂
注意:掛衣服的架是 Hanger,照片的架是 Frame 。
很多時,有些人對政府的建議或決定有不滿時,會作出激進的言論或行為。例如政府積極推銷竊聽法,立法會議員梁國雄說竊聽法將會用作其他保安條例草案及重新推出第23條的基礎。Radical legislator Leung Kwok-hung said: "This is a very, very, very important power they're being given. It's going to be used as a foundation for other security bills, for the return of Article 23。為了反對政府開徵銷售稅,社區組織協會主任曾說不排除採取激進措施和法律行動的可能性。He did not rule out the possibility of radical measures and legal action。Radical 是「激進、急進」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:She would organize
some radical action resulting in considerable disturbance是「她會組織一些激進的行動,造成很大的騷擾」,These people have very radical views是「這些人的觀點很激進」。
some radical action resulting in considerable disturbance是「她會組織一些激進的行動,造成很大的騷擾」,These people have very radical views是「這些人的觀點很激進」。
對於開徵銷售稅,官員表示如果基本免稅額維持在十萬元,稅網不會縮小,但稅級和稅率可以調整。Our tax net will not shrink if we keep the basic allowance at HK$100,000。But adjustments can be made to the tax bands and the tax rate。 較早時,巴士司機就加薪的幅度與資方談判。有代表說收入縮減是巴士公司的錯。New World First Bus Staff Union director said the companies were to blame for shrinking revenues。
Shrink是「縮小、縮減」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:Sales may shrink for stores selling fashion是「時裝店的銷售量可能縮減」,Numbers of butterflies are shrinking as the environment changes是「蝴蝶的數目因環境改變而在縮減」。它也可以解作「收縮、縮水」。例如:Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature是「如果你在水溫過高時洗毛衣,它會縮水」。
Shrink是「縮小、縮減」的意思。它是動詞,其他例子:Sales may shrink for stores selling fashion是「時裝店的銷售量可能縮減」,Numbers of butterflies are shrinking as the environment changes是「蝴蝶的數目因環境改變而在縮減」。它也可以解作「收縮、縮水」。例如:Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature是「如果你在水溫過高時洗毛衣,它會縮水」。
對於海域集團因八億元不知所蹤而被接管,證監會消息人士說,規管機構將會調查公司的管理層是否知道有潛在的不當行為。An SFC source said regulators will look into whether company management was aware of the potential irregularities。有關開徵銷售稅,政府計劃在銷售稅實施後凍結薪俸稅和利得稅五年。但這五年的保證被視為是政治上潛在的討價還價工具,以爭取市民支持新稅項。The five-year pledge is seen as a potential political bargaining tool to win support for the new tax。
Potential是「潛在」的意思,例如:Potential danger/problem是「潛在的危險/困難」,而Potential buyers/customers 是「有意購買的人士/顧客」。注意:它也是名詞,解作「潛力、潛質」。例如:The Hong Kong market has a lot of potential是「香港市場有很大的潛力」。
Potential是「潛在」的意思,例如:Potential danger/problem是「潛在的危險/困難」,而Potential buyers/customers 是「有意購買的人士/顧客」。注意:它也是名詞,解作「潛力、潛質」。例如:The Hong Kong market has a lot of potential是「香港市場有很大的潛力」。
日前,有報章報道李澤楷原則上與《信報》達成收購協議,但林太對交易是否已經完成守口如瓶,也不作任何提示。She was tight-lipped and gave no hint on whether a deal was concluded。當陳太被問到會否接受亞視的邀請,擔任中文台最新推出的一個由葉劉淑儀主持的清談節目的嘉賓,陳太一言不發。She was also tight-lipped when asked whether she will accept an invitation by Asia Television to be a guest at the launch of a talk show on the Chinese channel。
Tight-lipped是「守口如瓶、一言不發」的意思。其他例子:He has been very tight-tipped about what happened at the meeting是「他對於會議上發生的事守口如瓶」,She remained tight-lipped when asked about her resignation是「在被問到她辭職的問題時,她始終一言不發」,He was tight-lipped with anger 是「他很憤怒、一言不發」。
Tight-lipped是「守口如瓶、一言不發」的意思。其他例子:He has been very tight-tipped about what happened at the meeting是「他對於會議上發生的事守口如瓶」,She remained tight-lipped when asked about her resignation是「在被問到她辭職的問題時,她始終一言不發」,He was tight-lipped with anger 是「他很憤怒、一言不發」。
有讀者問「黐線」的英文口語是甚麼?我們看英文電影和電視劇,常常聽到Crazy, Out of your mind, Insane和 Nuts,就是「黐線」,即「發瘋」的意思。
例子:You are crazy to agree to buy it without seeing it是「你沒有看過便買下來,你真發瘋」,You want to go on a parachuting holiday, are you out of your mind?是「你想度假去跳傘?你是不是瘋了?」,It is completely insane to fly in this weather是「在這天氣下飛行,真發瘋」,I’ll go nuts if I have to wait much longer是「如果我要再等下去,我會發瘋的」,He would be nuts to take the job 是「他如果接受那工作,就是瘋了」。
注意: Nuts在這裡是形容詞。總之,別人說Are you nuts ? 是說「你是不是發瘋?」不是說「你是不是果仁?」。
例子:You are crazy to agree to buy it without seeing it是「你沒有看過便買下來,你真發瘋」,You want to go on a parachuting holiday, are you out of your mind?是「你想度假去跳傘?你是不是瘋了?」,It is completely insane to fly in this weather是「在這天氣下飛行,真發瘋」,I’ll go nuts if I have to wait much longer是「如果我要再等下去,我會發瘋的」,He would be nuts to take the job 是「他如果接受那工作,就是瘋了」。
注意: Nuts在這裡是形容詞。總之,別人說Are you nuts ? 是說「你是不是發瘋?」不是說「你是不是果仁?」。
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